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Everything posted by LuLuJo

  1. I did check the leaflets and there was no information about speed curves. But having said even if the motor control is basic the chuff rate sounds to work in the same way as the TXS decoders. Something must control the changes in chuff rate unless its a straight line progression with equal steps. But then I think the sound would be different. When I get time I will record a comparison of identical locomotives with the TTS and TXS decoders. Mike
  2. I did have a quick look at changing a TTS decoder in the same way in April once Phlomax suggested this. But I could not make it work. From memory I could not find the speed curve values. Not sure they are in the same place as TXS . If it could be done it would be great as I have quite a few.
  3. I did a short youtube video about banking trains so two locos on most trains taken at normal viewing distance with a range of locos with ESU , ZIMO and TXS with as downloaded and modified sound profiles. I challenged anyone to tell me which is which. So far no takers!
  4. I should have said that my suggested values are for 2 or 4 cylinder engine which as said should have 4 chuffs per revolution. I suggest for a 3 cylinder one which would have 6 chuffs you need the values in the second table in 96RAF post and if you need a higher top speed then increase the values in the bottom end of the table. the highest value I have on any engine is 200 and that's probably a bit fast. You cant get an exact match at all speeds but is vastly better than the basic profile and nobody can count the chuffs beyond half speed without slow motion filming. You just set it to something which sounds reasonable.
  5. Could I just add onto the responses . Firstly the updated app is great to play around with this so have a go. It was more of a lengthy trial using a dcc controller. The chuff rate disparity of basic profiles is only really observable at low speeds to my aged eyes. The examples quoted I think came originally from Plomax whose layout was much more shunting orientated. The top speed at 140 is probably around a scale 40 mph depending on the loco so a bit slow for a mainline layout. The results also depend on the engine being used and the sound profile being used. On my layout which is west coast mainline based I found a higher top end speed was needed. So I have a standard 4MT mainly used as a banking engine with a similar speed curve as shown above at the bottom end until CV82 then mine steadily increases more rapidly with a final CV of 160. I recon this is about a scale 60mph on this engine. My 2-6-4T's which have 4F and Black5 sound profiles follow the same bottom end pattern until CV 74 then increase more rapidly to a final CV94 of 195. This is more probably around a scale 80-90mph. This is now my default speed curve. I load this and then adjust to suit the particular locomotive if I am not happy with the results. The CV's for my base speed curve are the same the previous post then CV75 23 CV76 27 CV77 30 CV78 35 CV79 40 CV80 45 CV81 50 CV82 56 CV83 63 CV84 70 Cv85 78 CV86 87 CV87 95 CV88 107 CV89 120 CV90 135 CV91 150 CV92 165 CV93 180 CV94 195 Have fun
  6. I have updated all 3 of my IOS devices. Tried one first and as it worked perfectly so updated the others. I have tried all 11 locos on all 3 IOS devices without issue I am very impressed with the speed and ease of the update. I just downloaded the update and carried on operating. The ability to change the speed curve is great and light years better than doing it in railmaster. It also works every time whereas some of my railmaster updates had not stuck. Speed curve updated but CV29 not. So all my locos now have modified speed curves and much more realistic chuffing sounds. My only quibble is changing the direction buttons makes it the opposite of railmaster. I have had no real issues downloading the profiles but will give it a try with another decoder this afternoon. Thanks for managing to issue the Andriod app and update the IOS app at the same time. Hopefully we can now all get on with exploiting the system.
  7. Update on the transfer of control between devices. I have tried several times to recreate this without success until this afternoon. I had a variation on the experiences so far. I switched on the ipad first as usual There were 11 devices on the layout and I blew 790 Hardwicks whistle and instead 42314 replied. So with three of the locomotives allocated to my ipad I was able to control locomotives linked to my iphone So 42462 ran 42355, 790 ran 42314 and for the first time 45697 ran 72006. Then I switched on the iphone and 42314 ran 790. I took around 9 minutes of video and some stills so overall the oddity lasted for well over 10 minutes before suddenly normal operation resumed. Watching it back I realise I should have narrated the video more to explain what I was doing and what was happening. I will pass this all onto George. I find this all much more interesting than irritating.
