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Captain Lockheed

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Everything posted by Captain Lockheed

  1. Much the same for me tbh. It was the first 104 I built and it would be nice to have it again, it is a bit of a hard beastie to find in the pre-owned world & I'm not all that keen on paying the asking price for the few I have found. Fortunately there are a lot of options available on the decal front as the 104 still appears to be a popular model. Here's hoping Airfix can come up with the goods at some point. p.s Here are a couple of Starfighters from my collection & there are a few more, not that I like that particular bird or anything ;)
  2. Hi FJ In addition to the things that John has mentioned Ammo Mig & Hobbyzone produce vertical paint storage solutions for both dropper bottles & jars. Admittedly they are a bit more costly than storage boxes but the footprint is quite small. These can be found, along with other modular storage solutions, at any decent online model/railway store. However if cost is an issue then things you can find at home & repurpose, as John suggested, are as good a way as any to keep things tidy. Cheers
  3. I had the same problem with this months wallpaper but there is a link on Airfix Facebook page which will take you where you want to go.
  4. Considering the ones I have cost £2.99, "expensive" seems a bit of an understatement. Mine came with the Airfix kits of the Spit, Stuka etc. which I got around 4/5 years ago. I do agree with you about the scarcity & I wonder how often Airfix do a run of them? To be honest if you are after a motor there are much cheaper options available than KK's offering if you do a search on the jolly old interpleb wink
  5. Hi Jess I think I can help you out with those, I will e-mail them over. Cheers Andy
  6. A couple more from the Vintage Classics range A01052V Hawker Demon A01055V Bristol Bulldog I've checked the sprues and apart from a little bit of flash here and there the tooling, although basic, seems to be ok. Decals look nice (Cartograf) & I expect no issues during assembly.
  7. I know it may be a bit of a long shot but does the tooling for the 1/72 Lockheed Starfighter still exist & if so could it be released in the Vintage Classic range?
  8. Hi Jess Thanks a lot for your email, instructions gratefully received. I must commend you on your level of customer service as I was not expecting to hear directly from Airfix & it was a pleasant surprise. Let the build commence :) Cheers
  9. Thanks Kenneth Fortunately I got an email from Jess Dummett this morning with the old instructions attached (talk about customer service) so problem solved. Cheers
  10. Hi I am about to start building the Airfix 1/24 Stuka & I intend to fit an electric motor. Unfortunately the instructions do not show how this fits within the engine so I was wondering does anyone have any advice on how to do this? Alternatively does anyone have any links to an older instruction sheet that may possibly include fitting instructions? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. A04202V HMS Hood I had all the 1/600 ships back when I was a nipper, late 1960's early 70's, so I just couldn't resist the Vintage Classics when they were released.
  12. Oh well Revell have plenty of ships on offer but I would prefer, out of loyalty, that Airix were in the same position.
  13. On the subject of the 1/600 ships, where have they all gone? Only the Belfast remains in the Arfix store at the moment. As such I have found myself having to source kits from the odd shop that still has one in stock but mainly from online stores that have 'pre-owned' kits for sale. Are we going to see the classic warhip resurrected or are they gone from Arifix range for good?
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