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Made in Margate range

The son of Triangman

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Hi M-R

Do not give up. There are some of us on this forum who share your passion of the older stuff.

I would love to see Hornby to set a small UK based section to deal with the muliple requests for spare and or replacement parts for china made loco and rolling stock as well as a made to order new replacement bodies for older models, as well as the small parts that get broken or go missing.  ie the cow catcher and lamp on the 2 6 0 Davy Crockett. I would love to be able to buy a new ready to self paint grey Davy Crockett body with all the extra bits self coloured. 

Replacment motion gear and parts could also be made up to order, also replacement and substitute replacment motors and motor housing need to be developed. 

There a many small items that the company has produced over the decades which need new replacements for example I need 60+ wire holders for the series 2 catenary system, the ones I have, have become stiff and break easy, the old new replacements are the same so I would like buy some new ones. 




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Hi Tony57

Or in my case balconies for the coaches and a Ned Kelly Body (Davy Crockett for the Australian market)

and bell.

Have you thought of 3D printing catenery clips in WSF or whatever they call it now.

I thought about that for the balcony rails but don't know anyone that does 3D printing

regards John

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I just heard on breakfast Tv that it is going to be mandatory for white goods manufacturers to make it easier for their products to be serviced by guaranteeing supply of parts for xx number of years.


Maybe this ruling could be flowed down to model railway producers In support of their products, as lets face it you can buy a cheap fridge or washing machine for the price of a decent loco these days.

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I give up, all anyone wants here is fall to bits in the box China junk.  Finished with this forum.



Very childish behaviour. Just because no one really supports your idea, that doesn't mean you say something like that.


People are entitled to their own opinions. Many like your idea, but having it materialize isn't an easy task, it's okay if you seem to thing so, but that's probably not possible.


And for your information, I've got super-detailed Hornby models manufactured from 2004 all the way upto 2012, absolutely none of them have fallen to bits. I keep them boxed and run them every weekend, that's a lot of handling on a temporary layout.


Please post facts if you want to make statements such as this. It's not Chinese junk. Let's not even go there please. 

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Hi Buz


Like you I don't know anyone who can do cad and 3D printing. I agree with you for replacement balconies for old Western coaches 

There are many small parts I would like ie the fuel tanks for R55/56/57 and R159/250 and bogie cowlings so as to bring secondhand brought locos and rolling stock back to original condition.

There is a market out there for these and other parts from the Triang era through to today,s Hornby.

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To add to my previous posts. Motion brackets!!!!! As I am off work today and it’s raining I decided to swap some later valve gear to an earlier Tri-ang Britannia. As I took the old valve gear off the chassis the motion bracket disintegrated. I have done this many time before and know how to handle them, the plastic had had it. As it was a second hand loco someone may have used a dodgy solvent or lubricant in the past or perhaps just like a lot of other Tri-ang components the plastic is getting past its use-by date.


I think Peter’s spares had manufactured some Princess ones but if the original plastic is life-limited then in the near future there will be a big(ish) demand for motion brackets for the Princess (both types and the Hiawatha and Baltic tanks), 3MT (at least two types, one the same as the Princess), Britannia, Flying Scotsman etc. I know that there are NOS components about but they may suffer from the same problems. A business opportunity for someone with a 3D printer perhaps? 

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  • 1 month later...

There are two side to this issue, If today's modern production methods and motors were available during Triang days how many locos would be running today?


Why some of us prefer the older models is the ability to home repair and servicing and availablity of new and secondhabnd spare parts and bodies..The older motors will last years I have motors dating from the 1950's still running well, ok they are noisy compaird to todays, but how many modern locos are now sitting on sidings and on shelves waiting for an unavailable replacement motor.


I have both modern and old Hornby I love the detail on the newer modern Hornby loco bodies but prefer the older motors and chassis as they are more robust and last for years.



How many people have asked on this forum where to get new replacement parts for modern Hornby locos without any luck, because there are not many new spare parts made and there are not many scrap models to get secondhand spares from either.. You can get new and secondhand parts for the R55 Transcontinental F class with the Mark 1 motor bogie made in 1955 easier than parts for a new rebuilt Merchant Navy Class loco. Not everything made in China is perfect ask those with T9's which are now worthless, and the lack of support and help from Hornby on fixing the issue. (Mazak Rot)


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Each to their own I say! In my collection I have most of the Triang locos but I rarely run them as they just don't look right with modern rolling stock, I would never sell them due to sentimental reasons. Agreed the spares situation isn't as good as it should be but I have to say I have never had a problem obtaining any spares for any of my modern day Hornby or Bachmann locos and I can't see any problems carrying out home servicing or repairs. I have never had the need to require a new body shell for any of my locos as I make sure they are handled carefully at all times. Yes I have had issues with the dreaded Mazak rot on a couple of 31's but on both occasions Hornby have refunded me handsomely so I can't complain. What grinds my gears is so called self appointed experts coming on here slating all Chinese made locos and stock just because they are stuck in the 60's. You enjoy your old Margate locos and I will and do enjoy my modern day equivalents. Amen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope M-R (SoT) is all right I miss his imput and knowlage on Triang and Triang Hornby and Early Hornby as well as hie restoration articals, gives me insparation on doing a few of my own  I wonder if his dream to reopen the family model shop has progressed any further, Hope his is still doing repairs and seervicing to all Hornby Railways stuff.

This Christmas I am hoping to put a small layout together using the Super 4 and series 1 catenary system so as to run all my overhead locos via the overhead wire, I have got 4x Transcon overhead locos, 5x EM2s 2x Steeple Cabs.2x Class 81 1x class 86 1x class 90 1x class 91 all with working pantographs.

Wonder if they might profect a DCC overhad wire system and locos for the next generation of modellers?



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You can repair moden locos just has well today has the older loco's. You just have to change your methods. Detailing parts are available from the usual suspects. Damage the body? well what did you do! With the aid of plastic card or brass these things can be sorted. Motors do you think there is really 7000 different motors! If you check what's in similar locos you can start to build up an idea. Check motor dimension and wheels diameter check the speed range and you'll start to get a idea. You may need to build a new motor clap but come on. If you pay £200 for a model and you drop it don't blame Hornby they didn’t do. 


I bought a old Hornby pug from eBay for £5 about ten years ago motor was dead. Ask hornby which motor to use theirs two available for that model. Couldn't get the X number for the model wanted. So bought the other one. Fitted no problem. And is still running way past the 200 hours stated for the motor. The stated hours is a minimum and dose not mine it will die 1 minute pass the stated time. 

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