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R2655 decoder sleeve

GECX 2029

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 I Recently purchased R2655 of eBay, after waiting nearly a week it arrived, soon as I unboxed the locomotive I noticed the sleeve, now do I put it on before running the loco? or can I run the loco without the sleeve?? I've been confused all day because of this...

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Folk have said that the glue in Sellotape is acidic and not chip friendly once heated. How true this is I have no idea. I tend to use heat shrink sleeve just nipped at each end to hold the decoder but allowing air circulation.

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I would also avoid standard PVC Electrical insulation tape. Over time the glue on the tape creates a very sticky congealed mess that is near impossible to clean off.

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Standard electrical insulation tape appears to be the tape of choice in Hornby DCC fitted units, if my vent van is anything to go by.

Unless it is not the standard gooey stuff.

I use white medical tape as it is very adherant but easy to peel off and reuse.



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