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On my screen, that stripe appears more like a dark orange.

I suspect the real-life colour is somewhat different, but the visual appearance 'on the air' will depend on the camera, the ambient/artificial light 'colour',  the individual's set-up and - of course - their eyesight!

Regarding a colour-match - not a clue, sorry!

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 My understanding is that Derby Research livery was Rail Blue. as used on locomotives and passenger carriages on the lower portions , and Rail Red above which was the shade used in the bodywork of many air braked freight wagons.  Also the lower stripe below the class 58 footplate was painted Rail Red.


When the Corporate Image was developed in 1964/5 three house colours were defined - Rail Red, Rail Grey and Rail Blue. Apart for a brief excursion as the background to the white BR double arrow on the cabside of the XP64 locomotive Rail Red wasn't used on commercial rolling stock until the freight sector started to use it on the new air braked wagons, circa 1988, replacing a rather sombre 'Freight Brown'.  I think Derby Research used it before then.


The middle stripe of the later (APT)  Inter City livery is (I believe) Rail Red.


It is certainly red, but tending towards orange (or rather it fades to it. ) technically it is described as Azo Orange



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Yes Rail Red is officially called -  Azo Orange.


For comparison, the 'red' used on air brake wagons and on the class 58 .





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