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No Loco Sound Control With Networked Laptop

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I have just networked a laptop to the computer connected to my Elite controller.

Both are running a licensed copy of Railmaster with no problems.

With the networked laptop I can control all the loco's (Direction & Speed) and switch on theirs lights, but I cannot switch on any of the loco's sounds.

The loco sounds can be switched on with the computer connected to the elite so I know they all funtioning O.K.

I must have done something wrong but dont know what!

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Kev

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Kev, Welcome to the forum.  

I don't think I have ever seen a post that described using RailMaster over a network, so that may be the reason why you have not had an answer yet.  However, this RailMaster section is the correct place for your question and it only confuses matters by raising it on another part of the forum.  Hopefully, admin will delete your other post, asking the same question in the DCC section.

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Hi Kev,

I take it that as you have some functionality from the 'slave' PC that you have implemented all the networking recommendations discussed in the RM manual on pages 29 and 30 regarding a 'static' IP addressing scheme. If not, it may be worthwhile reviewing that section of the manual.


Purely out of curiosity, do we take it that you are trying to implement a networked RM configuration because you are controlling a large 'exhibition' type layout?


PS. If you haven't configured 'Static' IP addresses, then review this previous post, it may help.

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Thanks Chrissaf for your post,

To confirm I have full functionality with railmaster on both computers when separately connected to elite but when I make one the master terminal and the other the slave I have full functionality including the loco sounds on the master terminal and on the slave I am able to control all the loco's and switch their lights on and off but cannot operate the loco sounds.

The layout covers the entire loft area with 6/7 loco's running and numerous points and signals - so to make it easier to operate I decided to install a second laptop running railmaster so two operators can control it.

Regarding the IP address - I obtained it from the master terminal computer and inserted it in IP Address box in Railmaster's system settings on the slave laptop - the slave connects immediately to the master terminal when railmaster runs up on the slave laptop

If I have full loco control of direction, speed and lights why not the loco sounds?

Hope this makes my problem a little clearer.

Many thanks for your help,

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Hi Kev,

If you have not configured 'Static' addresses, and from what you have said, it would appear not. Then the IP address given by your Internet Router to your master RM PC will be via DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol). Thus it is likely to not remain consistent and change. The RM manual recommendation for configuring 'static' IP addresses is for a reason.


True, in theory, if loco movement and light function works from the 'slave' then there should be no reason why sound functions shouldn't also work. However, one doesn't know how HRMS have written the RM software to work. It may be that the sound functions call a different routine to access network connections differently. Who knows, I don't.


Just applying logic. To me it makes sense to follow RM instructions and recommendations to the letter to be on the safe side (i.e configure 'static' addresses) then if that doesn't work, then report issue via inbuilt RM support function to request HRMS support.


As RDS says, you may be breaking new ground with that particular configuration, at least as far as this forum community is concerned. Thus limited previous experiences for members to draw from for suggestions.


What I would ask, is that if with help of HRMS you do get a resolution, please document it back on this topic thread for the benefit of the forum community and others.


It does sound (excuse the pun) as if it maybe a bug in the networking side of the RM software. Only HRMS can confirm that or not.

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Hi Kev,

I assume you have all your locos configured in RM on both pcs. If you switch sound on on the networked pc, does the equivalent sound on/off button for that loco switch on (green background) on the master computer?

Question to HRMS - should it turn green on the master?


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Hi Kev,

Ray makes a very good point (so good in fact, I wish I had thought of it). It was not long ago that RM had major issues with sound functions after a software upgrade. The issues affected sound function synchronisation between the big and large throttle windows within the same RM PC. It may be that in fixing that issue, changes were made that affected sound function synchronisation across networked PC's. Sound synchronisation issues do seem to be things that HRMS have problems resolving for some reason.


In your position I would do some experimentation to see if triggering sound function buttons (turning green) on the slave are synchonised to the sound function buttons on the master. And also the other way, are changes on the master reflected on the slave. If neither changes are synchronised between PCs then that could infer a RM software programming issue for HRMS to look into.

