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new loco decoder problem


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Just bought a new loco fitted with a soundtraxx TSU-1000 decoder.Loco programs ok and sound starts as soon as i put it on the track but no movement.read the cv's and they all show 255.Wrote 8 to cv8 which is supposed to be a reset and this writes and confirms

ok but all values still show 255 after this.

Shop showed me a demo of it before i bought it and sound and movement worked fine.

have tried programming it a few times with different addresses and makes no difference.Have the Elite with railmaster.


any advice.

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not sure how experienced you are so apologies in advance if some of these suggestions are too obvious....

1. are you programming the loco on the programming track - not main?
2. after writing 8 to 8 the loco address should be

3. Can you control the loco with address 3?
3. Which programming mode are you using? is this compatible with the decoder?
4. are you able to read any data from decoder?
5. last but not l;east..... I had all sorts of problems due to the power clip

connecting to my programming track having a capacitor in it!! I use flying leads with alligator clips and this work fine. with the power clip (inc cap) it was a disaster.

hope some of this helps
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greg thanks for your advice.Its frustrating paying $A500 for a new loco and you can't get it to run when you get it home.

1/ yes am on programing track and pretty sure its ok as i just programed another as a test and it worked fine.have done about

20 on it all told.Can also hear loco clicking on it when reading cv's

2/ after writing 8 to 8 the 8 in the value goes green but if i read them back they all read back ok but all show 255 incl no.1 loco address and no.8

3/ using direct mode in

the elite.believe decoder is compatable as has nmra 8 pin socket and was fitted by local hobby shop.saw it working there today although on a different controller
( think it was a nce)

So it seems as though problem is all the values are on 255 and

resetting 8 is not putting them back to defaults

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did you have a look at how the programming track connection is set up. I had very unpredictable results until I figured out that there was a suppression cap in the track connector.

this included lots of 255 responses.

If you are

using a new decoder type then the fact that you have programmed many decoders in the past is not necessarily relevant. each decoder will have a different tolerance to distortion of the incoming signal.
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thanks guys but still having no luck.have reset the elite and track and wheels are clean.The Tusami site says that some sound decoders need a power booster before u can program them but doesn't specify which ones.

With the Elite will it only program

from the program outlets or can u program from the main outputs which understand have more power.Tried programing from the mains and after starting to write the loco address on the third flash the sound volume goes up and the loco moves forward a few lenghts

then stops.Through the programing outputs it flashes as though its worked but can't even move it.

The elite manual says that after programing if you restart with the loco on the track it should show the loco number you just set.Mines not so suspect

thats why I can't read/change cv's thru RM.

Any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...
the decoder wouldn't program on the program track or on the main using operate mode.Today bought a tsunami program track booster and now no probs programing it at all.Just seems the elite didn't have enough power to do the sound decoder although it does

non sound ones no probs.

might be handy info if someone else can't get sound decoders to program

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couldn't get programming to work on either program track or main using operate mode.Today bought a tsunami program track booster and now works like a gem.Seems the elite just didn't have enough power to do the sound decoder although it does all my non

sound ones ok

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