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SIGNAL BOX (Hornby's monthly YouTube series)

Guest Chrissaf

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 Very good (except for the sub-titles which seemed to have considerable difficulty interpreting Simon Kohler ["Cola" according to the sub-titles!!]).


The Bulleid 59 footers were well represented, (and Hattons have advised me mine are expected next month, whoopee!). I wonder when Bachmann's new 64' Bullieds will appear, they were announced a year before Hornby announced these, and still no sign of them.

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I thoght the intent was good but the presentation of this was poor, including awful sound quality. Far too many ERRs and EMMs from SK As though he hadn’t a clue what he was going to be asked to comment on. Do what the PM does at Parliament question time, know the ‘surprise’ questions ahead of time and have the exact answers ready and rehearsed.

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Having watched this new series on YouTube, I must say that I was left non-plussed !

I think Hornby Hobbies need to employ a more professional company to make & present these programmes.

With poor sound, mis-pronunciation of model names, talking up models that were only a picture, and Simon Koler sitting there pointing at some green coaches, (Which could have been any model.), no close ups of the elements that were being highlighted.

How about adding some information about the progress being made in the move back to Margate ?

Overall, I think this was a good effort, but needs more zip and polish to become the information vehicle that the company obviously wants it to become.

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Ouch...after a good start this soon became quite painful. It really didn't play to SK's strengths. If he's not an expert on Southern stock don't leave him flailing on the subject. He came alive when talking about Hornby plugging a gap in the range after seving modellers of the other regions in recent years, but otherwise, well others have said it all. Who actually researched the new releases and why didn't we hear from them? Never mind knowing their f-stops from their coclur temperatures, what you really need from whoever produced this was the skill to make sometimes camera shy backroom staff feel at ease - even when they're not! A bit of magic in the edit then makes them look good and more importantly feel good about their contribution making them and colleagues a little less reticent when they're next asked to front up.

I watched it on an i-phone and sound didn't seem an issue, but production values certainly were. If you did it in house, the lack of experience in that area showed. If it was done by someone outside, I'm surprised by the lack of close-ups, different shot sizes and other editing devices. Was the budget really too tight for a bit of extra shooting and editting or did someone in house say "we want it done our way" and ignore the experts advice for fear they were trying to talk up their invoice?

Either way, in these days of cheap and chearful HD cameras and even cheaper edit packages like FCP, it was a shame you didn't make more of this. Take a look at the likes of what Hattons do. Nobody expects BAFTA award wining craft skills, but this was too much of a misfire.

At least you seem to have got the presenter right. He was engaging, pretty informative and held the attention - albeit his script could have been a bit more creative and did have the odd puntastic line! 

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Moderator message: I did not post this original message it was posted by J.B, my tag appears against it [bug] as I moved the post here on the old forum as a moderator task.

Hornby have started a new monthly series called "Signal Box", it is on Hornby's YouTube channel and whilst is similar to Hornby's "The Engine Shed" blog, it does indeed have a different approach.

Quite a nice first episode here....

Signal Box Ep.1


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Same presenter, but yet this second episode seems a little bit more slick than the first. Maybe because SK only had a very brief non speaking part (blink and you will miss him). The sound now seemed much improved too.

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Liked the start - a bit like the old BBC test card. Very good presentation wise, but got a bit fed up with the repetitive "cannot confirm or deny" phrase. Locomotive content not really of interest to me - but I did enjoy seeing the Bernard Cribbins ad again. I wonder when that first ran? R-

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Lovely episode. I think they should've covered (video form) a few more upcoming/recently released models (Flying Scotsman, the new DC controller, Mk.2F, B4 Peckett, Hogwarts Express etc.). And the Q&A was a lovely addition. They should also include many of the questions posed on this forum, facebook, instagram, twitter and so on.


Top marks to Hornby, hope to see this continue for years to come.

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I can’t see why they have a screening time limit - i.e. ‘...that’s all we have time for now...’. It is not as if it is a paid for advert on tv.

As stated make it bigger and better with more coverage of stuff to come.

That can only be good for sales and the feedback would help the bean counters decide to go/no go on a future product.

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I can’t see why they have a screening time limit - i.e. ‘...that’s all we have time for now...’. It is not as if it is a paid for advert on tv.

It's actually become a trend nowadays to say that.... It doesn't necessarily mean that they have a time limit. However in this case, it may just be th fact that the team that puts these videos together, have a time limit where they have to have scenes shot, made and edited in time to upload.

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