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You would expect it to behave just like the big and little throttles Ray.

Switch it ON at one place and OFF at the other and each place echoes the other action.

Slightly off track but RM does warn against trying to switch functions using both the Elite and RM as the indications of each of the pair will not echo like the throttles do.

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You would expect it to behave just like the big and little throttles Ray.

Switch it ON at one place and OFF at the other and each place echoes the other action.

Slightly off track but RM does warn against trying to switch functions using both the Elite and RM as the indications of each of the pair will not echo like the throttles do.


I expected that to happen between the Elite and Railmaster but I have been told by HRMS recently that no such synchronization occurs.


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 Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your posts with sugestions to solve my network problem, I was working at it all evening implementing your sugestions but I have to say 'they didn't solve the problem'

Here's an update to what I have done.

1) Been into my router settings and  and given the master terminal computer a static IP address.

2) Checked the syncronization of the loco control buttons & sliders between the master and slave computers.

This is what I found:-

1) When operating the speed and direction controls on the slave the corresponding buttons and sliders are echoed on the master terminal but when operated on the master they are not echoed on the slave computer.

2) When operating the loco sound buttons on the slave they are echoed on the master but one F number lower i.e. if I press F1 (sound on) on the slave the F0 button looks like its being pressed but does not change colour to green. So what I did was to change the sound on from F1 to F0 on the master then when I pressed the F1 button (sound on) on the slave the sound on button (now F0) on the master changed colour to green but the sound still didn't switch on?

3) At the bottom of the Railmaster screen their is nine small green boxes (near the clock) and every time I press a loco command on the slave the top left box lit up on the master, so I clicked on it and it brought up a 'Communication Log page' showing all the commands that has been sent from slave to master and every time I sent a command it added a new line with the details of the command.  Looking closely at it all the loco, direction, speed & lights commands were correct, but loco sound commands were being listed one F number lower.....

Does this make any sense to anyone and has anyone else experienced the same or similar problem.(Its doing my crust in)

I think Ive come to the end of the road with this problem and maybe contact HRMS and see what they have to say.


Many thanks for your help.


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Sounds like bi-directional comms in one direction but only one-way comms in the other being responsible for the lack of echo..

Could the F minus 1 error be fixed by writing a bit of code for the Ardo.

RM does double tap solenoid commands to ensure reliable switching of a sticky motor according to the manual.

Just had another thought when using a Select as a walkabout with an Elite I dont think the Select function states are reflected back to the Elite so it may have something to do with the slave pc being similarly 'dumb'.

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Hello Kev,

When I press F1 on my Elite for a loco (sound on/off), the F2 button responds (goes green or gray) on RM for that loco. But there is no synchronisation between Elite and RM according to HRMS.......

But curious that there is a +1 difference in this scenario :-)



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Personally, I think Kevs testing has proved conclusively that this issue is just another bug to add to RM's list of bugs to be resolved by HRMS.

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 Hi everyone,

Since my last post I went into my router settings and gave the slave computer a static IP address also, my thinking there was that the slave is communicating wth the master but the master dose not appear to be communicating with the slave so by giving it a static IP address it would allow the master to communicate with the slave.

But that didn't work either.

I am now in agreement with chris that it must be a bug within the Railmaster program - so tomorrow I will contact HRMS through the Railmaster link.

This raises another question - - from which computer should I send the help request from?  bearing in mind that when sending a help request the computer also send data and log files etc so HRMS can investigate the problem.

Any idea's


Many thanks,  Kev


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I have thought long and hard as to whether to place these comments here or open a new thread with an issue very much identical with this one. When I read this original post from Kev2583 I was intrigued to say the least. The reason for that was simple. I am in the process, as some of you know already, of designing a layout using RailMaster and the eLink unit. My eventual plan was to run the system from my 10" Windows 8.1 (urgh!) laptop but then an opportunity arose for me to purchase an 8" Acer Tablet recently also with that dreadful Windows 8.1 installed. However, I purchased said tablet and remembered I had two copies of RailMaster. So upon reading this thread thought I should test this out.