  8. I have emailed George as requested.
  9. Update on from the issue of controlling locos not set up on a device. I have been able to recreate what happened and for a while control locos from two devices at the same time. The set up is as follows. On my iphone I have 2 fowler 2-6-4T's 42314 decoder 6DD7 and 42355 decoder 6E02 On my ipad Stanier 2-6-4T decoder 652B and 790 Hardwicke decoder CF0B I switched power to the whole layout which would access all the 10 locos except 42464 which was off the layout. I switched on the ipad and launched the app. No other controller was live. Pressing the controls for 42464 controlled loco 42314. Sound and motion. Pressing the controls for 790 controlled 42355 with sound and motion. The screens for 42464 and 790 showed them linked to their own decoders. I ran them up and down for several minutes. I then launched the app on the iphone. I could control both fowler tanks from their normal controls and they showed as connected. I then ran both locos using both iphone and ipad together with alternately commands from each device for several minutes. I took screenshots at various points if they are of interest. I decided to video what was going on and but by the time i had got set up suddenly normal operation was resumed. Hardwicke which was on the layout throughout then responded to the ipad rather than sitting quietly whilst I ran 42355. It was interesting being able to control an engine from 2 devices. However think for clarity one control device is better. I only found this issue because its my practice to sound the whistle of each engine when the app is launched and suddenly they came from the wrong engines. It would sometimes be unfortunate though to set off the wrong loco. I expect this glitch is rare and I can easily get round it. I also feel its likely I can recreate it. If any more information or the screenshots are useful let me know.
  10. Thanks for the explanations which are helpful. In point 1 is it the case that the sequence of polling of mobile nodes is based on past history as it certainly appears that the first two decoders I added to the system always connect first and in the order they were added? In point 2 I welcome the idea that a fix will arrive in due course as it will become an increasing problem as the decoders spread across the market place. I have two Clans. The new one works fine all the time. The older one always has this problem. The only answer which does not fit my experience is No. 3. In this instance the ipad was the only device in use and the decoders it grabbed have never been used on that device and are not or ever have been in its engine shed. I have tried to recreate the circumstances once but without a repeat. I will try again and feed back if it occurs again. Mike
  11. I have been using the new HM7000 system since its launch as a complement to my Railmaster dcc controlled layout. I bought one decoder and power bank on pre order to give it a try. It's been far more useful than I imagined and so I now have 10 installed decoders all with power banks in a mixture of Hornby & Bachmann Locos and using 3 IOS devices( Iphone 6S, Iphone 11 and a 5 year old Ipad). I sometimes use all 3 devices at the same time. All operate happily with the dcc system. Overall I am very happy with the system and its now my standard dcc decoder solution. Its very reliable but there are one or two issues I feel worth feeding back. I have observed that: The first installed decoders seem to have the most reliable bluetooth connection and connect first. Is there a set order that locos connect in? That the most recently installed decoders have the least reliable connection. That with use the decoders connection seems to become more reliable. That the older locos with higher motor current needs and a power bank will often trip the decoder on first starting and once that's happened often will not reconnect. My solution to trickle charge the power bank with one press of the + key will usually work but needs several minutes to be effective. With one loco that's not so much of a problem but now with 5 its more of a pain and loses the switch on an go benefit. I have had a clear example of the Ipad connecting to two locos not installed on it and operating them. I actioned sound and motion on a Stanier 2-6-4T and Hardwick installed on the Ipad but connected to two Fowler 2-6-4T's installed on the iphone and they responded. Supposedly this cant happen but it did. Is there an issue with a limit on the number of control devices? Any comments welcome.
  12. I have uploaded a video to Youtube showing what I have been up to. Having done a lot of testing now I am pleased so far. Its also a chance to compare £100+ decoders with TXS decoders with the downloaded sound file and also those with modified speed curves. No prizes for guessing which is which ! But can you tell at normal viewing distances?
  13. I have now a functioning system again. I acquired a refurbished Dell windows 11 pc. Along with an existing monitor I now have one Pc, monitor and elink controlling the locos and the second Pc, monitor and elink controlling the points and signals. Both run version 1.745 with the pro pack . Both are set up as controller A. The positives are that I can reliably load both systems up and be ready to run in under 30 seconds. The monitors can be optimised one for locos and the other for track. There is a great deal of resilience should I have a problem in future. The downsides are extra electricity consumption and more equipment Running programmes is not really possible. The photo shows what the displays look like. The right hand monitor is a 4k 32 inch display and gives a view of the full width of the layout and about half the depth. The left hand shows the locos in use. I could do with more columns in the display. I managed to get a response finally from Railmaster support to deregister my pro pack. They had deregistered the original rail master license but had not told me. But they won’t respond to my issue with the links despite 3 emails. The new windows 11 pc also fails to run 2 elinks but is fine with one.
