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Railmaster version 1.67 design track problem

Guest Chrissaf

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Need help have railmaster 1.67 with Elink controller . Was have trouble with pont red/ green position and made changes and now have lost the plan . It is still there but the schematic is not coming up. I hope some one can help as it is stressing me out 

Don T

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You say the the track plan is still there but not coming up. This is a rather vague statement, but do you mean you can still see the modified track plan in the RailMaster edit screen, but the track plan file is not showing on the normal screen when RM starts up.


When you saved the editied track plan, did you give it a new file name that was different to your original track plan.


If you did.....you have to go back to the  RailMaster 'System Settings' screen and tell RM the new file name to load when RM starts. See the circled red items in the image below. You need to use the middle pull down box to select your new track plan file name to load at start up.




I note that you say you are using RailMaster version 1.67


Be aware that the current version is 1.71


However, I have deduced that you may be struggling with some aspects of using RailMaster, and given that there were issues with 1.70 and 1.71 that affect some users which can be resolved, but needs some tweaking of RM, you might be prudent to keep 1.67 if it is doing everything you require of it.


However, if you decide that you would like to upgrade to the current latest version [1.71 at time of writing]. You can download it from the clickable link at the top of the RailMaster forum index page. Right click the downloaded file and choose 'Run as administrator'. You do not need to uninstall the 1.67 version first, just run the 1.71 installer straight over the top of the 1.67 version.


You will also more likely than not also have to tweak the RailMaster .INI file to make the new 1.7x work. A full 'How To' is published here:




If after reading the 'How To' post, you are totally lost, then keep the 1.67 version. But be aware that 'sooner or later' you may have to bite the bullet and do the RailMaster update.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.



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Ok I realise that I have not explained the problem adequately,but hear goes 

1. I had to change my original ' track design' as 2 green/ red point buttons were not positioned correctly.

2. The changes were made and  I tick the green tick then the overwrite. I went back into the track designer and there was no schematic showing

3. I researched and found that the file name should have been changed which I changed.Went back into the track designer and still no schematic.


4. 'The Track Syatem was showing my original file name 'Turner Railway Track 2'.which was to the the new name  but still no schematic.

The bottom line is that the schematic will not come up on the' track designer'. Though the sample and hornby schematics come up.

I know this is a little long winded but hope you can make sense of it and will stay with 1.67 as I did not want to get into more trouble and appreciate your prompt response 

regards Don






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First things first you have not lost your trackplan. If it is in the RM folder as yourplanname.pln then you can get it to show in both track designer and at normal startup. If it is not there then you didn’t save it correctly. Remember if you alter a default plan and save it without giving it a new name then the next time RM updates it will reload a new default plan overwriting yours.


In normal startup go to the setup screen and make sure yourplanname is chosen from the startup track drop down list As shown in Chris’s post above.


In track designer you need to chose the plan from the similar drop down list at the bottom of the screen. Once you amend your plan save it making sure it has the name you want. Then close RM and restart it.


I would recommend once you have got your head round that you download the very latest version of RM from the link at the top of the RM forum page. Using an out of date version is asking for problems that you don’t need.

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In Rob's third paragraph....he is describing the drop down list circled in red below:




Sorry to say it, but your revised description is still a bit vague.


You said.

The Track System was showing my original file name 'Turner Railway Track 2' which was to the the new name but still no schematic.


This sentence seems to be saying that the original file name was 'Turner Railway Track 2', but is also the name of the new track plan, yet elsewhere you say you changed it.


What exactly are the old and new file names?


As Rob also said in his reply. If you did indeed save the new track plan file correctly (it may be missing because you didn't) you will find the file in the 'Railmaster' program folder on your PC hard drive.


Use "Windows (File) Explorer" to navigate to this folder:


C:Program FilesRailmaster (on 32 bit PC systems)


C:Program Files(x86)Railmaster (on 64 bit PC systems)


If you saved your track plan correctly, then the file "yourtrackplanname.pln" should be found there. Where yourtrackplanname is the name you gave the file when you saved it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I have not replied to my problem tried all the suggestion without out success .Finally work out the problem HUMAN ERROR.

Very small error I was  clicking the X on the overwrite pull down. If that makes sense ,have set up new track plan. I have another query,have set my point motors and working ok.also inserted lights for the points on the plan . At present unable to purchase another decoder or lights (budget restrictions

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I think you are saying. . . I have set more points on my plan but have not got the hardware for them yet... what do I do next.

That is OK, you can set up as many points as you like on the plan, then add the actual points motors and decoders later. You can right click to configure the points on the plan with your expected addresses or not as you wish. The configuration can be amended on the plan later when you get the hardware.


You can also save various versions of tour plan i.e. as it is now, how it will be later, etc.

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No. It appears the last part of message was deleted . As I have stated the points are ok the issue is the lights they have been added to the plan but at present I am unable to purchase an additional decoder or lights. I have watched a video regarding setting up points and lights and it was stated that ligths (on the plan) can stop the loco  without having ligths or decoder connected to railmaster. If this is true and if so how does it work.

