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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. Then there is the price discrepancy. On the Hornby website the TTS fitted one is £199.99, whereas the non TTS fitted one is £134.49. That makes that a very expensive TTS decoder.
  2. I did check on the Hornby website but unfortunately it avoids any details of the sound package. I double checked the Rails entry because I thought it might be HM7000 but everywhere it mentions TTS.
  3. Most industries rely on one person to do a particular design, for the design of a car each person has one job or sometimes many. So for instance there would be one component engineer responsible for say an engine sensor or more depending on the complexity. Even in software we used to split the task down into chunks, operating system, input/out, processing tasks. You only have a team because there are so many parts. So not so different.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the Jinty a standard 0-6-0 chassis as Thomas the Tank, Duck and several other locos. You take off the chassis bottom, remove the wheel off one side of the axle the gear pushes off or in your case falls off. You push the new gear on and then requarter the wheel as you push it back on.
  5. I thought TTS was dead, so how come Rails as one of its new products has a Railroad Flying Scotsman with TTS fitted?
  6. The big thing about statistics you can make whatever you want from them, just read a few Government figures. Only time will tell as to what happens with TT, perhaps in a years time you will all say Sam was wrong. Hornby has decided to sell them via their retailers, with a 10% discount which for most people doesn't sound like they are selling well. For me his review made an awful lot of sense, as it did to many other people. There again I model OO and I like the option to buy off other manufacturers for their products.
  7. Did you actually watch all the video, sounds like you didn't. He was incredibly complementary about the models saying that they were well made and reliable. Then he said there are not enough of them which is absolutely true. If you are an OO gauge modeller the amount of new releases in the last 3 months have been substantial, compare that with TT. He was saying what a lot of us are thinking Hornby's resources are spread too thinly, with lack of resources and a substantial list of OO models that were scheduled for last year still not available, it is of no surprise. I buy a lot of Hornby locos, but when you look at the 8F they have just released, it is difficult not to think they have lost the plot.
  8. Yes it is either an M2 or M2.5 screw. Make sure you have the right headed screwdriver as they will be cheap Chinese screws but they come apart easily. If you lose the screw you can get decent replacement screws from Laptop Screws https://www.laptopscrewsdirect.com/ which are better screws. They should come out really easily, I quite often remove the front bogie bracket to make it easier to put in the screw that holds the body on.
  9. Yes you can. Unscrew the screw that holds to bogie bracket and pull forward to release it. Doing it it while in situ is virtually impossible. Getting the bogie screw back in is a bit fiddly but nowhere near as difficult as what you are trying to do.
  10. Brilliant suggestions, trouble is my lathe is too big and wheels are not the easiest things to hold in a 3 jaw chuck.
  11. All I can say is amazing, were you guys watching the same video. I watched his video and nothing he said was untrue. Hornby don't have enough finances to develop the whole of the range immediately. Looking at their latest balance sheet that has to be true. Anyone looking at this years catalogue or the rereleased 8F with Railroad parts at maximum retail price, knows something is not going too well. He is also right about there needing to be multiple suppliers, one only has to look at the amount of Phillips domestic products that have failed, or Sony Betamax, technically superior but beaten by cheaper simpler products shared amongst multiple manufacturers. As to the Frazer investment, when I read that I was worried, that guy usually has a reason to invest in something and it is not always what you think.
  12. There are two sorts of bogie for the later models, those that were made after the tender drive models. They both attach in the same place. The big difference is in how the bogie is attached to it and generally this is what causes most confusion. I even think the tender driven models attach in the same place. Now we know Hornby supplied the part so it has to be a late model. The photo is of the super detailed version, on the Railroad version the bolt is the other way round. So as I said we need a photo of what bits the person who posted the subject has. Incidentally the one in the photo is bent, it should be flat against the chassis. Funny I have just been fixing an A3 I got off Rails that was broken
  13. That is interesting. I had a few issues loading a profile onto a new HM7000, I did it exactly ad I did it before. I eventually got it to work in the end with a lot of messing around. I did wonder.
