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Railmaster Android application issues

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Hi All,

Been lurking here a few days after buying a Western Master Train Set with e-link and Railmaster.

Have got Railmaster working on the laptop under XP after much fiddling with drivers and ports.  Don't think I've ever had so much trouble with drivers before and I work in IT!

I've not registered Railmaster yet as it all may get put on ebay!  It is however working nicely with the one loco. So I decided to try and get it working on Android.

The Galaxy S3, has just refused point blank to work, it is complaining about Knox not letting the application run even though I changed the setting to allow non app store apps to run.

I moved on to my Sony Tablet Z.  After changing a few settings I have got the application loading (ver 1.21) , but even after setting static IP addresses, it just runs through the list of 8 ports starting at 30 and never connects properly.

I have added exclusions to Windows firewall and added the port to Windows firewall and I am now basically stuck. Can anyone help?

Is the warning about needing Chrome version 35 just a warning, or is it a dealbreaker?  I'm not really wanting to faf about putting an old version of chrome on just to rung Railmaster.  It's all a bit silly.

I can't help but think that a Google apps store app would have been a better way of progressing.

Exasperated of Stafford

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Hi tricky, welcome to the forums.  Have you followed all of the things in the first four posts on the thread Railmaster: Setting Up and Getting Started, apart from activation and Admin rights not applicable in XP?  Then have you followed the HH guide now installed on your desktop?  I believe the v35 thing only affects the ability to pinch and zoom, not actual operation. 


As the HH is not connecting, it would seem you have yet to set up the correct IP address for it to look for on your network.  Can you double-check.


Now if you are still having problems, I suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM.  They are very good and responsive.

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Hi Fishmanoz, Fireman_Ian,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I thought I had gone through everything, and indeed I had EXCEPT there was an option on the Windows firewall on XP, I'd not spotted or realised the significance of.  There is a tick box marked "Don't Allow exceptions".  This was ticked, thus negating me putting the exception in for Railmaster and port 30!

In my defence the guide shows Windows Firewall for Windows 7 that is completely different to the one I was using in XP.  Still, school-boy error!! *ashamed face*

Now to have another look at the Samsung Galaxy S3, having got the Sony Tablet Z working...

Thanks again.


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Hi Fishmanoz, Fireman_Ian,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I thought I had gone through everything, and indeed I had EXCEPT there was an option on the Windows firewall on XP, I'd not spotted or realised the significance of.  There is a tick box marked "Don't Allow exceptions".  This was ticked, thus negating me putting the exception in for Railmaster and port 30!

In my defence the guide shows Windows Firewall for Windows 7 that is completely different to the one I was using in XP.  Still, school-boy error!! *ashamed face*

Now to have another look at the Samsung Galaxy S3, having got the Sony Tablet Z working...

Thanks again.



Hi Tricky, Please report back on your experience with the S3 as I have the same tablet and contemplating adding it to RM.

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Hi Tricky, Please report back on your experience with the S3 as I have the same tablet and contemplating adding it to RM.

Hi Teedoubleudee,

I can confirm that the Galaxy S3 does work.  I must have downloaded something at the beginning OK, but couldn't get it to work because of the firewall issues.

Incidently, what does it download, is it an Android package?  The net result just looks like a web application, but there must be more to it than that?

Time for some series playing, or should that be testing... :-)

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  • 2 months later...

I have tried to download HH for Android on my Nexus 7 from my-apps.eu and the response is that I must use Chrome v35.  I am on Chrome v41. Do I really have to uninstall v41 and attempt to install v35 - which will probably want to auto-upgrade anyway?

New to DCC - any advice welcome! Thanks.

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I have tried to download HH for Android on my Nexus 7 from my-apps.eu and the response is that I must use Chrome v35.  I am on Chrome v41. Do I really have to uninstall v41 and attempt to install v35 - which will probably want to auto-upgrade anyway?

New to DCC - any advice welcome! Thanks.


