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Elite - Power Supply to Point Motors


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I am in the process of wiring 28 Point Motors (Solenoid type, R8014) to my layout.

On the Elite there is an output shown as 15V DC.  Is it advisable to use to use this output rather than the track supply for the Point Decoders, which are ESU Switchpilot.

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As the ESU Switch Pilot supports the option of a separate power supply input. If it was me, I would take advantage of the feature. But note: the Elite 15V DC output still has to come from the Elite 4 amp PSU. If it was me, I would prefer to feed the ESU Switch Pilot with its own dedicated PSU.


There has been some debate on the forum as to whether the ESU Switch Pilot contains an integral CDU or not. If it doesn't contain one, then all the R8014 solenoid firing current would have to come from the power supply attached to the ESU Switch Pilot, another potential reason for having a dedicated separate supply.


There are others on here who are using the ESU Switch Pilot. I would bow to their experience of using these, if they make a further reply.

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Hi RDS,  Firstly I can confirm definitely that the ESU Switchpilot does NOT have built in CDUs. Instead ir uses high current transistors to provide the power to switch the points.

Regarding your question, I don't have an Elite but I do have the E-Link.

I have a Switchpilot in front of me now. At the top RH corner of the unit (with the printing right way up) is the power and track inputs. BOTH of these MUST be connected. One goes to the track output of your controller, the other to a suitable supply (which can be the same source). I understand the Elite has a 4 amp supply which will be more than ample to provide power to the unit and ultimately the point motors.

In the Elite manual it shows how to wire up the 4-way connector - note that Track A and Pwr A must be linked together and Track B and Pwr B must be linked together if using the same source. Try that first and let us know how you get on.

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... Try that first and let us know how you get on.

Hi Teedoubleudee

Thanks for your reply.  However, I have already tested all 4 of my decoders, using the method you describe.  As the Elite has a separate output of 15v DC, my question was whether I should use that output or continue to use the track output.  I think that the 15v Aux Output is about 1A, which presumably means that the track output provides the other 3A.  I am quite tempted to use the Aux Output which will then leave maximum current available to the track.

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Thank you for your response.  I think you have answered my question and that is to keep the track output for the track.  I am not keen on having to use another Power Supply so I will power them from the Aux Output on the Elite.  I will keep the wiring to the point motors separate from anything else so that I could add a separate supply in the future if required.

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No problem with doing that RDS but just remember you can't get more thsn 4 Amps out of the Elite no matter which connections you use.  So if you happen to be pulling 2 Amps out of the accessory output, there will only be 2 available for the track.

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... Try that first and let us know how you get on.

Hi Teedoubleudee

Thanks for your reply.  However, I have already tested all 4 of my decoders, using the method you describe.  As the Elite has a separate output of 15v DC, my question was whether I should use that output or continue to use the track output.  I think that the 15v Aux Output is about 1A, which presumably means that the track output provides the other 3A.  I am quite tempted to use the Aux Output which will then leave maximum current available to the track.


Hi RDS, No problem. But remember you still have to connect the Trk A and Trk B inputs to the Elite track output so the decoder can receive the data signals. If you do connect the 15v Elite output to the Pwr A and Pwr B inputs DON'T link them together as previously suggested. Sorry if I'm telling you to suck eggs but one never knows what the skill levels of the OP are. Keep us informed of your progress.

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No problem with doing that RDS but just remember you can't get more thsn 4 Amps out of the Elite no matter which connections you use.  So if you happen to be pulling 2 Amps out of the accessory output, there will only be 2 available for the track.

I thought I had read somewhere that the Aux Output was 1A, so I assumed the remainder was 3A.  I didn't realise that the track output could be up to 4A.  If that is the case, I may as well connect everything to the Track Output.

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Isn't the 1amp aux output reserved? ...

I don't know.  Do we have a spec for the Elite?  If it is reserved, I think I would rather use that output, rather than be taking some current away from my track.

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