  14. It was the person who posted the original concern bogie I wanted to see, to work out what bits they had.
  15. Did Hornby send you the bogie with the bracket attached? If it came with the bracket there is a hole in the centre of the chassis in front of the front driving wheels. If it didn't come with a bracket, I need to know what Flying Scotsman it is, the bogie mount is different between the Railroad version and the non Railroad ones. There is a thread on this forum about the same subject. A photo would help.
  16. I did wonder about that and whether the previous model had a better one. Looking at it, it looks like it is virtually the same as the Fowler 4P Tank one and that has the latest NEM pocket. Even for a cynic like me, I honestly don't think Hornby meant to do it, was it a new guy that looked up the out of date Service Sheet? I assume it has the modern tender arrangement with the decoder in the tender. I am not even sure I would want it if it was greatly reduced. Anyway I bought the previous model off EBay. Perhaps SK had to go, he would never have signed that off.
  17. Well if you use the Pecket PCB that takes a 6 pin DCC decoder it takes up even less space and when you sell the loco you can easily convert it back to DC by just inserting a header. I do that with a lot of my locos where space is tight. It also only has 4 connections.
  18. I know from a thread I started on RMWeb. I thought the price was a bit expensive before I even knew about the moulded smokebox door. I knew my really old one didn't have it so I found out what the last versions they sold were, they were R3564 and R3565 and they definitely didn't have it. It has to be a mistake on their part. I was looking up the Service sheet to see what the part numbers were for the decoder in tender, tender, but there is only one service sheet which is years out of data. Fortunately it is the same as a Black 5.
  19. I was trying to find the latest Service Sheet for the 8F, that references R3564. The only one I can find is 261d on both the New Modellers and Hornby sites. Service sheet 261d refences the older models before they added the decoder to the tender. Any idea if Hornby posted a later one?
  20. Oh that one is easy to answer. Do you spend all day on Facebook, do you believe everything you read on Social Media? The majority of people under 40 it appears do. So yes nobody under 18 is allowed on the site (is that a new rule, I am sure before it was parents permission) but there is an awful lot of people between 18 and 40. As to the badges as I said earlier I take no notice who has what and should hope other people do as well. A lot of business looks for good communicators, unfortunately when they are doing that, they very rarely analyse whether what is said has any value. If Hornby want badges then who cares, bit like being in the Scouts seeing if you can fill your arm with them.
  21. I was about to say the same. I do find them amusing though.
  22. They probably can, it all comes down to the specification you gave them. The administrator of RMWeb seems to be a bit of an aggressive character, that knows what he wants so perhaps that is the difference. Even with RMWeb it took a little while to find my way around. This new software is ok, there are are a few issues with the checkboxes for the forums, if you uncheck them all, I would expect it to display nothing but it does. Not a big thing. The other one for me on the old system it displayed all the topics on one screen with the last contributor with date at the side so it was easy to see if any of the topics had been updated. I think the new one gives you a list as you go in, of updated topics but not so easy to scan quickly. It works, as to the badges well it is one of those things that ill informed managers like to see, not much use really. Look at the positives, you don't get a ton of adverts like RMWeb.
  23. I know I got one yesterday. Sadly just accept it, eventually they will get fed up with their new toy. I think the idea is so you will look at the site more often.
  24. That is not too difficult. Fortunately the later bottom plate with pickups from the later ones fit and I think they are still available. Alternatively just wire to both pickups directly. Remember to file down the chassis pick up pin on the underside of the chassis. You can either take out the weight in the smokebox to make room or wire to the tender. Gets rid of that horrible tender connection but you have to file a hole on the underside of the tender to fit the 4 pin socket. That is if you want to do properly. To be honest you can still run with the live chassis, the motor is isolated so it will still work but getting rid of the live chassis will make it run better.
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