Although it took a bit of figuring out as to how to get the software to talk to the master version on the laptop without having dreaded popups saying "Oh no, that's impossible... try the easy way" I perservered and got success. The laptop being the master and the tablet the slave via Wi-Fi. Being a network technician I must say this setup was a tad awkward to setup and could do with improving quite a lot.


Anyway, my settings on the laptop have Controller A as the eLink unit and the IP address on the slave is (which is pointing to the master machine). Now, before anyone asks if I have setup static IP's etc - yes I have. I know exactly what I am doing here so no need to point out that something may be entered incorrectly - unless I have made a big error or have simply missed something... :-)


While I have not yet tested sound I don't think is a fundamental need to do so. Why? Well, because I tested the functions for lights on a GNER 125 2 car set. The lights work as they should from the master console. On or off they are perfectly OK. The throttle works as it should. In fact everything on the master works very well.


When I go to the throttle on the slave it works and the slider on the master mirrors the actions on the slave. Excellent. When I use the throttle on the master however, there is NO mirroring of this action on the slave. When I use the lights on the master they work every time. However, on the slave they do not. It doesn't matter if I use the small throttle interface or the larger one whenopened up. The results are the same... no lights no matter what I set in the loco setup.


When setting up a loco in the master and introducing this to it as a first time for that loco I would have thought that the slave would pick this up. it doesn't. I have to set up the loco manually in there also.


So what do I glean from all this? Well that's pretty simple. Taking Kev2583's problem into account also I find that the communication going back to the slave is seriously flawed and there needs to be a good hard check made of the code behind it. Communication to the master FROM the slave seems to be OK however.


I suspect that not many modellers will have this type of setup just yet or they simply haven't become members on here or whatever bt I would ask HRMS to seriously look into this. The version of Windows in use is irrelevant and no firewall or other software is in the way here. After all, I am the advocate who tries very hard to help folk on here where these isues are concerned.


I have setup a few new pages on the help site where this particular setup is described with a caveat for the faults discovered. It tells the user how to get a networked system off the ground using a PC or laptop and a tablet, both Windows based, where two copies of RailMaster are registered and fully working. Android setup or mobile setup using the Handheld license is not described but if anyone has a thorough setup already and can provide comprehensive details of how to do it then I will post said details on site and offer credit for it.


So, Kev2583, you are not alone now and hopefully HRMS will look into this and offer some help along the way. You can see my setup on the RailMaster Help Site via the link at the top of this forum for RailMaster.

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I have thought long and hard as to whether to place these comments here or open a new thread with an issue very much identical with this one. When I read this original post from Kev2583 I was intrigued to say the least. The reason for that was simple. I am in the process, as some of you know already, of designing a layout using RailMaster and the eLink unit. My eventual plan was to run the system from my 10" Windows 8.1 (urgh!) laptop but then an opportunity arose for me to purchase an 8" Acer Tablet recently also with that dreadful Windows 8.1 installed. However, I purchased said tablet and remembered I had two copies of RailMaster. So upon reading this thread thought I should test this out.


Although it took a bit of figuring out as to how to get the software to talk to the master version on the laptop without having dreaded popups saying "Oh no, that's impossible... try the easy way" I perservered and got success. The laptop being the master and the tablet the slave via Wi-Fi. Being a network technician I must say this setup was a tad awkward to setup and could do with improving quite a lot.


Anyway, my settings on the laptop have Controller A as the eLink unit and the IP address on the slave is (which is pointing to the master machine). Now, before anyone asks if I have setup static IP's etc - yes I have. I know exactly what I am doing here so no need to point out that something may be entered incorrectly - unless I have made a big error or have simply missed something... :-)


While I have not yet tested sound I don't think is a fundamental need to do so. Why? Well, because I tested the functions for lights on a GNER 125 2 car set. The lights work as they should from the master console. On or off they are perfectly OK. The throttle works as it should. In fact everything on the master works very well.