  14. I have been experimenting with using two locos fitted with TXS decoders to recreate the banking of trains and it works really well. I have the train engine and banker connected to separate handsets. It’s a pity I can’t upload the video but it’s around on Facebook. I used a Clan banked by a Standard 4MT on a goods train And a Princess banked by a Fowler 2-6-4T on a passenger train. The fine control with the + & - controls mean you could easily adjust the weight being taken by each engine. I really like the slow beat of the clan contrasting with the faster exhaust of the 4MT as they go past. All the engines have the chuff rate adjusted using the speed curve method and that does help a lot . The Princess did not need a banker on 10 coaches and showed its disdain by pulling away as it crested the top of the gradient. Nice to report something which greatly exceeded my expectations.
  15. I have just finished adding a Fowler 2-6-4T with power bank and 4f sound file and Ivatt 2MT with power bank and Black 5 sound file. I have also modified the chuff rates on all of them using the power curve method. Interesting that these last two sometimes will not move but start to chuff on first applying power. As soon as the power bank charges operation is normal. I have now set up 6 decoders and all work and the issues I have had are clearly down to me not knowing my way around the app.
  16. Thanks for the comments. Sadly its nothing to do with the ports. The Pc's I use have both USB 2 and 3 versions and it made no difference which were used. Indeed I specifically mentioned this to railmaster support who insist there is not an issue. The issues with my pc's have involved hundreds of attempts to log on with every possible combination which I documented as we went along. I accept that the system works on Pc's which are 15 years old. I got into this mess because I was concerned about the age and condition of a PC which is well over 10 years old and has done a lot of work. My Windows 7 laptop is over 15 years old with very poor graphics and a battery compartment which is deformed. So saying get another old PC is a dead end and the ultimate slow death of Railmaster. Anyone starting now will laugh if you tell them don't use the PC you have you need to buy another totally obsolete one. And of course when they eventually die as mine has you have a big problem. Sadly railmaster support can not fix this issue and now seem to have disappeared as far as I can see. Its sad because I like the system and have spent a great deal of time and money trying to make it work. The new TXS system is great as an add on but can never replace railmaster. I have problems seeing my track plan on a 32 inch monitor. Using a tablet for that is simply a non starter.
  17. I thought it worth doing an update on this . In early February I proved to my own satisfaction that there is a clear compatibility issue with Windows 11 PC's running two elinks. I used the licence that came with my last new elink to set up my old windows 7 laptop. This will load two elinks first time every time. My windows 10 pc loads up two elinks most of the time and my two Windows 11 pc's both load up 2 elinks sometimes but almost always needing the usb cable removing. I fed this back to railmaster support who said they would have to try and replicate my issue. Since then I have heard nothing from them. So I set up the Windows 10 PC on the layout because the graphic display resolution on the old laptop is very poor and I have a big layout. This worked well until 2 or 3 weeks ago when the Windows 10 PC died. I contacted railmaster support to ask them to deregister the railmaster software and also ask for any update on the issue. I cannot get them to respond to even tell me if they have deregistered the software which is very poor support . I installed a windows 11 pc on the layout and its awful. It will only load up about one a attempt in 3 and then usually after a battle with usb cables. The only saving grace has been the new TXS decoders which simply require me to switch on the power to the elinks and I can run a train. So my options seem to be: Buy a PC running windows 10. Set up two PC's one controlling the Track bus and the second the Accessory Bus along with two monitors. (Windows 11 PC's will load up one elink reliably but not two). Look for a new reliable system to replace railmaster to control the layout (any suggestions welcome).
