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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. Anyone know if the P2 is a suitable TTS Decoder for the Hush Hush loco?
  2. Finally arrived, as far as I can see perfect, really nice model. I assume the side cab windows are not meant to have glazing.
  3. I must admit I put the order in with Hornby after all that mix up with Hattons earlier in the year. It seems to have put me off all preorders, I am getting to the point of just waiting until the model becomes general release, if I can't get one then that is it.
  4. I have just looked up your loco, look like it is tender driven. Do a search through Peters Spares using "Ringfield". You should find a suitable tender chassis replacement. Then just swap the bits over.
  5. It sounds like the dreaded Mazak rot, I had a Royal Scot that did exactly the same. I think when I was looking at Gordon many years ago it was the Railroad Flying Scotsman with a different body. So it might be an idea to buy a secondhand flying Scotsman and swap the bits. Alternatively look on EBay for a new chassis. Could you please identify whether it is loco driven or tender driven, then I can point you in the direction of a suitable replacement.
  6. Thanks morairamike I might try that. My ones built from Wills sheet distorted in the heat last summer. It has never happened before with Wills sheet, I don't know if they have changed the plastic.
  7. Amazing, that they are outsourcing warehouse and logistics. I see nothing wrong with outsourcing something that your company cannot do but an area where your whole reputation rests, I don't even think Amazon does that. Oh well that explains a lot. I cannot understand any industry doing that, if you have a really badly functioning department then you might save some money, but generally the outsoucing company has to make a profit so the only way is to employ really cheap staff, which don't exist since we left the EU. Anyway, looks like this is the last order to Hornby, at least with Bure Valley and Derails they check the loco before they send it to me usually by Royal Mail.
  8. They are also not very practical. I bought the station as it is Goathland station, but the platform is not very useful as the ramp is moulded to the piece that comes with the station. As to the other side, the pack comes with a centre section and two ramps, so if you want to extend it you have to buy the same again and throw the ramps away. Also in their wisdom Hornby have decided that at the booking hall and toilets end the ramp will curve away, whereas in reality it should be straight. I think Hornby just made it for Harry Potter fans, shame though, as they are really nice platforms. In the end I made some from Wills sheets of plastic. It is a shame though as Hornby have modelled it superbly, they have changed the distance between the bottom windows and top windows but that is so it fits the platform. I took tons of photos of the real station as I wanted to model it with the Hornby buildings, and they are very good.
  9. Thanks sxbiker I did wonder if perhaps he did it to other people. I get the opinion he is full of his own importance and obviously thinks he is always right. He gets particularly upset if you say some locos are over priced, Sam says it in his reviews all the time and he justifies why. As to your Duchess of Atholl, sad that you never got one that seemed to happen to a lot of people.I assume you got your money back. Anyway my Hush Hush has got delayed for 24 hours by Hermes, I imagine they delivered it to the Courier after they had started their round. As to Hornby, sounds like a firm trying to save money in the wrong places, my firm did it regularly then couldn't understand why it was loosing so much money. Using bad packing is not a good idea where Hermes is involved, DPD or Royal Mail you might get away with it.
  10. I am surprised, if the locos were about 10 years old then it definitely was an issue, the latest Hornby locos don't usually do it. Hornby redesigned the front bogies and generally are much better. I have had issue with the old Hornby P2 and Tornado, but the latest Duchess and Merchant Navy are usually fine. I do have uneven track as well.
  11. I must admit I didn't really care about the Clan to me it looks a nice model, runs nicely and I got it new at a reasonable price off a Seller on EBay. After the issues with the moderator, I requested he remove me from his site. I will remember that about BRM. My Hush Hush it appears is due today. You could hope that perhaps that is why Hornby listed them as dispatched on Sunday but didn't actually send then until Tuesday, they did a check on them after the issues. Hopefully I will know very soon.
  12. Sad to hear your plight Robbie, I came to the conclusion that the moderator had something wrong with themselves or was having a bad day with me. I probably didn't help matters by publishing his mail to me on facebook, I was just so upset that he would write such a immature mail. I was tempted to send it to his editor, the big thing about EMails is you can think it but don't write it down. Mod Note - Just to be clear Colin is talking about the RM Web Forum Moderator not us Hornby Mods. As to the criticism of the models, I have seen the posts about the Clan, I know Hornby are not always right but they must have done some research before they produced it. I take Jenny Kirk's attitude "its my railway, I do what I like". If you are so hung up on detail, go and detail it yourself. On that site I mentioned that Hornby had at least 3 different part numbers for A4 valve gear and some body said that there wouldn't want one that had the valve gear compromised. So I put all my A4s together to see if I could see any differences in the valve gear. The only difference is obviously between a Margate one and a Chinese one, even the tender driven Chinese one would fit with a slight change to the mounting mechanism. Anyway hopefully my Hush Hush will arrive today, it is supposedly in my local depot.
  13. I am surprised about RMWeb I complained about Hornby and promptly got locked out the the thread, then got an Email from the so called moderator saying he was fed up with my responses. The email looked like it came from a five year complaining I had taken their toys and no all my posts were perfectly polite. Anyway that is a horrible thought that this loco that I have now been waiting nearly a week for Hermes to deliver could be damaged. What is wrong with Hornby don't they understand we are not in the 1950s and 1960s now, most people won't put up with it. Plus if people return them to be fixed they will request refund of postage Royal Mail Special Delivery, because nobody is going to send a £200 loco any other way. I suppose the issue is that they don't have feet on the ground in China to check for quality. I have read many times that China accepts a 10% reject rate.
