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Problem programming 2nd loco on DCC track


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I am flummoxed. Got a chip-fitted 0-6-0 Pnnier tank back from my local dealer but my Select Controller refuses to recognise it. Is it the loco or the controller (new) and working fine with my "03" loco.

Instruction manual says Controller will flash up "blinking 01" for the second loco but in fact it only flashes up "1" not "01". I have tried many times but always get the dreaded 8 red blinks showing "it is advisable to reprogram".

Has anyone any advice please ?  I thought of waiting until I get another loco back from the dealer after making it DCC fitted and trying again. If no success again then it may seem the Controller is at fault (which I rather doubt somehow). A bit depressing for a newcomer.



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One possibility is that the dealer has set the address to 0003 IE a four digit address, rather than 03, a two digit address.  Some systems can do this, I think NCE systems and Digitrax can.  I could be wrong on both counts though.  If a decoder has been given a four digit address the Select won't be able to change the address.  It will need to be reset to default.

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If your first loco is still 03, the new one is also 03 unless the dealer reset it to another number, so there is a conflict. Have you tried removing the first loco from the track before trying to renumber the second? or have I missed something?


I removed the first loco and followed instructions carefully. So something is rotten in the Station of Denmark.

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Need an analytical approach here, test by elimination!


1. With the original / working loco on the track, will your select programme it as a different address? If yes, nothing wrong with select, no need to reset it.

2. When you say Select wont recognise it, you mean you can neither run it or reprogramme it? If so, have you any means of testing it on a DC layout?

3. If it runs on DC, then could be a non Hornby decoder that the slect cannot address. Even so, if you know what address the loco was set to you should be able to run it on that, even though you may not be able to reprogramme it.


You need to ask the dealer what chip is fitted, and what address it was set to. Of course if it doesn't run on DC then forget it, it's poissibly faulty, unless someone has turned off DC running, which I personaly hate beacue you then cannot test or run in again on a DC test track.


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Good advice from Michael although I would try resetting the Select anyway.  Resetting has been known to fix a number of things that don't appear logical originally. 


And I would be particularly trying to reprogram your original loco to prove that programming works as it's not good practice to leave any of your locos on 03.  Best to leave that to be able to test run any new loco before reprogramming it too.  You'll soon need to do that on your 3rd loco, once you get the first and second off 03.

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