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Tornado TTS gradient problem


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Does anyone know which values work best for CVs 150 thru 154 on the Tornado TTS model to best climb a gradient of about 1 in 40?

These CVs are currently set to the default vaues and the loco almost comes to a complete halt on such a gradient when pulling 3 pullman coaches. I have tried some changes without success, but the number of possible combinations is huge...

I have checked that CV10 is set to 128.


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Are the coaches free running? 


You would have been better to put this in the DCC section. 

Yes they are free running (although they are the pullmans with lights in so have pickups), but my Class 47 Thor has no trouble up the incline with the same 3 coaches.

I thought I was adding this to the DCC section (but am new to this forum - can I change the section or should I add it to that sections as well?)


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Yes they are free running (although they are the pullmans with lights in so have pickups), but my Class 47 Thor has no trouble up the incline with the same 3 coaches.

I thought I was adding this to the DCC section (but am new to this forum - can I change the section or should I add it to that sections as well?)


Admin will probably move it for you..


Diesels tackle gradients and points far better than steam locos. It's not a particularly steep gradient. As suggested by RAF96 check the tender is free running and study the loco wheels to see if they are all firmly on the track. 

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Yes, my Class 47 D1677 'Thor' has no problem with the same 3 Pullmans . Tornado will climb the gradient ok on its own, although it does slow a little as evidenced by the slowing of the chuffing sound, but with the coaches it almost stops, so I'm hoping there is ome combination of the back emf CVs which will overcome this... 


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CV10 set to value 128 should give you max bemf control to compensate for the hills and dales.

You could try setting CV150 first to value 0 (default algorithm 1) then try value 1 (algorithm 2) and see if that makes any difference.

Then ask HCC (or Admin) by email if they have any suggested settings for CVs 151/152 or 153/154 as applicable for the algorithm that seems better for you.

If the problem is wheel slip and not stalling, then going back to the tender make sure the link to the loco isn't bent and that the front bogie hasn't got a similar problem. It doesn't take much biase to lift a set of the main driving wheels enough to cause slippage. If slippage press down on either the front or back of the loco to gauge which end is the 'light' end. 

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Yes they are free running (although they are the pullmans with lights in so have pickups), but my Class 47 Thor has no trouble up the incline with the same 3 coaches.

I thought I was adding this to the DCC section (but am new to this forum - can I change the section or should I add it to that sections as well?)


Admin will probably move it for you..


Diesels tackle gradients and points far better than steam locos. It's not a particularly steep gradient. As suggested by RAF96 check the tender is free running and study the loco wheels to see if they are all firmly on the track. 



That was my consideration also, the slightest of gap from the wheels to the track is so easy on gradients.

Another consideration would be, does it happen in the same place, or around the same place on the gradient each time? Allowing of course for speed differences.


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Ignoring the fact that it is a gradient, is the track flat, or does it lean to one side or the other ever so slightly, and are there any humps or dips in it, which could be lifting the wheels just enough to lose traction - assuming of course it is slippage, and not motor stall.

Gradients are always bad news, anyway, and should be avoided if at all possible.

As you are using DCC, you could always have an 0-6-0 banking engine!

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