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Sound without DCC


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I'm not a dinosaur but I still run a non-DCC layout and, moreover, I am happy with my current setup. Is there any way sound can be added to a loco without going down the digital route. I would be grateful for any polite comments! Thanks. Terry.
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I don't know for certain how but it is possible in a basic form - James May used his 70s (hence definitely DC) Flying Scotsman with realistic chuffing sound for the Great Race that has recently been on seemingly every night. There is proably a speaker

that plays a sound when power is applied to the motor, a bit like lights in Pulman coaches etc.
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Nothing so sophisticated as a speaker. All it was,was a piece of metal with a sandpaper like material on striking another piece of metal on the rear wheel. There also a small empty plastic box attached to give a little more sound. I believe Gaugemaster

may stock non DCC sound bits and pieces have a look at their web site.
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Nothing so sophisticated as a speaker. All it was,was a piece of metal with a sandpaper like material on striking another piece of metal on the rear wheel. There also a small empty plastic box attached to give a little more sound. I believe Gaugemaster

may stock non DCC sound bits and pieces have a look at their web site.
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In the 70s, Triang-Horny made some locos with a mechanical chuffing sound box under the tender, which I think included the Flying Scotsman model at one stage.

There are DC sound units available where the speaker is placed on the layout

not in the locomotive.

I had an older Q Models version which was good but basic compared to today's DCC sound apparatus. The Q Models unit allowed small speakers to be placed in larger locomotives and/or by the track on the layout.

Try www.mysound.com

telephone no. 01603 260562 who sell useful stream and diesel DC sound units for about 45 pounds each. I have seen them used on a N Gauge layout in Northants - lovely. There may be other suppliers too?

Kindest regards,
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FinnerZ said:I don't know for certain how but it is possible in a basic form - James May used his 70s (hence definitely DC) Flying Scotsman with realistic chuffing sound for the Great Race that has recently been on seemingly every night. There is proably

a speaker
that plays a sound when power is applied to the motor, a bit like lights in Pulman coaches etc.
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The Model Electronic Railways Group http://www.merg.org.uk hs a link to Bromsgrove Models
http://www.bromsgrovemodels.co.uk who stock ITIC sound modules. There are 73 sound modules that could be used on a model railway layout including Diesel Engines,

Track Sounds and Farmyard Sounds. They also sell a book on the use and installation of DCC which was revised in 2010.
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