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1:72nd Scale Blackburn Buccaneer S. 2C


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My latest build is the new tool Buccaneer which I know has been done a few times since its release 5 months ago but here we are anyway. I won't do a full build review, just highlight 1 or 2 points with my images. 


Unlike all the other builds, my aircraft will be in flight and I shall be using an aftermarket decal set I've had for a few years waiting for this opportunity. 


We start with the cockpit which on this tooling is a separate pod. 


The crew will follow shortly.


Then I moved onto the engine and air intake trunking. There is lovely detail here which is largely hidden once the under-carriage doors are closed, as mine will be so I only did basic painting.


I then fixed the under-carriage doors in place which required scratch built parts plastic as surprisingly Airfix haven't included an in-flight option with this build.


The fuselage will be closed up next and the tail surfaces constructed. 

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Yes Paws that is a minor disappointment that the radome is fixed. I was hoping it might be an option like on the new Phantom but it's not to be unless it can be scratch built?


The airframe is just about ready for the paint booth, and I'll post my latest images today as we cannot tell at the moment when the moderator will be at his/her desk?! 

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The next update shows the airframe assembled with few fit issues or gaps and just about ready for paint. 


Which included adding the pilots.


The pilots office is straight OOB other than the addition of some PE ejection seat handles. 


The underside has the mounting points drilled for the ordnance on the wings and stand points in the main under-carriage doors for either type of Airfix stand as this aircraft will be displayed in flight. I didn't use the bomb bay door for the stands as it will be rotated in the open position.


Close up views my show small gaps around the exhaust or in take cowlings, this is because they are only butt fitted for the moment and will be cemented once the painting process is completed.


2 types of clear wing extension are provided in this kit and I have pre-painted then for the navigation lights.


The canopy is ready to be fitted then it'll be painted to some degree at the next update! 

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More photos. 


I forgot to take images of the first primer coats and the insignia white on the lower surfaces. But here's the undersides masked. 



The upper surfaces needed a touch more black primer then some light grey primer in areas to try and create shadow and faded effects?


Plus you can see my paint shop! 



The DSG and then EDSG was applied and you can just see some faded paint but it's not too clear on the image?


Next was a whole host of masking again for the silver leading edge of the wings and to create a couple of freshly painted panels.


And now for the reveal!



I'm happy. Only a few small spots to touch up which will increase once I've removed the exhaust and intake cowlings ready to be fitted permanently. That's up next?! 

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Thanks PB and yes it appealed to me more than the overall grey scheme but that 1 will appear sometime. And when I removed the masking tape it occurred to me with the buff radome it has the appearance of a penguin, so am surprised it never got that nickname among others?


And yes in time a resin/PE radome conversion set might appear on the aftermarket? 

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More progress over the past few days including spraying the engine intake ring but deleted the image by mistake.


But then the decals were added, day by day!




I have decided that the bomb bay area was the wrong shade of grey so it was resprayed with minimal masking. 


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The final assembly is underway, with the refueling probe, pitot tubes and ordnance being fitted. Also some minor paint touch ups being done. 



The arrestor hook is still in the paint shop and once that is done a Satin Cote can be applied and the Bucc should be just about done? 

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I think you have tooooo much time on your hands at the moment Gordon. 


It's my paint pallet for mixing my enamels and occasional aircraft stand during the construction phase.


But of course the Buccaneer does fit in its own box, though if it hand been a WWII bomber with a larger wing span, then No!


The Bucc is just about done, with the naming ceremony last night. This aircraft is XN978 from No. 700B NAS based at RAF Lossiemouth in 1965.



Next update should be the display images once the moderator has caught up with this post! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This build is now finished but before I show the display images I'll just cover a couple of points. Firstly having 2 of these kits I was able to rob the kit still in my stash of its weapons so this early S.2C has a full load of 4 x SNEB unguided rocket pods and 4 x 1000lb dumb bombs.



The kit provides clear wing tips and with pre-painting and then masking I think I was able to replicate effective navigation lights.



The only other addition to the kit was PE Ejection Seat handles. 


Now for the eagerly awaited display images.











This aircraft might appear on my ceiling?! 

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  • 2 months later...

And eventually up on the ceiling to join my other Airfix aircraft from the RAF from around the Cold War period.





I do like an aircraft shown in flight!! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Dominic.


I really wanted an early white/dark grey scheme and I already had an aftermarket decal set in my stash with 2 choices, so I went with what was available. But I was pleased with the colours and how it turned out

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You can also get extra bombs and SNEB pods by building a Spey Phanton as guardcap (FG1) or in a QRA fit (RAF).

Yes Paws, I used extra weapons from my 2nd Buccaneer kit so I didn't need to raid the stores from my Phantom FG.1 kits.

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