  18. Hornby 4MT 9f sound file 8 pin decoder and power bank Hornby Princess Princess sound file 8pin decoder and power bank Hornby Clan Brittania sound file 8 pin decoder Power bank Locomotion Precedent Hardwicke 4f sound file 21 pin decoder. All 4 are working well . The precedent really needs the power bank or the rubber tyres wheel set changing. All sound files downloaded without issue except the clan which took 2 attempts as I was moving the iPhone on the first try. All work on dcc via railmaster or the App
  19. I had exactly this problem with my first TXS decoder I fitted to a loco and it will be the speaker. I had changed it from one enclosure to another. (This was before the advice about not doing that). I was concerned I had damaged it but happily its settled down and has worked well now for some time.
  20. 96RAF Could I just say thank you for you patience answering the endless repetitive questions, hissy fits because the answer you give does not meet individual needs and misunderstandings from everyone myself included. It has helped me understand what is going on and the possibilities and I am sure many others. I would have lost my cool many weeks ago. Mike
  21. Thanks to Plomax doing the spadework he has saved me hours. By taking the start of his speed profile and then changing the upper end of the speed curve a very good result can be quickly achieved. I now have profiles for a goods engine, mixed traffic engine and an express. I think the last one for 46211 Queen Maud took me all of 10 minutes from start to finish. Its been romping round with 10 coaches and I think sounds great at all speeds. The individual speed steps are not particularly critical beyond the first dozen or so . I had wondered if you could reverse the process for a TTS decoder but its clearly not set up the same way. Credit is due to Hornby for the capability of the decoders and because I do think that the decoder manual is excellent in depth of detail and unusually clear descriptions of what everything does. I will write out a neater list of the 3 profiles I have so far and post a picture.
  22. There is a crude but effective way of creating your own sound file. I was disappointed that the 3 locos I have with TXS decoders all have the same issue as the old TTS decoders that they resemble a one cylinder engine as half at least of the exhaust beats are missing. I had hoped that the new decoders would resolve or improve this but the new sound files don't as the files originate with the TSS files so I suppose that was wishful thinking. However thanks to the idea from Plomax on RMweb forum it is possible to make a much better job of synchronising the wheel revolutions to the exhaust beat. First choose the most appropriate hornby sound file to download. Then in your TXS decoder enable in CV29 a user configured complex speed curve by adding 16 to the value. Then by changing the default values for the speed curve in CV's 67 to 94 to reduce the values at the start of the curve you can get 4 chuffs per wheel revolution. The app wont let you change CV's 67 to 94 so another dcc controller is required . Railmaster with an elite or elink both work fine. This solution works very well for a shunting type layout or the slower locomotives. My layout is a bit bigger so top end speed is an issue with some locos. So you need to set up a curve which suits your loco and layout. I have set up a Hornby 4MT with a top value of 160 in the speed curve which gives 4 even beats at the start and a maximum speed of around 60 with great sounds at that speed. You play around to your hearts content with sound levels on individual sounds or by moving the speed curve. The default values are set out on page 59 of the manual. If its of any interest I will post a note of a couple of CV choices. Overall I found adjusting the TXS to set up the chuff rate no more hassle than setting up an ESU or Zimo decoder. The overall sound effect is perhaps not quite as good as those in my view. But only an expert could tell the difference and at half the price and all the other features the TXS decoders are simply world class for value for money. Must order some more before they sell out!
  23. I see no issue with letting Hornby know that I am using their app and products. Being paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you but really can we not get back to understanding the issues and opportunities that are here today. My life expectancy is probably in years not decades. Hornby do not always get it right but with HM7000 they have produced something which as I use it I find more and more impressive and more useful than I expected. Arguing about what might happen in future decades is of no interest whatsoever . What I want to know now is which sound files work with which locomotive of whatever manufacturer and how best to configure them. I have two locomotives set up so far ( Princes and Standard 4) and both exceeded my expectations straight for the download.
  24. Playing with my new TXS decoder and the power bank today shows the Hornby Princess easily running and sound operating for 7+ seconds with no power applied.
  25. My 8 pin sound version arrived this morning. I have stuck it in a princess and it works straight away on dcc as predicted. Interesting to compare it with a TTS chip in another Princess. It seems quieter than the older version but still ok. I have tried the largest enclosure so far. I think I have more chuffs per revolution than before but still fewer than there should be even allowing that the sound is for a 3 cylinder loco and not a four. Just need the app now for a real test. The QR code in the instructions takes you to the old 6000 app. Overall so far so good
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