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Bachmann running on hornby DCC

Paul B1707821924

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Hi guys I have recently set up a track similar to the trakmat layout that came with my mixed freight set. - it has 2 continuos loops plus sidings - the track is OK with the hornby shunter running round all parts so I have power to all the track.  However I have 3 Bachmann locos with Gaugemaster 21 pin DCC ships fitted that dont run - when I assign them a loco address - they do a small little jerk and then stop - Ive tried reassigning each to a different address but to no avail - the hornby class 8 runs perfectly - Im running with a select controller - Ive tried switching chips but again to no avail - one loco came fitted with chip and worked initially but now doesnot - Im sure that Im doing something wrong maybe with the programming - but just following the instructions in the book that came with the set the locos are all new so shouldnt be any faults - any help would be appreciated as Im starting to loose the will to live as -Im guessing the solution will be simple  - but not as simple as me!!

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First question that needs answering is what firmware version is the Select using?  This is shown on start up as the first two digits displayed such as 14 or 15 etc   Therefore 14 is version 1.4,  15 is version 1.5 with the very latest being 16 or 20 (V1.6 or V2.0)

If less than 1.5 I would arrange to have the firmware up graded by Hornby. A small charge which I believe is currently £15 including return postage to a UK address.  However you do need to contact Hornby first and obtain a returns number.

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Having got your Select upgraded to V1.6 you would then be able to reset all the decoders that are not working back to their default which may cure some of the problems..........there is no inherent reason why the Bachmann locos or the G/master decoders would not work on the Select when upgraded........HB

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Paul B has already got version 2.0 firmware which includes everything 1.6 can do [see my reply just above your one].




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Can you please let us know which exact model these GM decoders are and it may help to know the Bachmann loco model numbers as well.


You could try this

Instead of giving a loco an address as per the manual i.e.

Long press Select

see LA on screen,

input new address and press Select again...


Try giving it a direct value into CV1 i.e. 

Long press Select

see LA on screen

Input zero or double zero to enter Cv programming mode and press Function

see CA on screen

Input 1 and press Function

see CP on screen

Input your address (1 to 59 only) and press Select to save.

see last used address on screen.

Input your given address again and press Select to operate loco.


All the above should be done either on an isolated piece of track or with all other locos AND all accessory decoders removed from the main track.

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ok thanks for that info unfortunately still not working - if I do it with the little hornby class 8 it works - unfortunately if I do it with any of the bachmanns - it doesnot - all I get is a little quick pulse of energy from the loco and it stops on all three of them - when I reprogamme them and then stadt them they go about 8 inches round the track involuntarily and then stop - all the same- if I unplug the power and then start again - the same - a little burst and stop - without any controls - when I put the loco on the track it buzzes then shoots off for 8-10 inches - when I do it with the hornby loco - it works fine??? all round the track sidings etc - responds perfectly as it should - ias it the GM decoders? they are the DCC27 OMNI loco decoder 4 function 21pin and one worked ok 2 weeks ago but doesnt now - should I just rip the track apart and start again - or is there a simpler solution - thanks

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There is nothing wrong with your track if the Hornby loco is working as it should.


How is your controller connected to the track, soldered wires or a power track or a push in clip. If either of the latter two check to see if they are marked DCC as DC versions have a capacitor which affects the DCC signal and must be removed.


The other reason for the start - stop behaviour could be the decoder is cutting out due to an overload.

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Power supply???

I started my DCC adventure with the mixed freight set, and soon had 2 continuos loops plus sidings and everything worked fine. I then bought the TTS Scotsman and all was well, then a sound fitted class 66 and whats happening?? Short answer a 1 amp power supply that comes with the Select, upgraded to the 4 amp and alls well again.

Just wondering

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You could try a different brand of decoder in the locos that are giving trouble and/or try removing the motor suppression components.  Some decoders, in some locos, won't work properly if they are left in.

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Paul, a couple more questions before you go looking inside the Bachmanns, or upgrade your power supply.

First, is your other Mixed Freight Loco working ok or not?  And it sounds as if you can program each to different addresses ok, but please confirm?


Now back to Rob's question on track power connections.  I'm assuming for a start you are using the Mixed Freight power track?  If so, please check it's not a DC instead of DCC version, wrong supply of these has been known in the past.  Do that by flipping open the black cover between the rails to see if there is any electronic component in there soldered between the 2 rail connections.  If there is one, remove it by cutting it off at the legs and it will almost certainly solve your problem. If not, how have you made sure all of your layout is live all of the time?  Have you used DCC point clips or have you used a connector wire to the second loop using one that came with a track extension pack?  If the latter, it will definitely have suppression capacitors that need to be removed, again by first flipping open the covers at each end.


Why would the Mixed freight locos work and the Bachmann not if this is the problem?  Simple answer is some decoders are more sensitive to not working with the degraded signal caused by these suppression capacitors so some locos will work, others not.

Let us know how you go. 

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Look at the Select screen when the locos are stopping. Does it fade and then reboot through the 20-30-03 sequence. If so it is the 1-amp power supply self protecting by dropping voltage.


Does it still do this if the locos are placed on track one at a time. Check also for loose fishplates if you do not have a trackbus, by running your thumb round the track feeling for any rail joint hot spots. Tighten or replace any loose fishplates.


A 4-amp power supply will likely fix the problem.

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OK thanks to everybody who had replied with possible  solutions - I think I may have found the problem as today I received a new bachmann (sorry) loco from Rails which was DCC fitted.  When put on the track and programmed it ran fine - so decided to open it up and see - it has a bachmann decoder fitted. Took it off and put on on one of the locos that wont work with gaugemaster decoder and low and behold loco ran fine. so decided to put gaugemaster onto new bachmann and again had same problems as all the other gaugemaster fitted locos. So weither the gaugemaster decoders dont work with 1amp supply Ill fine out soon as Ive ordered a 4 amp supply for the select before I have to spend more money on the decoders - thingh being is that the gauge master decoders state on the bottom of the backcard that they are "DCC27 OMNI loco decoder 4 function 21+8pin 1a(1.8amax)"

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quick update with the problem for possible future info - got a hornby 8 pin decoder today and it works fine with bachmann locos - also got the R9300 hornby 4 amp transformer and that doesnt make any difference to the use of gaugemaster decoders in the locos - have 4 gaugemaster decoders and none of them work so - unlikely to be a fault with one when 4 dont work - so still have 2 locos that have 21 pin dcc fitted - so today ordered EZ command decoder (cos its £21 as opposted to the bachmann which is £40) so see if this works 

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the 1.8A max refers to the decoder output to the motor not the maximum input. Your 4A supply will be fine.


I would also be sending the GM decoders back as unserviceable as it could be a bad batch.

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I agree with Rob, send the GMs back.


It is inconceivable to me that the Select with 1 Amp cannot handle a single modern loco (must be modern if DCC Ready with a socket in the loco).  The problem is more likely a batch fault in the decoders, nothing to do with Hornby controllers or Bachmann locos.  That's despite the 4 Amp supply known to sometimes fix problems experienced with 1 Amp Selects or eLinks. 

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