Yes, Chrome 3.5 is required to make HH work correctly with the "pinch" gesture, and yes it will want to auto-upgrade, but that can be turned off. Personally, I just use the loco control on my Galaxy 4 Mini with Chrome 4.1, which is quite enough for my grandson to be getting on with. Other apps do seem to run well with Chrome 4.1. Overall a less than satisfactory situation, but not one which Hornby has much, if any, control AFAIKS.  

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  • 3 years later...

II have just been trying to use it and have given up, I can't believe they want you to pay for a (app)  badly made web page that hasn't been upgraded to match the current version of chrome or I don't see why could create an actual app!  

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Hi Correl, you clearly did a forum search to find and add to a 4 year old thread. You could also have found many similar newer threads saying much the same (one exception I think that says it works with the latest version).  Then you would also find a number of references to HRMS saying an upgrade is due.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wait for RM v1.70 and associated HH app coincident updates release.

Couple of weeks time according to the rumour mill.


Rob. You used the word "app". Does the rumour mill say this is going to be a proper Android "app" rather than the current committee meeting of an application?

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No idea if its going to be an app store app or a direct device installation app BEJ, but usually Apple apps are not direct installation, only through the shop. I presume the Android app will be the same. Time will tell.


The word I had was RM v1.70 was held awaiting the hand-held Android/Apple app as both the main and hand-held updates had to be released at exactly the same time due to new handshaking and error-correction protocols, which sounds promising to me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wait for RM v1.70 and associated HH app coincident updates release.

Couple of weeks time according to the rumour mill.


Any sign of these much awaited updates? I guess the answer is "no" else the link at the top of the page would have been updated!


Nothing that I know of so maybe month end.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I have been getting a little bored whilst on furlough so I decided to try and run RM on the mobile Android app. I do have it working....sort of! The thing connects and runs briefly and then within seconds loses connection and leaves the loco running around the layout uncontrollably. Mt laptop keeps coming up with a box saying that the connection with the DCC controller has been lost, could be due to short circuit or USB cable error. I keep having to power down Railmaster and the app and reopen it all again for it to work. On one occasion a box appeared on my laptop saying that it appears my settings are set for the Elite when I am using an Elink. Well, I am most definitely NOT using an Elink! Any suggestions?



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When HRMS released the RailMaster 1.7x series of software, one of the main reasons for the revision was to make improvements with the way RM worked with the Mobile APPs such as the Android one. In trying the fix the mobile issues that had plagued users prior to 1.7x, the 1.7x release really mucked up the basic communications with the eLink and Elite controllers.


Firstly make sure that you have the very latest 1.72 version installed.


Then run through the guidance in this existing previous thread (originally written for eLink, but good for Elite too).




TIP ... As you have an Elite. I suggest starting with 0 (zero) values for both .INI line entries ... Alternative comms= and Check controller=.


I would also check to see if "Elite feedback=1".


If none of the above resolves your issue. Then post the full contents of your 'railmaster.ini' file for review.

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Thanks for that. Both the values were set to 0. This may be because I attempted to try the mobile android app and it caused havoc., originally connecting and then  disconnecting a few seconds later. It's now saying that I need to faff about with ip addresses which tobe honest is a bit technical for me. I'll have to wait for my step son to come round when things get back to normal as he is a little more able . 

It's running fine now I have changed the above settings although it still wants me to change the ip address.



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The IP address issue is very well documented in another of my previous posts. If you feel that the contents are beyond you, then show the linked thread to your 'stepson'.


PS - the IP Addressing resolution is the same for Android as well as for the documented iPhone / iPad.


Mobile APP IP Addressing [iPhone]



Mobile APP IP Addressing [iPad] ADDENDUM to the post above.



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Yes, I followed the link to AC's site and attempted to follow his advice on ip addresses but lost my way. I can wait to get it sorted, as long as I can run it as normal from the laptop, which I now seem able to do. I'll refer back to your advice when the time comes.


Thanks again.

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