  14. Sorry AndyMac you obviously did not read my post. As for insurance I suspect the insurance available with Hermes is going to be less than Royal Mail, so you argument fails on that one. As for what a delivery driver gets paid again nothing to do with me, I gather Royal Mail get reasonable rates and because they are bigger probably have better systems. I sell my old stuff on EBay, I never use Hermes I have seen so many bad reports, so far I have not had anyone object to paying for First Class mail with Royal Mail. The average Hornby loco is £200+, selling direct to the public that is lot more profit than selling to a Retailer so they definitely can afford to use a decent mail service, unless their retail operation is so inefficient that it is not worth doing. In which case why are they bothering, they basically squeezed out the major retailers by their new policy so I have absolutely no sympathy.
  15. Now lets get this straight Hornby only do free delivery because virtually everybody else does it. From my experience Hornby are the only ones I deal with that use Hermes, most of the others use Royal Mail. Admittedly they generally use second class but either way the service is generally quicker than Hermes. Hornby charges full price for its locos, most of the retailers are 10% down on that, so I think most people are justified in complaining. As to the postage option, I would not pay for special delivery but I definitely would for First Class. I regularly pay the extra when I buy a loco from Bure Valley or YouChoos. Hornby told me over a week ago, possibly two that my loco was in stock, they updated the message that is was dispatched on Sunday night. Hermes picked it up two days later and most of the time the Hermes web site doesn't work, so I don't even know where it is. Incidentally I won a loco on EBay on Sunday, the guy sent it Hermes, admittedly it hasn't arrived yet but at least I can see its progress. So what service of Hermes is Hornby using?
  16. @96RAF something is really going wrong, the advantage of ordering from Hornby was you got it before anyone else, there were posts on this Forum stating exactly that. I don't know until I get my credit card bill, sadly that part of the Hornby webpage appears not to be working at the moment. The other day it wouldn't work on Chrome but would work on Firefox. Today it doesn't work on either. Last I looked, my loco is somewhere in Hermes.
  17. @Graham1 I was thinking exactly the same thoughts myself. Earlier in the year when Hornby redefined how their preorders would be distributed a lot of people suggested that they wanted to sell direct. If they do, they need to improve their act substantially. 2022 I suspect will be an interesting year, given their new pricing policy will they sell out quite so quickly, now a lot of their models are over £200 will the customer expect much better quality.Who knows?
  18. It sounds like the programming is not working. So a few things to check, is the programming track clean, as someone said previously switch to non programming mode and see if the loco runs on address 3. The next thing is there any "stay alive" on the decoder, sometimes that stops it programming. Sometimes certain decoders won't program on certain controllers, I have had that happen. As to the instructions they were probably written by someone that doesn't realise that you shouldn't have to be a "rocket scientist" to use the device.
  19. Unfortunately, in most cases you have to use that thing between your ears and not get carried away with the hype. I frequently find it is is cheaper to buy a model off a retailer that has it on discount new, rather than the more expense item on EBay used.
  20. Well I keep checking the Hermes website and they haven't got it yet. I bet it comes on Friday when I am out getting my Covid booster.
  21. Yes 96RAF the class 73 is the old Lima offering, I had 3 of them bought in the 90s, one at full price the other two when a model shop was selling off old stock for charity. Fortunately Peters Spares was doing all the bits to update them to the latest Hornby specification so that is what I did. The new one is a bit quieter and doesn't draw so much current. They probably used the 66 as that is what they had lying around, probably didn't have a class 73. Dapol make the best one although they do have a habit of derailing. I just like the look of them. I think they still use them for freight around the South East which is probably why Hornby was playing with them.
  22. Seeing as the program highlighted them doing tests on a class 73 TTS Decoder. I wondered whether they were thinking of upgrading their current class 73 mechanism. Then thinking about it as of late most of their "Sound Fitted" locos are the Railroad Plus type so perhaps that is what they are aiming for.
  23. Thanks, I would edit it but Edit doesn't work on my browser. You are right DC fitted should read DCC fitted. Mod note: Edited for you
  24. Yes 96RAF mine eventually got to that with a lot of effort. Probably the Zimo soundcard is a bit bigger and I used one of those Road and Rails latest speakers. Not that I was going to use it but even if I wanted to, the TTS for Duchess is no longer available. Anyway looking at yours that is a preproduction build. The coil of wire on the DCC sound decoder is the killer. As to the latest program, I am sure I am going to complain about the 0.33mm difference, just in case I am not. Sorry that is the least of my worries, I think someone forgets some of us just run the things. I am more interested in the front bogie derailing over my Peco slips. Someone on another site said that if Hornby used common motors it would effect the detail, amazing response since an awful lot of us have been trialling those cheap Chinese ones.
  25. By the sound of it, it wasn't on the track for that long so shouldn't be an issue. I did that with one of my locos the other day that I hadn't got round to chipping, it still works. I think it will last longer than a few seconds but I wouldn't push it. From 96RAF's description it is about the same as a loco stalling at full voltage, so not recommended. I imagine if you did damage it you should smell the dreaded burning smell from the motor.
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