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Too Tall

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Everything posted by Too Tall

  1. He will say, "Easterner and Scotsman set delayed until the 30th again" .... because last time he didn't say the 30th of what stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye Yes, thats a lot of money for some led lights and resistors/dropper board. Granted there is a bit of extra labour, but I am sure it doesn't take the workers that much longer. As the Scotsman set was already more expensive than the Eastener, for effectively the same items (track, power and control, 4-6-2 loco 3 coaches), one does wonder if maybe it was more of a decision to speed initial set availability.
  2. @96RAF, tbh more of a rhetorical set of questions, I cancelled my scotsman and decided to go for the easterner. It does seem strange that the set coaches were unlit, but if you wanted to add any you can only order the lit ones.
  3. So would anyone now pre ordering the M set get an AM ? And if you pre ordered this before the last few days, will you get a the M or AM ? I notice the website is only showing the M, just to muddy the waters more !
  4. I placed a small order yesterday evening, I have ordered 6 times before, and everyone has been despatched by the end of next day at the latest. This one has not .... maybe they are busy sorting out a delivery of stuff including the easterner set and other winter 202/23 scheduled stuff. Fingers crossed ! pray
  5. Haha, well your in luck, I bet mine is Feb 29th !
  6. Thanks gents. No idea on celotex or styrofoam as I can not recall if I have handled any ! Foam board, sounds OK, do you have any links to a low cost supply ? I have a hot knife tool, I also recall using some builders expandable foam many moons ago, but I think that was quite pricey. Although, a hatch may well be a good option. Is PVA soaked newspaper as good as plaster bandage ?
  7. As title really. I would like to attempt building a tunnel but would like it to be removable in case of derailments etc. Polystyrene tens to set my teeth on edge while handling, so I wondered if there is a suitable inexpensive alternate material or method.
  8. You can get moisture resistant MDF, or you can seal it, but as pointed out the dust is nasty. I used it for my slot car track, for which it is ideal, but I used to work with it for a living so routing a slot car track was a drop in the ocean to what I breathed in when I worked with it !
  9. Yes the blood and custards are summer, and the loco should be spring. These I can wait for given I should have the A4 set in a few days (hopefully). What is going to be a killer, is waiting for a shunter, ideally i would have a steam 040 or 060 but as none are even announced yet , I'll settle for the Class 8. Although I will need to rework it to an early livery to satisfy myself. Odd that hornby have 3 Class 8 liveries due, and they are all more modern era, when the first sets are steam, they could have just as easily done a 1953/54 livery. face_with_rolling_eyes
  10. Mine is on 12mm construction ply on 44x44mm battons, glued and screwed. ( I have 2440x 940 board, or 8ft x 3ft 1 inch in old money). Plenty enough room for wiring and point servos. the only downside to MDF IMO is if you want to pin/tack anything it generally needs drilling unless its cheap stuff. But there is no real right or wrong, go with what suits you, as long as its rigid.
  11. After a bit of thinking, I have canceled my scotsman set, I already have the easterner set on pre order so will keep that. I decided to pre-order the "Night Hawk" DCC with sound loco, and 4 blood and custard coaches instead :)
  12. Or under board servos for points ... The Hornby forthcoming app will work Hornby forthcoming chips, or you can use an Elite or Select if you prefer to have a physical controller (as I do). Other make controllers are available. Then you can use regular DCC chips which can be had for around £20 each. Select can be had for £50 S/H ... but if not on latest firmware need to be sent to Hornby to update. It may also struggle with working much more than 2 locos at once due to power limitations. Elites go for £200 upwards (occasionally £150 but rarely and you need to be quick). These can be user updated with a P.C. Or you can find them new at Hattons for £275.
  13. I have 2 packs, unopened so cant confirm (fiddly blighters and my reading glasses need replacing). But I would say 20 per pack looks about right, certainly not much less. I have 14 points on my planned layout, so should have enough nerd_face
  14. Thanks Fishmanoz. I will certainly check over my points and ensure they are flat and the plastic is level with the rails.
  15. Thank you Silver Fox 17, hadn't seen any before. If any get introduced to TT120 I can see some corner issues appearing smile Even more so with the Triang TT100 sizes ! I'll stick with the regular 8 wheels blush
  16. Just to add to DW's post, just in case someone doesn't know/realise, 2 clips used for one point. I guess the keep alive will help 040's traverse the hornby points with plastic frog, but imagine 060 and larger should be fine as more than one set of wheels is generally used for power pick up I believe ?
  17. My main issue was, at the time there were no dimensions, so I ordered it thinking it would house the first locomotive releases. How am I to know what the heck its based on etc, as a first timer in this hobby. (well since I was a kid at least). I since sent it back and the matter is resolved as far as I am concerned. Hornby have now updated the website with some sizes so weather directly related or not, at least people have some info now. I must say, there is an element of toxicity in some replies I have seen to posts here from various new members, thankfully there are also some helpful members too.e Mod edit: to reflect earlier post adjustment.
  18. Personally, i would say download a track planner (I used SCARM, its free for up to 100 pieces, there is also an additional beta download for the hornby TT track). Look at track plans that fit in your given space for ideas , and make your own or modify one to suit. Once you have come up with something, the program can tell you what track pieces you require. The digital set will have enough to get you going, control wise.
  19. And its back to unavailable smile
  20. I thought I had RogerB, but just checked my emails and cant find one ... Edit, found it ! yes I did get an email that I had to confirm to verify my email addy. Posted Morning of Jan 24th. Yes very possible TBT, but it means cutting out the back wall and trimming the roof overhang, and its pretty thick resin ... I decided to return and I'll get a longer one elsewhere when I am suitably underway with the layout.
  21. Not a direct answer, but to give you an idea ... I designed an 00 layout for my father last year. I decided to use it for my own (first ever) layout. I modified it to be a true twin loop (his was a single that looked like a twin) and some minor tweaks, but essentially the same. His takes up 12ft x 4ft, mine fits on an 8 x 3 board.
  22. 12 wheel restaurant cars ? Eventually may be available in TT but hard to test until they are. For now I will be happy for the set coaches to arrive so I can determine what width a tunnel entrance will need to be to clear rolling stock on various curves.
  23. I did post one, so I am guessing it got removed !
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