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I presume you are talking about say signal lights and not loco lights.


When referring to video on u-tube please post a link so we can see what the heck you are on about. We cannot see what you can see, so we can only guess.


You would normally have locos on a separate bus from accessories (points and lights) in RM using two controllers A and B.


If you must have everything under a single controller then it is possible that the current drain of many llights permanently on could affect operation of a loco, but if you do not have the physical lights then they cannot possibly affect anything, even if they were placed on the plan (effectively) as phantom units.


Once again we can only go on the vague information you have given us and I for one am not smart enough to know exactly what it is you are on about. Try posting some links and/or pictures to illustrate your perceived or actual problem and not what u-tube says will/might happen.

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RAF 96 It is obvious that you have trouble with my Aussie explanations. Your reply is aggorant and look winded, if you read my message that I am talking about the lights that STOP the locomotives and not having to have lights on the actual track or a decoder connecting to railmaster, a simple NO would have been sufficient.

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Don, from your side of the world, and at the risk of also being found arrogant and/or long-winded, I must say that I find Rob neither, and one of the more helpful people on the forums.


I too am struggling to understand your problems from the detail you have posted. I consider Rob has taken a reasonable way of trying to cover all of the possibilities which may be your problem.  If you can be more specific (remember no one here can see what you can on your RM screen and layout) in describing your problem, then you will get shorter and more to the point replies.


If you can start by telling us exactly what "lights" you are referring to, that would be good.

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Gentlemen , One more time I viewed a video regarding setting points and ligths/signals on the railmaster track plan and it was mentioned that the lights /signals would stop locomotives, even though there was no  decoder or actual lights/signals wired to railmaster. My query was if this true how does it stop the locomotivesas I could no see how. Just to me clear I do have  a decoder controlling my points. Norman Q 4 to answer your question"Aussie Explanation " was a joke.

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@Don T

Although I don't have any lights or signals on my layout, I have just added a Light Signal to my RailMaster Plan, for the sole purpose of trying something related to your question.

Having added the Signal, if you right click on it on the Plan Designer, it opens a window for that signal.  This gives you a number of options, one of which is to run a program when the signal is selected.

If the program you chose has an instruction to stop a Loco, it does just that.  I have tried it.  You don't have to have any actual signals, RailMaster doesn't know if you have, or haven't.  It should be noted though that there is currently no way with RailMaster that you can control where the Loco will stop.  I set my program to stop the Loco 1 second after the signal was selected and it could be anywhere on the layout at that time.  


Incidentally, there are a number of regular posters on this Forum who spend an incredible amount of time trying to help other members and it is not at all appreciated when someone who is clearly trying to help a new member such as yourself, is labelled as arrogant.  I personally communicate with Rob on a very regular basis and I can assure you, as someone else has said, he is one of the most helpful members on the Forum.

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I hope calling Rob (RAF) arrogant was a joke as well.  😉


He didn't call Rob arrogant - he called him aggorant. This might be an Aussie word which means something completely dirrefent  😆


Seriously though DonT, you really need to find that YouTube video, watch it again, then if your opinion is still the same, post a link to it here, so that Forum members can understand what the blazers you are talking about.



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I still have no idea what you are on about and find your remark that I am being arrogant offensive. I am trying to help you but its like fumbling around in the dark without a torch. I shall stay out of this discussion from now on. Best of luck.

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I would just add to the reply by RDS posted earlier in this thread.


If you create a 'program' to stop a specific train and then link that program to a signal icon on the RM screen as RDS has indicated you can do. Then just be aware, that the program will run and stop the train at the time you click the screen signal icon. If you initiate the program when the train is on the other side of the layout, that is where the train will stop. The train will not continue on to a location where a physical signal may be optionally placed and then stop at the signal. For that to happen you would need Hornby 'Loco Detection' hardware which has not as yet been launched by Hornby. Loco Detection was first mentioned by Hornby a few years ago, but so far there have been no firm release plans published.


Also be aware, that the feature to assign a RM program to a signal on the RM track plan, is a feature that is only available in the RailMaster ProPack (an additional cost upgrade). If you currently only have the RM 'Standard Edition'. Then this feature is not available to you. See the capture from the RM manual below (Page 6).




To understand more on creating a 'program' read the RailMaster 1.70 manual - Pages 101 to 128.

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Gentlemen, It appears I have put a  few members offside which was not my attention and apologies to RAF 96. With regard to my query RDS post 4018 has answer my question. I carried out a check and came up with same result as RDS . With regard to the y tube link I tried several times to attach with no success.

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With regard attaching URL links to posts. Read TIP 13 of my 'How to use this forum' thread.


In principle you use the 'chainlink' tool highlighted in yellow. For the tool to become selectable (un greyed). You first have to have the thing you want to make clickable selected in the main body text - see second yellow highlight.





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