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Traction tryes for James R9290, Edward R9289 & Gordonn R9291

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Hi folks,


Starting a new topic in the correct place for future searchability.  This is actually a continuation of https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/forum/getting-hold-of-x7125-tyres-24577/?p=1


This thread is for you if you have bought any of the above tender-driven engines and the supplied traction tyres have burned out, as they are prone to, if you run these trains a lot, like I do.  There is a fine groove on the front right and the back left wheel which pricisely houses a very fine traction tyre.


I have found that hese engines will not run without these traction tyres which means when they burn out your engine is unusable until you find a replacement...which you currently cannot! 


* The correct traction tyres for this locomotive are X7125, which have been unavailable for a while.

* Hornby have been quoting X8030 as the replacment but I can confirm that they DO NOT FIT these models.  They cause a traction problem and a power to wheel problem.  These apparently DO FIT pre-2015/16 models.

* Other tyre types which have been mentioned by the good members of this forum as POSSIBLY fitting are X9722 but they are unavailable as well.


I have spoken to Martin at Peter's Spares and he is trying to find a solution.


I have today talked to Hornby customer services who told me he was already aware of this as they monitor the forums.  He told me to email Hornby Technical Services and they would look into it.


That's the story so far and I am hoping we can bring this topic to a conclusion pretty soon as I cannot find any previous solution.  I would love to hear of any other owners of these locos who have had this problem.  What did you do?


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Good post. I just hope the traction tyres don't snap on my R9289 Edward, R9290 James and R9291 Gordon. I also hope that spares come up for sale, otherwise I have no idea what I would do.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

Thanks!  Any idea how to delete the previous two repetition posts??

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Okay folks!  After plenty of wailing, gnashing of teeth, beating one's breast and tearing one's hair WE HAVE A SOLUTION.  (Trumpet fanfair sounds)


Hornby technical services told me that X6142 traction tyres fit these tenders.  I bought a pack from Peter's spares and James in now running!


If you own any of these engines and are sensible you will buy yourself a pack from Peter's Spares NOW before they run out/armegeddon hits/Russia invades, etc.



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Glad there are traction tyres that these locomotives. They do seem expensive though for a pack of 10. You are sure that the X6412 traction tyre is the same as the traction tyres that R9289 Edward, R9290 James the Red Engine and R9291 Gordon the Blue Engine are fitted with out of the boxes?


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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