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Arc Pro Platinum Cars


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I’m in the process of getting the Arc Pro Platinum set, but without sounding churlish, the cars supplied aren’t to my taste (although lovely and digital) I prefer earlier eras.  My question is are these cars worth keeping as colletables or is there a market for them to help fund my passion for vintage cars?

I should add that I’m not looking to profit, I just like the classics. 


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You can sell your digital cars on Ebay either by auction or by setting a fixed price. You will find plenty there already. I seriously doubt the cars with the set are collectable, although that may change in the future, however since they are not limited editions, the value is unlikely to be anything special.

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on the other hand

since this appears to be a first digital set for you like you to know

scaly usually releases set cars later because already molded and chassis set in stone

what am unable to find out is what motor they contain since always try to avoid high speed on and off bike motor here and to me that is most important

the toys most likely come with the dpr chip installed and doubt scaly provides the hatch in the set necessary for analog use only thus you will be temped to sell them with chip in place and if no hatch and chip is taken out car will not run unless you solder wires together

the dpr chip installed is in hot demand as being strongest scaly has sold so that adds value

however you did not say what the classics are that you like

scaly classic means to me either todays vintage f1s which are near impossible to chip or models of real cars that raced decades ago that usually are not dpr so will require soldering

back in beginning of scaly digital the set came with boring porsche boxster and audi tt

they turned out to be the toughest and finest handling toys to race and easy to paint and thus made great loaners for racers who only saw colors going by since just learning before crashing  repeatedly

point is you may be smarter to keep set cars to learn with and loan out instead of fragile classics which you very likely will need to chip with solder


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Thank you all for your stirling and valuable advice, I really appreciate it.  For the record the cars are not for sale, I was purely seeking advice from fellow enthusiasts.  

Im collecting cars up to the mid seventies, so for instance some of the current Legends series cars are   perfect for me.

All advice greatly received - many thanks!



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