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Decoder Issue


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Hi, I am using R8249 decoders with the Hornby Digital Select controller for years.

One of my locos will not run anymore. It flashes the address, in this case 02 on the controller display when I turn up the throttle.
I can switch on/off the lights but only the reverse light, when I select forwards the 02 flashes.
It will not respond to programming but my other locos with the R8249 decoder program fine.
This loco runs perfect and smooth on an analog DC rail.
All my other locos work fine and run even at creep speed with no interruption, my tracks are perfectly clean.

I have read on numerous threads something about resetting the decoder but this appears to be using other controllers.
How do I reset the decoder with my simple Select controller and is there any other solution other than the replacing the decoder, which I want
to avoid. This is hardwired inside an N-scale loco.

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If you get your Select upgraded to version 1.6 firmware by Hornby.....typically a one off £15 charge. Then this will give you the ability to write to CVs using the Select controller.....something it cannot currently do with firmware version 1.5 and below.


If the decoder is able to be 'factory reset' then writing a value of 8 to CV8 (needs version 1.6 with the Select to do that) will reset it.


Watch the LCD screen when the Select powers up. The very first number to appear is the firmware version. A number 11 is version 1.1 a number 15 is version 1.5 etc.


To arrange a firmware upgrade.....use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the page. Speak to Hornby Customer Services and obtain a 'returns' number from them.

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It is 1.1

Unfortunately sending back is not an option. The Select PCB is soldered into my own DIY controller hardware.

I see it uses a MicroChip PIC 18F4520.I also see where to solder in the 5 pin header for in-circuit programming(flashing) of the PIC chip.I am perfectly comfortable doing that as I have alone for my little train layout written my own code for 5 PICs doing numerous tasks like detecting trains to switch signals and setting routes, traffic lights, etc.

Could you please email me the 1.6 HEX code to flash the Select PIC micro myself or please try to convince a technician to send it, if you don't have access to it?

I would also appreciate if you could unock the 2 post limit. I hope you don't see me as a spammer.

Thanks :)

As for this loco, I wrote above that it runs smooth and perfect on a DC supplied track. The DC current is about 220mA.

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It is 1.1

I see it uses a MicroChip PIC 18F4520.I also see where to solder in the 5 pin header for in-circuit programming(flashing) of the PIC chip.I am perfectly comfortable doing that as I have alone for my little train layout written my own code for 5 PICs doing numerous tasks like detecting trains to switch signals and setting routes, traffic lights, etc.

Could you please email me the 1.6 HEX code to flash the Select PIC micro myself or please try to convince a technician to send it, if you don't have access to it?


Contact me via my linked webpage.


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Could you please email me the 1.6 HEX code to flash the Select PIC micro myself or please try to convince a technician to send it, if you don't have access to it?

I would also appreciate if you could unock the 2 post limit. I hope you don't see me as a spammer.


You are lucky that Rob (RAF96) appears to have offered to assist. Just for information, the Community Moderators are just ordinary users, just like you. We are not employed by, or have any official capacity within Hornby.


So asking a ComMod for something is not the same as asking Hornby.


This is also relevant to your second request. The ComMods have no ability to change the forum configurations. So we cannot change the 'Newbie two post' limit on your forum account. But this limit only lasts for the first two posts in the initial 24 / 48 hour period. So by the third day, the limit should be lifted automatically and you will be allowed to post freely (baring images that need to be approved by the Hornby employed forum administrator). Since your first post was on Wednesday, chances are your limit has already been lifted or will be sometime today or tomorrow.


Many forum 'How To' tips including posting images can be viewed in my 'forum tips' page.


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Thank you RAF96 and Chrissaf. I have contacted Rob per email.

@RDS I use Infrared photo reflectors TCRT 5000 . They are very cheap and easy to use. 

I will start a thead once my 2 post/day limit is lifted, with some very simple schematics and photos.

You do need to solder a little though, which I highly encourage.

I even solder my tracks.

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Could I suggest that you post that thread in the 'Off Topic' forum. This is where the rest of the DIY electronic projects are posted even when railway related. It will only get moved there anyway if you don't.


Thank you.

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Although I can help with certain things the Select update hexfile is proprietary to Hornby so cannot be allowed into the public domain.

What a shame.

It will be too much trouble to disconnect the Select for return to Hornsby. A lot of close soldered wiring that I might not get so cleanly done over a second time.

I may have to give up on it and consider an open source Arduino DCC project I just discovered:



I will still get back to you guys with a thread of some of my simple tricks, just not right now, had a really bad day that I want to drown in some beer.

BTW, I'm in Australia so it is soon bed time anyhow.

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Thanks, I look forward to your thread, in particular the Detection aspect.

I tried to submit my thread but it is being censored or something because it contains images.

Problem was that something went wrong and I wasn't finished and I had to submit it twice.

It was a fair bit of work making and compiling the photos and schematics so I hope they won't dump it because I am not using Hornby products. This is DIY for pennies and I had to use ebay links for very hard to find components in order show what I am talking about. I only chose the cheapest I could find and I am certainly NOT affiliated with any of them !!!

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It is often worth posting the basic ‘story’ with a note to say images are coming later in an associated post due to need for Admin moderation. It is a pest having to wait for office hours, especially at weekends when the forum is fairly active and you are trying to get a point across or glean help. Often overseas folk can be at an advantage as their overnight photo queue is ‘sitting‘ on Admin’s desk when he turns up in the morning.

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