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This is my first post, so I'm sorry that it is also a bit of a plug. I got back into making models a few years ago when my kids were old enough. I'm still a big fan of Airfix, as my far-too-big stash of kits suggests. I don't think I'm running afoul of any forum rules and I definitely am wanting "to ask questions and seek assistance from like-minded individuals"

If any of you have the time I'd really appreciate some feedback on my efforts so far which are posted with loads of pictures on my website/blog and specfically whether my base boards for dioramas and gaming surfaces is anything other people might be interested in? The picture below is my biggest diorama so far and it all folds away into a couple of small boxes, when I can I'll be building a whole load of Matildas, Panzer III and IVs as well as the Airfix and Matchbox 8th Army and Afrika Korp figures to go with it. I'll be adding build-alongs to my blog when I can.

I hope you like my diorama.

Cheers everone, Jon.


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I'm not one for wargaming or things like that, but I certainly appreciate the work that goes into that sort of thing, and yours is no exception. I've long wanted to build a diorama for an aircraft but lack the confidence/skills. Hopefully things like yours can show me the way forward.

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Thanks very much, it was a lot of work, but I think trying and failing are just as important as skills and confidence, I stuffed up loads on this diorama, which is my first one really and I learned loads doing it. I've just put a post on my blog about making some simple buildings from scratch and I mostly made that up as I went along (as you can probably tell).

I've got an airfix Whirlwind that just needs painting, and I found a great image on t'internet that I'm going  to try to recreate in a diorama all it needs is some muddy fields and a blast pen - how hard can it be? Famous last words.

I'll try and post the picture later.


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Wow, thanks Richard, that's very kind I'm glad you like the blog, I'm a bit surprised at how much I enjoy writing it. Here's the picture I mentioned in a previous post, I love the Whirlwind, such a great looking machine.

I'm just updating my blog with my current build. I'm trying to get stuff ready for IPMS, so much to do, so little time!


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Very nice work :) I always have storage problems with my models and most times cannot solve them :DI'm also making a few scenarios, but my project is to build a airbase. Again, the main problem is size, the overall area is 100 x 80 cm and still don't know where to place it. The texts are in Portuguese, but Google can translate them without too much errors:http://soldadosminiatura.blogspot.com/

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Nino, that's awesome, that hangar's looking really good, I really like the Me and the Fw too. What brand are the figures?

On the size/storage problem the system I'm working on has a version that would could possibly work for something like that. It would be about 1.08m by 0.72m flat and fold up into a cube 0.36m on a side. So if your hangar is less than 0.36m tall it could work.

I've bookmarked your blog, I'll be back, keep building.


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Thank you, I already have bookmarked your site :)The hangar is 16 cm tall, the control tower is still being build, but doubt be over 20 cm, including the antenna and the other buildings are even lower. The hangar is 55 wide x 35 dept, big enough to a bomber or several fighter planes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've finished my extension to the big North African diorama. I (and my two boys) wanted it to be a bit bigger so we could game on it as well. It's as big as the table now, so that's the end of that. I still want to keep working on the two based-buildings though. Although this might end up with me scrapping them and starting again, they just look a bit too big to me..? I showed this at IPMS, people seemed to like it when I folded it all up into a box but everyone thought it was Afghanistan! I should have finished some 1941 tanks and brought those along too, d'oh!

More piccies on the blog. If you want to see it fold up there's a little

on youtube. 

Hope everyone's well. Cheers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Paul,

Funny you should mention storage. The whole board actually folds away into some small, stackable boxes, even the buildings and the terrain.

There's a youtube

of it doing just that.

I actually have a kickstarter project live right now for the folding base board system and there's loads more information on my website. In case anyone is interested?




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