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Crazy antics by Select Controller


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My Select Controller, bought this year, was not recognising a 3rd loco so was sent back to Hornby for upgrading to the latest spec. Now it is back and behaving worse than ever -

1. Will not recognise a 3rd loco, a nice Bachmann 0-6-0 PT with a newly fitted chip. 2. Will only control existing locos erratically, if at all, such as running backwards suddenly in mid-flight or not responding to start or slowdown. Hopeless.

It reminds me of a PC I bought some years ago which was a complete load of junk and was changed no less than 4 times by Staples before they suggested buying a different brand, which did the trick.

To eliminate the possibility of bad track I cleaned the track and re-laid it carefully making sure all joints were flush tightly. Also took away all turn-offs except 2 (needed for the 2 concentric ovals). But I have reluctantly reached the conclusion that my controller is still at fault as nothing has improved. My main loco a Castle class will only run well in reverse.

Would some kind soul please offer some advice/comments on this problem. Thankyou in advance, even if the news is bad !


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Hi Jim - you do seem to have had a bad run. FIrst of all, was there any sort of short or de-railment prior to the poor control? Sometimes these can cause decoder chips to become erratic and behave badly so a chip re-set might be a good start point. If both locos where on the track at the time then both might be affected. You will need to check what this means for the chip/s you have fitted as it is not always "8" in CV8. R-

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Thanks Poliss. My thinking too except I don't want to go to eLink. Maybe an exchange Select or even buy a non-Hornby controller but would like to avoid this expense. What do you recommend in the lower price bracket ?

I have had a few derailments so will ask my local dealer to check my locos as only running properly in reverse. Weird.

I am thinking of going along to Christchurch MRC but hesitant as I am deaf and maybe be a nuisance. But I am sorely in need of guidance as I have no-one to help at present.

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Hi Jimbo, I also had problems with Select  but I was using non Hornby decoders, I changed to another controller which works with any decoder. I cant tell you the brand on this site but If you type:  "dcc digital controller set" into the ebay search you should get some good results for $215 AU.

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Before you stop using the Select, please check the following even though you say some have already been carried out - a double check if you like.

1) Ensure if used, that any power clip or power track connection is a Digital one. Not a dc version which has a small capacitor fitted inside. This can be removed by opening up the plastic cover and snipping out the capacitors ensuring any wires left cant touch each other or anything else.

2) Take a white lint free cloth (Old clean hankie is ideal) and wrap it around your finger and then wipe it along a section of rail. Looking at the cloth does it now have a black line on it? If so the rails need further cleaning.  Using the lint free cloth dampen it with ideally some Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) 99.9% type and wipe over all the rails Or if you cant obtain IPA use Meths instead. Ensure adequate ventilation is present and of course no smoking or naked lights!

3) Turn to the most problematic loco. Look at its wheel rims they should be spotlessly clean as too should the inside rear faces of the wheels be where the wipers rub onto. I use a fibre pencil to clean my wheels but a PL 40 powered wheel cleaning set will do the same. Then follow up with a cotton bud moistened with some of the IPA or Meths applied to the wheel rims and inside faces of the wheels.

4) Look carefully at the rear of wheel wipers. They should make a continual contact with the wheel they rub on. Even when the wheel moves sideways across the locos chassis. Clean their inner face and if necessary tweak them into better contact with the aid of a pair of fine long nosed pliers or tweezers.

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Thanks Flashbang. You have really given me lots of useful tips. I had already thought of buying some surgical alcohol at the chemists as it must be fairly pure so you confirmed my thoughts. Pity I am not with my old firm now as we used to supply "Electronic Grade" solvents of extreme purity (BDH brand).The track rubber seems to be a bit primitive - but maybe Ok, I frankly don't know.

Useful too about the worst loco. Only an 0-4-0 tank but the wheels seem to have a very loose contact with the rails, lots of sideways slack. It will only start after abit of hand-jiggling, which clearly is not right. I'll have a look at PL40.as well as doing the other things you advised.

Power clip should be Ok as it is the one supplied with the Hornby DCC set "The Cornishman".



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Thanks Flashbang. You have really given me lots of useful tips. I had already thought of buying some surgical alcohol at the chemists as it must be fairly pure so you confirmed my thoughts.  

Power clip should be Ok as it is the one supplied with the Hornby DCC set "The Cornishman".  

 Surgical spirits/alcohol often contains oils (to help prevent drying of the skin) and perfumes so I don't recommend it.  IPA is the stuff to use or meths as a second best.


Don't assume anything.  The power clips in sets have been known to be the wrong ones.

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