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Change CV 63 Support


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Hi, I need support with my elink/railmaster setup as I am looking to change CV 63 to increase the sound volume on my Gadwell TTS, but it says I need to enter my new value in binary inside [] brackets. Can someone please advise how I program, for example 55, in binary?

Thank you for any help.


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Binary 55 is 00110111.


However, you don't put binary values into CVs, you put decimal numbers in.  It should just be a matter of going to Loco Setup and Write CVs, then enter 55 in CV63.


Even CV29, where what is needed is to turn individual bits in the CV word on or off, you first have to calculate the decimal value of that before entering it.


What is telling you to do otherwise?

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Binary 55 is 00110111.


However, you don't put binary values into CVs, you put decimal numbers in.  It should just be a matter of going to Loco Setup and Write CVs, then enter 55 in CV63.


Even CV29, where what is needed is to turn individual bits in the CV word on or off, you first have to calculate the decimal value of that before entering it.


What is telling you to do otherwise?

Hi Fishmanoz.

When I go into the cv screen in RM and I hover over CV 63 it shows up a message to enter it in binary. Thought it was very strange as not exactly user friendly or likely to encourage new people to the hobby.

Many thanks for your advice. I will see what happens and feed back.


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I'll be very interested if you find it accepts other than decimal numbers between 0 and 255.  I think you'll get nowhere trying to enter 110111.  Then, maybe the square bracket thing changes that, but why you would want to do it that way, or be told to, escapes me.

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From the RM manual,

"When you want to write loco CVs, just click on the value of the desired CV and

enter a new value into the cell. You can also enter binary values by including

the eight binary digits in square brackets [] and RailMaster will convert it."

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Well clarified poliss.  So just enter the decimal value, forget about the square brackets and no conversion problem.


The only CV I can think where you might want to enter the binary is CV29, given you know which bits you want switched on and off, or any high number CVs which are similar.

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I found that when changing a CV value I had to click in the box, then backspace to delete the existing value before typing in the new. Then don't forget to write that value using the pencil icon.

It is also advised to change volume setting on the main as they are instant but for that you need the likes of an Elite.

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I have tried changing the value through overwriting the code with for example 055 and also via changing the binary code now. RM says confirming, but then confirm failed both ways of trying it. I hVe never had any sound working with this TTS model and Hornby have replaced the speaker, but it still isn't working. they said they tested it on an Elite which worked ok, but via my elink I get silence.

Anyone got any other suggestions as Hornby are adamant it works and I don't know anyone with a DCC controller to test it on?

thanks, Rob

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Daci, i know this sounds silly, but you have to turn sound ON, on functions. When you set loco up, you can test each function, of the 18. Have you done that. Graskie, on here, is the sound expert, no doubt, he will explain better, but unless you turn sound on, it will never work. There is a list of sounds in instructions, and you type them in from 1 to 18, testing, as you go. Are you doing that. john

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All my TTS locos have sound volume CVs in the 160+ range with CV178 being the master volume level. I don't see CV63 in the user manual / instruction leaflet at all. Maybe a classic Specsavers case on my behalf. It was - Gadwell has a full sound decoder not TTS - sorry

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Daci, i know this sounds silly, but you have to turn sound ON, on functions. When you set loco up, you can test each function, of the 18. Have you done that. Graskie, on here, is the sound expert, no doubt, he will explain better, but unless you turn sound on, it will never work. There is a list of sounds in instructions, and you type them in from 1 to 18, testing, as you go. Are you doing that. john

Hi Yelrow. I did try all the test sound functions from F1 onwards. It lights up on the screen showing that function has been activated, but nothing sound wise. I'll just contact Hornby again to advise it still isn't working.

Appreciate all the advice.


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I can't find the manual for Gadwall on the website, but I can see the one for the 'Duke of Gloucester'.

Afaik the TTS decoders are generic. Reading the 'Duke of Gloucester' manual I can't find any mention of CV63.