When I go to the throttle on the slave it works and the slider on the master mirrors the actions on the slave. Excellent. When I use the throttle on the master however, there is NO mirroring of this action on the slave. When I use the lights on the master they work every time. However, on the slave they do not. It doesn't matter if I use the small throttle interface or the larger one whenopened up. The results are the same... no lights no matter what I set in the loco setup.


When setting up a loco in the master and introducing this to it as a first time for that loco I would have thought that the slave would pick this up. it doesn't. I have to set up the loco manually in there also.


So what do I glean from all this? Well that's pretty simple. Taking Kev2583's problem into account also I find that the communication going back to the slave is seriously flawed and there needs to be a good hard check made of the code behind it. Communication to the master FROM the slave seems to be OK however.


I suspect that not many modellers will have this type of setup just yet or they simply haven't become members on here or whatever bt I would ask HRMS to seriously look into this. The version of Windows in use is irrelevant and no firewall or other software is in the way here. After all, I am the advocate who tries very hard to help folk on here where these isues are concerned.


I have setup a few new pages on the help site where this particular setup is described with a caveat for the faults discovered. It tells the user how to get a networked system off the ground using a PC or laptop and a tablet, both Windows based, where two copies of RailMaster are registered and fully working. Android setup or mobile setup using the Handheld license is not described but if anyone has a thorough setup already and can provide comprehensive details of how to do it then I will post said details on site and offer credit for it.


So, Kev2583, you are not alone now and hopefully HRMS will look into this and offer some help along the way. You can see my setup on the RailMaster Help Site via the link at the top of this forum for RailMaster.

Hi,  AugustusCaesar,

Thank you for your post earlier today - it has made me feel a lot happier knowing that i'm not the only one with this problem.

When I sent my first post to the Railmaster Forum I thought it was just something silly that I had overlooked.

I have contacted HRMS and I have had a reply stating that another member has contacted them with a similar problem and they are investigating it and will get back to me later .

Reading your post this morning - am I right in thinking that when the slave connects to the master the network icon appears on the slave screen and also on the master screen?  or have I just mis-read It.

I will post further updates when I receive a reply from HRMS.

Many Thanks for all your help.




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Well it seems there are three of us with this issue... to answer your question re the icon for the network...

The icon should ONLY appear on the slave. Conversely the icon on the master remains that to show you are connected to the eLink unit. Both icons occupy that central position of the three icons in that position.

If you remove the IP address on the slave unit the network icon will disappear. However, you must leave the controller as Controller A on the master unit which gives the connection to the eLink as you know.

It will be nice to learn of HRMS's response to your problem and I think I will give my scenario over to them as well detailing every step I took to learn where I believe the fault lies in terms of communication between master and slave.

Therefore I shall post my results as well..

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Today I have contacted HRMS and got the 'within 2 days' automatic response. This is my first contact with them in this way and no doubt they will be true to their word so i look forward to some guidance.

On the problem I presented to them I delivered detail purely about the function buttons and lights not being operable on the slave and why I thought this was happening. I firmly believe that the sound issue is related with the lights issue via a problem within the variables in their code... but I may be right and wrong at the same time. However, it was very detailed and hopefully some good will come of it. I will post results here no matter what so others can see what is happening and react accordingly by pulling out hair or jumping for joy!! :-)

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Today I have contacted HRMS and got the 'within 2 days' automatic response. This is my first contact with them in this way and no doubt they will be true to their word so i look forward to some guidance.

On the problem I presented to them I delivered detail purely about the function buttons and lights not being operable on the slave and why I thought this was happening. I firmly believe that the sound issue is related with the lights issue via a problem within the variables in their code... but I may be right and wrong at the same time. However, it was very detailed and hopefully some good will come of it. I will post results here no matter what so others can see what is happening and react accordingly by pulling out hair or jumping for joy!! :-)

Hi,  I have not received anything from HMRS regarding our issues with Railmaster, so no news is good news as they say. I trust they must be still working on it ?     Will keep you all informed when I do hear anything.

regards, Kev.



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