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Christmas card disposal


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Hi all

Well Christmas is over so I decided to try some card modeling with a small supply of used Christmas cards.

 I thought I would try some card modeling I have been threatening to try for years but never done any.

So thought I would try a small station this one is best described as tin scale as it was reduced by about 56% from a card building meant for US "O" scale toy trains so probably be OK for Triang Trans Continental trains or Halloween as its called Spook Hill station

It will have about the same level of detail as a Triang train set building when completed that is to say not a lot.

This is the first third of the station structure I am doing it is the center section of the station structure.

/media/tinymce_upload/56955be61f5ca3c4fdfe20ac8d3fadb6.jpgif I get this right will try something more like a Madder Valley building and more widely usable

regards John

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

what it looks like now with part two attached waiting for grey paint.


Ah good the window frames show unfortunately the light green glazing doesn't. the top frame is a roof space vent and not detailed other than the frame.

The glazing is Tamiya clear color painted bases of fruit mince pie packing so fits with the Christmas cards rather well.

The roof is going to be interesting to get cut right, as is barge boards which are not part of the original art work.

The structure is small enough that individual roof lies are not an unreasonable preposition if it gets that far

There is still another third for the left hand side to make and the balsa platform to finish off

regards John

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"Spook Hill" OO-ER  😆 😎

Oh if you Google "Spook Hill" then you will find videos some 1 putting their car at the bottom of the Hill - letting of the Hand brake & the car rolls UP the HILL BACKWARDS!!! - Hence "SPOOK HILL" Spooky!!! Some thing wrong with the Earth Gravity pull or just some sort of camera Trick??? You decide (Appently there are a few places like this around the World - USA, UK - just name a few!!!  😉

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Hi Jimyjames

Or going the other way one of Melbourne's (AU) cemeteries is nick named Spook Hill apparently the same strange gravity phenomenon happens there as well.

Since I have Dracula as a possible SM I thought I would go in that direction 😆

Hidden in the trees is a station that no one goes to, trains don't stop there rail workers won't go there after dark even the rats have left the station.

Strange things Happen there and even in day light there is a pall of mild silent terror to the area that rattles even the strongest rail workers that have to occasionally go there to repair the track.

HA Ha ha!! 😢 and run away.

regards John

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Thanks for the nightmares - I'm just about to go to bed here in the UK!!!  😆 lol

Since I have Dracula as a possible SM

What is SM mean please???

I running away to hide underneith my Duvet on my bed!!! Oh dart - now I've just gone & let the cat out of the bag where I am hiding!!!  😀

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Hi all

On to the PITA part the individual roof tiles hopefully not going to look to rustic when completed.


2mm Graph paper stuck to the card to make it easier to get the tiles cut and positioned something like right.

regards John

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Hi WTD and atom3624

I would politely remind you I am not in the UK I am in AU 😆

So as an ex Railway employee if I slip into railway speak it tends to have a strong Australian accent most is the same as the UK but some like SM is clearly not.

FC Fat Controller I assume coming from a 7yo child 😆

And if you know of a 4mm scale Sir Toppem Hat realistic model that is available I want one 😆

Working on the one that Bachmann make he would be about 4'6" tall NOT including top hat.

regards John

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Now hold on!


In the early 1980s I WAS an SM, (Station Manager), located Sheffield with particular responsiblily for Rotherham Masborough and Chesterfield Midland. Prior to that I was ASM, (Assistant Station Manager) located Faversham, responsible for Whitstable and Tankerton, Teynham and Selling. The term Station Master is extremely old, going back to the earliest days of railways, and got changed to Station Manager in the Beeching era. For a brief time I was seconded to be Station Manager Newcastle upon Tyne, until a regular incumbent could be appointed.


The Station Master was the 'little tin god' on the station to which he was appointed to, and the Rule Book stated quite clearly that Staff must obey the instructions of Station Masters.  In truth much of my time was spent checking the accounts in the booking office and drinking tea, visiting signalboxes to see they were being run properly and drinking tea,  checking the loos to see that the staff were keeping them clean, or investigating accidents. Loads of fun!

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Hi all

sorry for lousy picture

Where I am at now

The tiles are 8mm X 4mm card the spicky bits are 4mm X4 mm paper the graph paper has 2mm squares and was used for ease of marking and cutting.


regards John

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Hi Sarahagain

Given GNR- Gordon-4's safety coment probably won't happen but I put in a sugestion to Bachmann

That they make a realistic OO/HO figure pack for Thomas The Tank engine with the fat controler as part of the figure pack

regards John

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Hi all

The very small pasenger shelter really shows the tin scale nature of the project.

But as I am having fun it's a non issuie.

Once the shelter is completed the whole lot can be mounted on a balsa platform joined together and finished off.


The post needs a light trim and bracing added the roof sheet can't really be cut untill is all stuck together

as thats going to be tricky given the angle of join and valance that is suposed to be on the sides.

regards John

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Hi all

All three pieces in the same place for the first time.


Any one got any ideas how to get a plank pattern in the platform with out splitting it.

Also does any one know if the steel wool and vinegar stain works on Balsa wood.

regards John

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