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Airfix pilot figures


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I haven't heard this but alot of the new tool releases already come without pilot/crew figures. 


It would seem it is usually the larger kits with possibly multiple crew members that are omitted, such as the Victor/Valiant and Lancaster etc. The smaller kits such as the single seat fighters like the Spitfire/Hurricane and Me109 all have pilots. Even the twin seat jets I have purchased recently, Vampire/Jet Provost & Gnat have had 2 pilots.


But like many other modellers on this forum I agree that Airfix should still include pilot/crew figures in all kits. I know with some kits the extra detail in turrets etc may preclude the addition of a gunner, but where possible lets have a full crew. Airfix always used to have crew figures, and I, probably like many other modelllers always chose Airfix over other makes for this reason!!  


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I have been told that Airfix are shortly going to stop producing pilot figures for their new kits. I think this is a bad idea for those of us who like to model an aircraft with a pilot in it. Can anyone confirm the truth of this. Not a good idea in my opinion Airfix.

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 I know with some kits the extra detail in turrets etc may preclude the addition of a gunner, but where possible lets have a full crew.

The 1/72 Defiant has what appears to be a specially designed figure for the turret, because he's demonstrably smaller than the pilot, so it is do-able. What I suspect has become policy is that crew figures are deemed desirable but not essential when it comes to budgeting for design and tooling. It does seem hit and miss, smaller kits might get a full complement, larger kits a token one or two and the largest none. You could argue that on something like the Victor, anything behind the glazing is a bit superfluous. I'm not at all put out by the lack of crew figures, the detail that Airfix are now packing into the interiors is such that I'd rather have that than crew, but if you enjoy crewing your models it's a bit of a disappointment.

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 I know with some kits the extra detail in turrets etc may preclude the addition of a gunner, but where possible lets have a full crew.

The 1/72 Defiant has what appears to be a specially designed figure for the turret, because he's demonstrably smaller than the pilot, so it is do-able. What I suspect has become policy is that crew figures are deemed desirable but not essential when it comes to budgeting for design and tooling. It does seem hit and miss, smaller kits might get a full complement, larger kits a token one or two and the largest none. You could argue that on something like the Victor, anything behind the glazing is a bit superfluous. I'm not at all put out by the lack of crew figures, the detail that Airfix are now packing into the interiors is such that I'd rather have that than crew, but if you enjoy crewing your models it's a bit of a disappointment.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally, I do like to crew aircraft with pilots etc. I do hope that Airfix do continue to provide crew with their aircraft in the future. If they don't intend to do so, perhaps they could release packs of pilots more proto-typical for the period/country? Many other manufacturers don't seem to supply aircrew and it is becoming increasingly difficult to source suitable figures. If anyone knows of any manufacturers that are providing suitable aircrew packs (for 1/72) I'd be grateful for any information. 

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PJ Productions produce very nice resin crew figures for all periods (but can be a little oversize for some cockpits) in packs of 2 - I can recommend the Sea King crew of Pilot, Navigator, Diver and Winchman - and Revell do packs of crew figures (but not all seated).

I do still like getting the crew in the kit but will buy in when I wish. At least the small kits still have crew which suggests that Airfix think the kids buying pocket money kits will want a pilot while the 'grown up' modellers don't like them getting in the way. This is clearly an oversimplification and therefore misses the point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PJ Productions produce very nice resin crew figures for all periods (but can be a little oversize for some cockpits) in packs of 2 - I can recommend the Sea King crew of Pilot, Navigator, Diver and Winchman - and Revell do packs of crew figures (but not all seated).

I do still like getting the crew in the kit but will buy in when I wish. At least the small kits still have crew which suggests that Airfix think the kids buying pocket money kits will want a pilot while the 'grown up' modellers don't like them getting in the way. This is clearly an oversimplification and therefore misses the point.

Thanks for the info Paul. Appreciated. 😀

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just purchased the Junkers Ju 87B-1 new tool and that has two beautifully moulded crew figures they even have separate right arms that can be posed. Surely the designe for crew and be "cut-&-pasted" from one model to another using the latest CAD design software, so the cost of producing crew figures should be miniumal.

Remember we do this for fun                   John the Pom.

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 I'd like accurate pilots wearing the correct uniform for the aircraft they're flying. Luftwaffe uniforms were different to RAF as RAF were to USAAF, then there's post war too. When I built the Nimrod I had to change the heads because their crew didn't wear bonedomes as provided in the kit. Airfix are going much further to make their kits accurate, surely they can do the same with the crew.

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I would like to see more information in general about aircrew uniform colours, as well as more details about aircraft interiors and armament. These have been neglected areas since the start of plastic modelling. I'm glad to see more information and cockpit/weapon decals in some of the more recent kits from Airfix, but some articles in the Airfix Mag would be particularly welcome. 

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  • 6 months later...

Can I make a plea for the re-introduction of pilot figures to be included in future kits ?  I like to build my aircraft in flight mode, but that means sourcing additional figures from third parties for the correct period and then modifying them to fit. Whilst the availability of figures in the correct scale is usually alright, trying to get them in the correct flying gear is not always so easy.

Just why did Airfix stop including them in all scales, WHY !  It's so annoying when it would only cost pence, or a few pounds at the most, for them to be included.

So please Mr Airfix, put them back in the box again.



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  • 4 weeks later...

although i've posted previously, i've more to say

i've noticed the provision of figures 'tailored' or 'specific' to the kit

this must add cost to making the mould

so, does the pilot fit the interior detail or is the interior detail fitted to the pilot

neither hasegawa or italeri, i'm sure there's more, supply figures

and personally, i'm not bothered

but i know some modellers do use them and are 

i reckon we'll see them less and less for the reason that they potentially raise tooling costs but their inclusion or omission doesn't materially affect sales

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