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Club Member Gift Card

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So I renewed my club membership for 2016. I have my gift card. However it's only redeemable against club exclusive models. 

There are two club exclusive models in stock. I own them both. The only other model I want is limited edition. 

So... What do you think I should do?

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@GTH.............you can only use the £20 voucher as part payment for a Club Exclusive model and nowt else...........like the rest of us Members, you will have to live in hope that Hornby introduce some new models as Club Exclusives later in the year..... 🤔.. HB.

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Similar thoughts to WTD in buying another model of one you already have.


For a friend.


To sell on to make your first purchase cheaper (may need additional purchases to qualify for free postage to your location).


Use a firm like Modelmaster to rename and/or renumber an addition to your fleet.


To keep as a donor for spares and repair.

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  • 4 months later...

So... I have pondered several times regarding at what point it is reasonable to bring this subject back to the light. I posted my OP in April. Several useful suggestions were made, and while I have not acted upon those suggestions, I don't feel that I should have had to. We're now another 4 months down the line and for at least 3 of those months, there has been nothing available in the club models section.

So can I get a confirmation that there will be a restock of club models? Or perhaps some new club models available shortly? Or is there anyone who would like to buy a £20 useless voucher code? #losingthefaith

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If you phone Hornby and order directly you will get 10% disc on your order and your card can be redeemed for £15 against that order as well on instock items. So a loco say £120 will give you discount of £12 making it £108 and then your £15 voucher value (NOT £20) will make it £93 and you gain with postage as over £30 is free P&P in the UK. You must mention that you wish to redeem the card at the time of your order. Failure to do so will not get the £15 allotted against the order.

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Bearing in mind the club package is currently being revised I suspect we may have to wait a while.  My expectation is that club models will disappear entirely with the one-off voucher becoming valid for any direct purchase again.  


Having renewed my membership recently (around June time, I think) I'm hopeful that Hornby will allow those of us with existing unused pre-revision vouchers to use them on other products too!

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@Vespa: What WTD said: Where have you got the £15 voucher idea from? 


@Slornie: That is something I guess. I hadn't seen that holding page before, as I just clicked straight through to the club models. I shall wait another couple of months to see the outcome of the club revisions. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I made a complaint about the £20 Voucher only being useful against Club Exclusives models. If the club issues run out of stock, you have the option to hold out to see if another releases will be made arriviable during the year. If not then it can be traded in for a lesser value of £15 of any other Hornby stock with 10% discount. Which I think this devaluation of £5 is unfair to a Club Membership holder, and therefore the full £20 discount should be able arcoss the whole normal range as well. On another note I got a reply from Hornby in referance to when this years Roadshow Wagon model will be available to buy. The email received informed me and as a collector of these and other annual concession wagons, that there is to be NO ☹️ ROADSHOW WAGON 2016. Which might mean these wagons will be totally dropped from future yearly issues that will be sadly missed by myself and/or other collectors.  

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This is a quote from the any news about the club format thread. I was just passing on what was said there a few days ago. 


' I called them - the package is as before except for £20 you get a £15 voucher off anything in the Hornby website plus the magazines (well that's what they told me), so I renewed and am waiting for my welcome pack.'

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Read the entry above yours again. The £15 voucher is now for anything not just the club models. So you can get £15 plus 10% off anything. 


This is is a quote from james_nelmes on another post:

’Got my pack today - £15 discount code off website (plus your 10% off), magazine plus card and badge. For me that's not a bad deal.'

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Clear to me too.  Didn't used to be that way, was on Club models only, is now for anything.  Nothing more needs saying?

Well I think it does actually. I've just received my pack (in a huge envelope) and the letter giving the £15 voucher code states, in very small print, that it cannot be used in conjunction with the 10% discount.

So, if I decide to buy a £120 loco, do I use the voucher and pay £105, or claim the discount and pay £108?

If I buy a £150 loco the voucher brings the price down to £135 which is exactly the same as getting 10% off

The voucher is not much of a benefit over the discount, except on lower price purchases and remember, you have to spend over £30 to avoid the postage charges.

Also in small print at the bottom of the page, the voucher expires on 31 Dec 2016.

You really do need to work out what is the most beneficial and of course there is always the possibility that your friendly model shop will be offering a better discount than 10%.

P.S. The flyer enclosed in the membership pack still refers to a £20 voucher to spend on "Club Exclusive" models. How confusing.

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Yes but the 10% lasts for ever and the voucher cancels out all of your on line subscription or 75% of your postal subscription so the club, in theory, is free or almost free. On top if that you get magazines and a badge (to throw in the bin). Its not difficult to spend the £30 to get free P&P and the items arrive far quicker than any retailer, in most cases for me next day.  😆

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