What does it say in the leaflet that came with your loco about the sound functions?

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All my TTS locos have sound volume CVs in the 160+ range with CV178 being the master volume level. I don't see CV63 in the user manual / instruction leaflet at all. Maybe a classic Specsavers case on my behalf. It was - Gadwell has a full sound decoder not TTS - sorry

After seeing poliss reply I rechecked Gadwall and it is a TTS loco so CV63 does not apply, go back to the leaflet and confirm that CV178 is the overall volume control..

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All my TTS locos have sound volume CVs in the 160+ range with CV178 being the master volume level. I don't see CV63 in the user manual / instruction leaflet at all. Maybe a classic Specsavers case on my behalf. It was - Gadwell has a full sound decoder not TTS - sorry

After seeing poliss reply I rechecked Gadwall and it is a TTS loco so CV63 does not apply, go back to the leaflet and confirm that CV178 is the overall volume control..

Hi. It was the RM support who suggested CV63 to me. I did notice that it wasn't mentioned in the instruction manual but assumed I was being given correct info. The volume on CV178 is set to 4 so obviously not a mute issue. I find it strange that Hornby said it worked on the Elite, but then won't for me on elink. I am convinced I'm doing everything right as it can't be too difficult to use it.

I might have to be cheeky and ask my local model shop if they can test it for me. Puts me off future TTS models with this being my first experience.


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Having just put one of my TTS steamers on the programming track to read its CVs I notice that initially until RM has identified the decoder as TTS it lists CV63 as Sound Volume 1-64.

Once RM has recognised the decoder as TTS CV63 then becomes Not Used and CV160 becomes the Overall Volume controlling CV with allowable values of 0 (off) - 8 (max) - the default is 4.

The problem arises if RM does not recognise the decoder as TTS (e.g. if its new and not in their database yet).

I suggest you go back and have another play.

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I have a TTS sound "Duke of Gloucester", so cannot talk about Daci's loco, but I would have thought that his instruction sheet nevertheless shows identical CVs.


The overall Quick Set Volume Level is controlled by CV178 which, according to the instructions, is not readable but has a Value Range of 0-8. The default is 4 but I set mine down to 1, which is still too loud for me, but 0 turns volume off, ie no sound at all. Try punching in any value from 1-4 into that CV, dacci, to see if anything happens. It might be that, although you can't read it, it is set at 0 for some reason. CVs 160-177 control the volume of specific sounds. These CVs can be read and mine are all set to 1, as they should be, but I could alter any individual ones to higher values if I wanted to (which I don't - they're all loud enough as it is). All this is shown on my instruction sheet, and I would have thought that one would be issued with all classes of TTS locos.


I don't have an eLink, I'm afraid, and usually still program CVs on my Elite, probably out of habit, before I bought RM. All the default sounds are set to 4 on purchase.


As has been mentioned, you do need to set up functions in RM for each sound loco before anything can be heard with the eLink system. Please ask on, Daci, if you've checked all this out and still have no sound.

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If you look at the TTS locos supported in RM you will find that in the default function list most of the functions that are toggled do not appear to have the correct on/off suffix to make them work properly. You will have to amend all of these manually.

If you dig further you will see that some TTS locos are not yet supported by RM so you have to list them manually.

This has been reported in and should be fixed in the next revision to v1.60.

Re CV178, which I thought was master volume - I see this listed in RM as F1 volume decellerating. CV160 is listed as overall volume, with CV161 as F1 accellerating. In any case all the TTS sound volumes - collective or individual - have a range of between 0 (off) and 8 (max) with 4 being the default. I don't think there is any difference in CVs for steam or diesel TTS just the actual F-numbers allocated to the sounds.

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Adding to the above - according to the TTS steam and diesel 'manuals' CV178 is the master volume for steam and CV182 the master volume for diesel.

CV160 is the background steam and cylinder cocks on start volume. I don't see an equivalent for diesels.

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