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Sir Sag last chance to buy


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Speaking of "Last Chance to Buy", how is it that a BR Gresley Comp/brake costs five pounds less that the BR Gresley full brakes?  They were both the same full price originally.  Even the full third I picked up last month was cheaper than the full brake.

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That was quick.

Email this morning, sold out already or out of stock at least.

Must be quicker next time.

If you don't buy it when you see it, you will miss out. This email went out to hundred/thousands of people, some who will have hit the "buy button" within seconds of seeing it. As you said, go back in an hour or so, and there all gone - that's life I'm afraid.

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  • 2 months later...

I was fortunate with the Railroad class 5 and 1 or 2 other items. I was in my e-mails when the e-mail was sent out by Hornby so was successful with my purchase. I regularly check 'Last Chance' but what annoys me is that although it states regular updates the sold out/ out of stock position has  never moved unless it was to change the situation as more items were cleared. At this moment out of 85 items shown there are 44 out of stock/sold out many of which have shown the same unchanged position for many weeks. I can understand leaving an item on show if further stocks re imminent but not if the stock position is unlikely to change in the forseeable future.

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