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What is the difference between Digital & TTS sound?

The Musicman

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Hello Everybody,can anybody tell me what the difference is between Digital Sound and TTS sound, I know the digital are much dearer but is there much difference.Thankyou

It would help if you used a title that outlines the subject rather than your user name. Digital is as you say much dearer and usually is better quality. I'm very hard of hearing so probably cannot discern any difference and in any event I'm happy just to get some sound that adds to the atmosphere. Several people have commented that sound can be annoying.

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Hello Everybody,can anybody tell me what the difference is between Digital Sound and TTS sound, I know the digital are much dearer but is there much difference.Thankyou

It would help if you used a title that outlines the subject rather than your user name. Digital is as you say much dearer and usually is better quality. I'm very hard of hearing so probably cannot discern any difference and in any event I'm happy just to get some sound that adds to the atmosphere. Several people have commented that sound can be annoying.


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Hello Everybody,can anybody tell me what the difference is between Digital Sound and TTS sound, I know the digital are much dearer but is there much difference.Thankyou

It would help if you used a title that outlines the subject rather than your user name. Digital is as you say much dearer and usually is better quality. I'm very hard of hearing so probably cannot discern any difference and in any event I'm happy just to get some sound that adds to the atmosphere. Several people have commented that sound can be annoying.



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Hi, thank you for your reply I am classed as profoundly deaf in other words it's about the worst it can be although I have bought a good private hearing aid.I do like the sound I think it makes it more realistic.I assume the digital ones that come in about £200 must be better than the TTS.I have had a Tornado and a Gadwall and had problems with both although my little black Somerset Belle runs on the same track lovely.I am beginning to come to the end of my tether with TTS, although I suppose it could be my Select Controller doesn't like the ones with sound on.Best regards The Musicman

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With the Select you can, of course, only use about 9 sound or other functions anyway. I use the Elite and can run sound locos with more than 20 functions. So, even with TTS locos you would be restricted.


However, with so many sound locos like I have, there is no doubt that TTS is further restricted compared to the more expensive multiple sound and other functions decodered ones. I think the quality of the sound is usually better and more controllable with the latter. My DoG, although brilliant for its low price, sounds too loud, for instance, even at the lowest volume. As TTS implies, you can also only use one other function in addition to the basic loco sound, which is a bit restrictive when compared to the panoply of higher end decoder sounds and other functions (such as lighting, smoke, flickering firebox etc) that you can invoke simultaneously.


Funnily enough, I'm going to have two hearing aids fitted soon, since I discovered that I am light to moderately deaf equally in both ears. I had to sort something out because my wife reckoned I was not listening to  her any more!

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My advice is to perserve with the hearing aids; a lot of people give up too quickly. My first hearing aids were 30 years ago and I didn't like them! Performance has improved immensely since then, however I now have no residual natural hearing but I'm fitted with bi-lateral cochlear implants.

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Thanks for that, 37l. Yes, that does seem to be a problem with having hearing aids for the first time. One of my younger brothers had two of them not that long ago. Despite instructions not to do so, because they work in conjunction with each other nowadays, he often only wears one.


I don't think anyone falls in love with having to wear hearing aids virtually all their waking time. I'm looking forward to hearing some sounds which I no longer can, apart from the missus, of course! Another problem seems to be ear infections which I've seen (nearly said heard) people complain of.


Don't forget the other non-sound functions you can use with the high end decoders.


Amazing what they can do nowadays, isn't it? Glad you have at least been able to recover some of your hearing ability by means of your implants.



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Just for clarity, TTS means Twin Track Sound, hence only 2 sounds playing at once.  On a steam loco, one track is taken by chuffing or idling, then one only of 16 other sounds can play on the other channel at a time.


I seem to remember there are 8 tracks on the more expensive Loksound decoders.


It doesn't necessarily mean the sound quality from those channels is different, and I don't think we've seen any tech specs to be able to tell, apart from the loudness noted.

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My advice is to perserve with the hearing aids; a lot of people give up too quickly. My first hearing aids were 30 years ago and I didn't like them! Performance has improved immensely since then, however I now have no residual natural hearing but I'm fitted with bi-lateral cochlear implants.


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Just for clarity, TTS means Twin Track Sound, hence only 2 sounds playing at once.  On a steam loco, one track is taken by chuffing or idling, then one only of 16 other sounds can play on the other channel at a time.


I seem to remember there are 8 tracks on the more expensive Loksound decoders.


It doesn't necessarily mean the sound quality from those channels is different, and I don't think we've seen any tech specs to be able to tell, apart from the loudness noted.


There are definate differences Fishy, as Poliss says see You Tube, or even other forums.


