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Micro Scalextric should be the new strategic form factor


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I bought a Micro set (007 No Time to Die) just as bit of fun to entertain the grand kids over Christmas (full disclosure: I am a 64 year male). I had a Jouef racing set as a boy and didn't realise how much I'd missed it until now. I understand the that the Micro was originally targeted at toddlers, but the form factor is perfect for all ages. I have bought, in rapid succession, multiple track extensions (from Amazon and eBay) and some more 'grown up' cars (Porsche. Maserati) from this store. Never used the original battery pack (ridiculous) - bought the mains adapter at the same time as the original set.

Ok - Hornby. I know you have the larger, more 'sophisticated', tracks but you are missing a trick if you don't focus on the smaller form factor too. These sets are small enough to be maintained as permanent units around most homes. Expand the range of cars and improve the track (crossovers etc) and I think you will find that this becomes a very lucrative arm that also appeals to a wider Scalextric demographic.

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  • 4 months later...

Having been fairly new to Scalextric (not counting childhood!) I have to agree with the premise here.

My wife - who now regrets this bitterly - bought be a set for Christmas, and since then I've added to it. The small form is absolutely perfect for setting up a temporary track on the dining table when a friend is round, in a way that would be much less practical for the full size system.

But the limitation is the lack of variety in track options, and it really wouldn't take much to add in options like a crossover or chicane piece that would make the racing much more interesting.

I get that they think this is for younger racers, but it really needn't be. The thread about reducing the magnetic grip on the cars was interesting for one thing, as trying to get the cars to come off the track often enough to allow for an element of skill isn't that straightforward much of the time.

It's still relatively new, but Scalextric are a few options away from making Micro seriously good. I do hope they provide them.

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  • 5 months later...

Chris I agree, HO is popular in the states to the point that people are running HO cars with modified chassis on wood routed tracks. Scalextric have no competition at HO scale in the UK but don't realise the adult market.

I have made modifications to my 9v cars but they don't sit low enough.

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  • 2 months later...

Hornby, you're missing a great opportunity to market Micro Scalextric to the older generation as has already been said in this blog. I've done the same as "spfthink" and bought track extension packs, another race set "Super Speed" (for the lap counter and hump back bridge) and mains controller.

More, definitely add more track pieces, crossover, chicane, 90 degree curve with and without chicane etc

Also, make the cars provided in sets available to purchase separately.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess we will find out fairly shortly if they are even considering this, with the new range for 2024. It seems a fairly cheap way of giving sets longevity, and I don't think it cannibalises anything - I have no intention of getting 1:32 sets.

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