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Points not setting at start up

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Hi, I have just changed part of my track plan and when it used to start up all the points fired on starting. Now they do not go through the start sequence although it says initiallizing and point setting, it does not. The box in Settings is ticked for setting. Am I missing something please? Thanks, George

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Have you set up the "Points Setting" window like this?


You don't have to number the Start-up position the same as the Decoder port number, but you do have to put something in there. R-



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George, I see from your previous posts that you have ProPack (Roger's image above is a ProPack image) and that you have reported this issue before. The result of which based upon advice given, you implemented the 'start up' numbering solution that Roger alluded to to resolve it. Given that this was all working OK until you tinkered with the design. I suggest you check through ALL your points on the track plan and set up a new sequential numbering order to implement. It maybe that your existing 'start up' numbering configuration has just become corrupted in some way. Maybe a 'start up' number has been duplicated, or maybe one is missing. Granted this is a stab in the dark, but maybe it only takes a small error in the configuration to stop this start up process working altogether.

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Thanks Roger, RDS, Chris, I vaguely remember having this issue before. Would you suggest going through all the points and giving them all a number in order to ensure they all reset on start up? As you say it does not need to be the same as the Decoder Code. There is no number there at present except the Decoder number. Off to try it thanks.

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You guys are so helpful thank you very much, I needed to put a number in the box which I did not know and now all seems to go click sequentially as before. This is the amended version and I am delighted with the Railmaster and elink set up. I use NCE Powercab for loco control as not keen on Railmaster for that, I like to hold something.  LOL  Is Fishmanoz still around?  /media/tinymce_upload/f303604d95118c54115586bbc14665d8.JPG

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In pro pack you have to have a start sequence  number in that box else it doesn't work. Blanks are no good, although I am sure the manual says if there are certain points you do not want to initialise you can enter zero.


edit - see page 81/82 of the latest manual.

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Quite correct, Rob. A positive number in the startup sequence causes a point to fire, zero or blank for a point will not fire it. I have all of the points on my main tracks set to fire, while those in sidings are set to not fire. The only occasions when none of them fire are either when initial communications between the pc and controller fail, or if there is a short circuit when the controller fires up.


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Many thanks to you all for your help, all seems to be working well now, I do not recall having to number each point for firing order but it has done the trick. I took the plunge while adding in the extra tracks feeding Nelevator to change the schematic for the main station area to mimic more realistically the layout, I should have done this before but believed if things work leave well alone. I would have attached a shot of my laptop screen but it is too lareg a file with the layout mimic and am delighted with it. I do have a few small bugs with it, despite deleting several times I still have a pair of points forming a crossover linked as one but a direction arrow will not change on one of them,

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Well done George - thanks for coming back to let us know all is well. With the direction arrow it might well just be that the red and green buttons are not "locked" to the grid (in the design window). Try moving one of them away from its current position and then drag it back to the centre of the point it controls and let the mouse button go. It should then "leap" into the correct position. The other one should follow. R-

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Hi George, did you get a "proximity" warning with these points (ringed in green)? They are very close and I suspect may be the ones giving you the direction arrow problem. R-



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Yes I'm here George. Don't think the ones Rog has circled are the problem, they both seem to have direction indicators. But check out bottom right at the RH end of the top platform track. There seems to be a set of point buttons missing?

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Both ends of that bottom row is awry Fishy.


At the right hand end there are two points affected - no buttons and at the left hand end there is a set of buttons missing and a set displaced, so it all needs a bit of space inserting twixt adjacent points and the buttons reattaching by dragging them to pointer centre.


I work on at least one straight between points along track (horizontal or vertical) and a double straight length twixt tracks to allow for buttons above/below each other on parallel tracks ( horizontally or vertically). Remember the plan is only a representation of the track not a true mimic so it doesn't have to match exactly what is on the board, just represent it.


Then once each point has had its settings box (right click) checked we can analyse the plan again if the problem is not resolved.


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Yes I'm here George. Don't think the ones Rog has circled are the problem, they both seem to have direction indicators. But check out bottom right at the RH end of the top platform track. There seems to be a set of point buttons missing?

Yes Mr Fish. that is the offender bottom right crossover, there are two points that use the same code but only one set of buttons as I believed that I could live with the arrow showing straight on or turning into the crossover. But come what may I cannot get rid of the top arrow so maybe I need to put buttons back in. I think I will try and move both pairs of points back towards the curves and reset all the existing buttons and add the other two missing ones. Glad to hear you are hear and well. :-)


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Both ends of that bottom row is awry Fishy.


At the right hand end there are two points affected - no buttons and at the left hand end there is a set of buttons missing and a set displaced, so it all needs a bit of space inserting twixt adjacent points and the buttons reattaching by dragging them to pointer centre.


I work on at least one straight between points along track (horizontal or vertical) and a double straight length twixt tracks to allow for buttons above/below each other on parallel tracks ( horizontally or vertically). Remember the plan is only a representation of the track not a true mimic so it doesn't have to match exactly what is on the board, just represent it.


Then once each point has had its settings box (right click) checked we can analyse the plan again if the problem is not resolved.


Thanks Rob, I will move the points towards the curves both ends and reset the buttons and try and put both sets into the plan. I will have a go tomorrow nad report back, thanks fellas.  😆

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Yep, see what both of you mean. Hadn't thought of only putting buttons on just one point in a crossover, that will work as long as you don't mind no direction indicators on the point without buttons.


Spacing isn't quite as critical as Rob suggests.  You only get the problem when toe (single) ends are adjacent, not toe to heel or heel to heel, similarly on parallel tracks (e.g.  On horizontal parallel tracks at minimum spacing, can't have toes straight above each other but can have toe above heel or heel above heel). 

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Can I suggest you reply using just the green button at screen bottom and not the blue arrow button in each post, that way your reply doesnt get lost in the yellow box containing the previous text.

If you want to quote from earlier posts just copy and paste the required text, then highlight and use this button /media/tinymce_upload/ff8eab9dbd753fdd5ba9b3a12b80be01.PNG  in the row above next to B and I. A drawback if you reply using the blue arrow and the post contains a picture it gets held for Admin approval.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody. So sorry I have not replied earlier but i have been busy making some N Gauge pylons ! They do look good well to me anyway but toolk gaes and so fiddly. So back to my problems with the point directions and buttons and firing issues. I am pleased in fact delighted to report they are all now working as they should thanks to all your help. The latest problem I had was with the direction buttons on the two crossovers at the bottom of the screenshot and by moving them nearer the bends and adding the extra point buttons it all shows the direction as it should. The revised plan is below. Thank you all once again I am grateful for your help./media/tinymce_upload/d23f237feee102e428cd546d78eb527c.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,

Just like to ask a quick question on the points at start up issue.

When I power on the eLink software my points do not setup at all - a couple of them chatter with a click click sound   - after I have changed to screen layout to something without points and I have powered down and replugged the power into the system  I can then load my layout and all functions OK. It's driving me bonkers.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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This has been covered several times. Try a search of the forums (not the main site search) or just read through the other pages in this thread.


It is well known that if you fiddle with anything in RM you need to shut it down and restart to allow it to get its ducks back in a row.


It is also well covered in the RM manual.

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Hi RAF96,

Thanks for the quick response. I can find no reference to my problem at all. !

I've tried moding the ini file to 'not' fire points but it still does when starting up and then the points chatter away until I unplug the system. 

Surely someone has more idea than just 'read old posts'.


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