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Elink controller


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If the programming track is completely isolated from the operational track can the elink be connected to both (programming from programming output operational track from main output). So that when programming the program track only is used, and when running the operational track is used.

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Yes you can fac.  Take a look a the recent thread on the DPDT switch to do just that.


But also be mindful that a number of people have reported locos on the main moving when programming instructions are given on the programming track, and that one person solved this by changing loco IDs.

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When I helped someone with their RM we used two separate lengths of track connected at the same time, first to their Elite and then their eLink.


I'm sure somewhere on the forum someone has said that they have an isolated siding or dummy siding on the baseboard.

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There have been cases reported on another forum of what seemed like cross talk between the Elite TRACK and PROG outputs, where someone was programming on the isolated track and locos on the main were affected.

I have always had both sets of Elite terminals connected to appropriate track and have never seen this problem yet.

I also use a DPDT to switch my Rolling Road between programming and main use.

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When I helped someone with their RM we used two separate lengths of track connected at the same time, first to their Elite and then their eLink.


I'm sure somewhere on the forum someone has said that they have an isolated siding or dummy siding on the baseboard.

I have a length of track, 18" long on its own in the fiddle yard for programming, permanently connected to the elink prog output... Works a treat!

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