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Trouble downloading latest RM

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It was just that I was trying the download from the PC that has been in a deep sea box for several months and it had already baulked at reregistering my RM Pro key although it accepted the basic authorisation key.

I shall try again tomorrow.

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I can 'ping' the HRMS server IP address, so it is physically there on the Internet, just not responding to a HTML FTP request.

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The DL link is working again. There is no detectable change in the file, so it would appear that it did not go 'walkabout' pending an updated replacement.

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  • 1 year later...

I have been receiving the following message since last Friday when I try to download 1.74 using the link at top of page:

This site can't be reached. www.rail-master.com took too long to respond.


When I run Windows Network Diagnostics the result is:

Your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (www.rail-master.com) is not responding.


Does anyone else have this problem?

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Thanks for the link, Chrissaf, but I still can't reach the site.  I have tried all three of my computers with the same result.  I have also followed some fixes on YouTube without success.


I will persevere as I have always been able to download updates in the past.

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If you have used three different computers with the same result, the router is the only common denominator within your own control domain. And given that the forum members can access the file, it would appear to be an issue local to you.


Power down and re-boot your Broadband router and try again. Routers contain Internet route data 'caches' that can become corrupted. Re-booting clears out those 'cache' files and makes the router find those routes back to the destination again. In this case the destination is 'rail-master.com'.


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I just tried to download from the link at the top of the page.


It did download but was very slow compared to what I am used to and ended with a warning that the file was blocked because it could harm my device.  I was given the option to accept it.  I have never had this before so something is different to previous versions.


Maybe Tarabuses system is blocking the download for potential security reasons.

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I don't recall that scenario. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that I don't remember it, not even vaguely.



As you know I download the file daily for version update checking. Sometimes it only downloads at less than 300K per sec and takes ages to download. So I see your observation as sometimes being quite normal, albeit irritating. With regard the security warning, I never get that at the download stage, only if I try to 'run it'.


Tara's message was more 'cannot reach railmaster' rather than 'we're blocking this for security'. The router reboot I suggest has fixed a similar 'cannot reach a site' error message issue before for me, but I can't remember what site I was having connection issues with. It might have been 'railmaster' it might not. It was a long time ago and I just can't remember.

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@RDS   warning that the file was blocked because it could harm my device.  I


I also had this message, not just from the railmaster site but from others as well.


It seems to be a Microsoft generated message which gives you the option to inform Microsoft that this site is safe, which I did.


Maybe if enough people do the same it will disappear.

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I report to MS that RM is safe everytime I download it but it makes no difference. No one at MS seems to be taking any notice.

When I see the first security warningI see that the download holds until I accept the report then it downloads, often slowly for what is not a huge file, so it must be the upload speed at HRMS site affecting the rate.

I then get the harmful file dialogue when I try to run it and again I have to accept the ‘risk’ and run anyway.

No matter what I do these persistant warnings from MS (protecting me against the bad guys) keep cropping up. One would think one could set an exception as can be done at the firewall for .exe files.

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Just had a thought. One reason why I don't see the warning at the 'download stage' might be because my Windows 10 Desktop is set up as a 'Local Account'. This means that my PC does not connect to my online 'Microsoft Account' when it boots up. The Windows security download an Internet application file check might possibly be performed as a 'handshake' process with the MS servers, which of course can't take place with a 'Local Account'. Just an idea.......

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I have spent the morning trying to resolve this problem and can now report success.  😀  I re-booted my broadband router but still encountered the same problem.  However, I agreed with Chrissaf's conclusion that the router was the only common denominator and tried another path.


I was able to download the rm_setup.exe file using Safari on my iphone on 4G.  I then transferred the exe file to my PC using itunes File Sharing.  I now have 1.74 running successfully. 


The source of the problem is still a mystery.  I am not having the issue with any other downloads.  Could it be that rail-master is too slow responding and my PC browser is giving up too soon?  


Thanks for everyone's help and interest.

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I am having the same problem and I am a brand new user. Having taken out the CD from the box and followed the instruction to install Railmaster (as an administrator) I get to the point where I try to register the railmaster and get the "connecting to activation gateway" and it freezes. So I came onto the website forum and get told to install the new version but the website doesn't open to me giving the same "site is taking too long" message as the user above.

I have tried powering down my broadband router and turning it on again and same problem again. It's a windows 10 laptop, and my elink came with the Majestic box of trains and track.

So all my train and track is sitting unused in the box as I can't even set up the railmaster and elink ☹️

Not a very positive start to my Hornby experience

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There are a myriad of settings that can be changed within the router environment and I could not attempt to explain any of them. Login in to your router home page and have a look round to see if there is an obvious fettle.

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Glad you have sorted it, thanks for letting us know.


The reason for downloading RM from the link, rather than using the CD is to ensure that you get the latest version.  The CD could be years old!

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I am glad to see that my workaround has worked for kerrazoo.  


I had no such problems when I updated to 1.73 last July but now see that there were problems with 1.73.0 for some users.  Chrissaf suggested then that a Windows 10 release might have been to blame and, of course, using 4G on my iphone avoided any interference by Microsoft.


Hopefully this will not be an issue with the next release, incorporating Loco Detection   😉.

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