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RB51 last won the day on February 15

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    Dorset UK

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  1. Wow! You have motored on with that. Well done, it’s looking good. R-
  2. If the forum goes down [as opposed to slowing down] please capture a screen shot and/or error code and post it here. This thread is being monitored for reoccurrence. R-
  3. Not helpful @Brew Man. I am told the downtime/slowdown is currently under investigation as it is not intentional. R-
  4. I noticed this today as well. I can only surmise that the developers were doing something clever. Can’t wait to discover what it was. R-
  5. Brilliant post Martin - great sense of humour, and well done with the soldering. R-
  6. Suspect not. You only have to wait a few seconds for the page to fully refresh. R-
  7. Unless there is a clear TT120 connection I personally I think it would be better to keep the resource TT120 focused. It would be preferable to not get into a situation where topics need splitting out to their own thread if it can be avoided.
  8. I purchased a secondhand Elite from Hornby about 10 years ago, still going strong *touches wood*. Hardly use it for loco control preferring TGG automation instead. Once programmes are written that is! R-
  9. As the saying goes ‘close enough for Govt. work”. R-
  10. RB51

    Porsche 917K

    Certainly looks amazing. Come back and show us how you got on. R-
  11. The matter has been passed to Hornby and is under discussion. We will come back on here when an answer is received. R-
  12. Tomasz's thread on this subject is now a sticky [pinned] item so it will be near the top of the HM7K forum and not slowly disappear. R-
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