I am waiting to see the diesel TTS, I do not think they will be a patch on the Loksound one I have. As for steam my Royal Signals Loksound sound is better than CoN and DoG's TTS. But having said that there is a big difference in price TTS is really good for the price. 


I am considerably deaf but can hear the difference.



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My advice is to perserve with the hearing aids; a lot of people give up too quickly. My first hearing aids were 30 years ago and I didn't like them! Performance has improved immensely since then, however I now have no residual natural hearing but I'm fitted with bi-lateral cochlear implants.


The implpants are good I am told but I cannot have the operation and it was doubtful they would work for me.


Hearing aids have changes so much, I had measles at th age of 5-6 which caused me to be stone deaf in one ear, the other wasn't good but, far better then now that is for sure.  60 years ago I was given an hearing aid, kids to the kick but I got round that. Then it was a 3 x 4 inch box that went in your pocket with two twisted wires to an ear piece.


As technogology advances, very slowly at first hearing aids improved, I have had in ear, over the ear, bi-directional, etc, etc. The biggest advance was without dout digital aids as sound is much clearer. But they tod me last November the new aid supplied was the third generation of digital aids, they continue to improve them it is amazing.  Hearing levels as many know are 0DBa to 120Dba, under 20DBa is considered dead, that is my right ear level. and my left is now only averaging 35DBa. 


I consider myself lucky in many ways, being deaf from such a young age, I can lip read well, people who don't move lips or have a ferret round their face make it harder but I get by. Being deaf for a long time you learn other techniques, sounds like is one, laugh when they laugh is another, you pick up in the vibes and the bit you hears to know what was said. The only problem with this is others do not understand hence the words 'You hear what you want to hear' If only they now what goes through the mind to equate what was said. 1 + 3 = 4 they do not know how we got 2 it and we may not know what it was 4!!!





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The interesting thing about hearing aids - yes I have one too, being hi-tone deaf from listening to HM jets for years - is that you learn to hear again with them. The brain re-remembers sounds it had started to forget. So not only do they crank up the volume they also do a bit of teaching inside the head.

I can't get on with mine as it just makes everything louder instead of improving the tones I have trouble with and maintaining volume of the things I can hear. Maybe I need an even more expensive one than before, which almost broke the bank.

TTS vs digital sound - back on topic. TTS is restricted both in the number of sounds you can play at once but also by frequency bandwidth apparently although the speaker 'capsule' acts as a soundbox to make the best of what quality there is.

I like TTS, but if you listen to WOW sound decoders there is a tad of a difference.

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I have paid a fortune for Private ones, mainly in the ear but, for the last 7-8 years have gone back to NHS over the ear. The modern ones are so sophisticated and allow for all levels of sound frequencies.  See your GP, get a referral to audiology and have them test you and provide aids for free.


There are advantages and disadvantages for all of them, in the ear are more discrete, subject to condensation the smaller they go, over the ear are  seen but are much smaller now.  I paid for private when I worked for Bournemouth Council, it was in the ear. When we had special meetings, went to special do's etc I would never eat and those I worked for would say come on get something, I didn't because of being so deaf, they know I was deaf but didn't know the real reason for not eating. In the ear may be small and out of sight but they pick up all  the in head noises, eating crisps was like going through a crusher, you don't get that with over the ear. But over the ear as not as good with telephones, not for me, and they pick up wind noise more than in the ear ones.  Swings and roundabouts like most things in life.



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Sounds like we're all a load of deaf-heads then.


My father-in-law paid a fortune for his private hearing aids and I'm always having to buy the cheapest batteries for him on-line. I'm going via our wonderful free at point of delivery NHS, with free batteries as well! Or did they say three batteries?


I heard that, pardon?

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Sounds like we're all a load of deaf-heads then.


My father-in-law paid a fortune for his private hearing aids and I'm always having to buy the cheapest batteries for him on-line. I'm going via our wonderful free at point of delivery NHS, with free batteries as well! Or did they say three batteries?


I heard that, pardon?



Sounds like we're all a load of deaf-heads then... speak for yourself Graskie


Ear Ear I mean Here Here.

I heard that, pardon?


Back on Topic.


That is why I cannot get my head round using ear phones and a mic to talk to my trains with sound. That I purchased to listen to. Putting ear phones on just doesn't make sense to me but, maybe it is just me.


My hearing isn't good but I hear TTS and know Loksound which costs a lot more is better.


Does it mean I won't buy more TTS, to the contrary, if I run two trains with sound I will hear the one nearest me better, or the one nearest me will drown the sound, at my level of hearing, and I may not properly hear the other trains with sound. So yes, I will buy more TTS Sound trains, they are good value for money and give better sound than I think most people initially thought (reading other forums)


I think the frustration with TTS sound trains will be the waiting time, only a few a year are being launched.




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