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Extension cables for Digital throttles 7057


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You may be able to make up your own of exactly the right length.


So far as I can tell the controller is a 2.5mm mono jack (smaller than the common 3.5mm ones) You can get both male and female ends on Ebay for £1.50 each then you just need some cable and the soldering iron! DO NOT use a stereo jack!


As for cable if you want a round one consider microphone cable

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The problem is Scalextric don't have them in the shop and everywhere is out of stock. They are simple enough to make up though. The prices shown by sellers are to put buyers off while stock is zero. The actual C7057 leads were around £7 a pair when they were available!


It is silly that they are not even listed by scalextric anymore I almost feel inclined to make them up for people at custom lengths!

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  • 2 years later...

Roughly 2 years late, but I try to bump this thread. 

I have made a table for my circuit were the controllers are plugged in at the side of the table cables are drawn beneath the track and comes up just beside the power base. I have done the same with the power cables. However, the 2,5 mm mono jack is killing me! I have bought from two different stores, but it seems the dimensions are not 100 % correct so either the female is short circuited or the male is not connecting in the power base. Could you please advise me which brand to use?

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originally found cables on clearance at rat shack for phone use

neeeded them because digital track was massive back then with pb6sh

they worked great and so contacted 132 to start selling them

Alan bought them out all and that is how scaly got into it

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