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All TTS functions

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Good morning one and all. Can anyone help. I have the full version of the Railmaster software and today I have put a new class 40 onto the system. According to the function list, it has 24 usuable functions, but even after expanding the box with the function buttons in, I can only see up to function 15.



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Kevin once you have expanded the large throttle function button area by clicking the red arrow at the bottom you can then click and drag that expanded box of buttons up and down to see the rest of the functions.


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This basically the same question has been answered more than once before. The most recent answer being on the 14th Dec.


See this previous answer.



You can read the RM manual until dooms day and you will not find this information in it. There are many undocumented RM features that are found using 'trial and error' by members.


I posted that same answer as Rob because my link has got 'screen shots' to assist the explanation.


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I was wondering if a sticky post would be useful of the collected undocumented features. From the sound of the above this would not only be useful but almost bordering on the essential. Although I suppose railmaster should be redoing their documentation really. I of course assume they know. Perhaps they could be reminded?

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HRMS (the RM developers) do read this RailMaster sub-forum. So they will be well aware of reported over-sights in their documentation. Some (not all) of the previous 'documentation is lacking in this area' highlights have sometimes resulted in amended additions to the documentation.

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Hi All, Quick question regarding the display of the sound function buttons when 2 loco controllers are overlaid over the track plan.

The first one you open displays all the function buttons and their relevant 'F' numbers - i.e. F1 through to F15 or whatever you have as your last function. When you open the second overlay display you only get F1 through F9 displayed - thereafter it just shows F1. See screen grab below.


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Use the internal support request to report it as a BUG.


But first,


Ignoring the fact that F1 is displayed in the top left corners (in blue text). Do the buttons still play the sound shown on the label?


Is this second throttle display issue the same regardless of what second loco throttle is opened, or only when the 'Gadwell' is the second loco throttle?

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Hi Chris,

Thanks for the response and advice regarding this issue.

The sounds play as they should regardless of the display issue.

It's always the second throttle displayed that results in this F1 problem/issue/bug or what ever you want to call it.

I'll report it via the RM software link.



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  • 1 month later...

Support got back and said they would look into this but I've heard nothing since.

This issue still remains so I contacted them again and Hornby/Railmaster support report that they cannot replicate this issue?

I've asked to see a screengrab of their display and await a reply.

Anyone else got this problem ?

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If you look at Gadwell the F1s in the third and four rows are the actual numbers just that the button text box is masking the second number. Note also that if you tick six ‘favourite’ functions these list first on the expanded throttle with the rest following, which makes it look as if they are listed out of sequence.


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I post this more as a bump of the post.


Can someone who runs RM ProPack please open two large throttles and see if they observe the same issue as Mike and report back.


Thank you

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I have just tried this and can confirm the same result. It seems to me that the RM program code used to display these two windows is different. When the first window is displayed, the text description is being placed on each button first, then the Fnn number second. When the second window is being displayed, the Fnn number is being placed first, followed by the text description. Trouble is, there is an overlap which causes the Fnn bit to be partially overwritten by the text description in the second window. In the first window the overlap is still there, but the Fnn bit is covering part of the text description which is blank anyway. It's like those design programs where objects can be placed onto the screen, then each one is capable of being "brought to the front" or "sent to the back".


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I concur with Ray's technical assessment. As many on here are aware, I do a lot of drawings to answer posted questions. The drawing package I use places drawn objects on the virtual paper in layers. I see the same effect of bits missing if I get the order of the layers wrong. I have to click on a drawn object and use either the 'Send Backwards' or 'Bring Forward' tool to correct what is displayed on screen. Of course, in RailMaster this is hard coded into the program, so only HRMS could correct it by amending the code for displaying the second throttle.

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I have reported in several clear and obvious faults that were repeatable but which HRMS seem unable to replicate at their end.


I have lost the bit of paper listing them, so the list gets shorter as I forget them.



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The TTS functions are hardwired into that decoder. Nothing that HRMS or you or I can do to change that. F3 - toot will always be F3  - toot. The only thing RM can change is what appears in the functions list, say F3 - blah, which you can change to reflect the listing in the Gadwell TTS leaflet.


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