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Two Controllers in Railmaster

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When you typed the file contents, you seem to have extra spaces around the "=" signs, and around the "2"s. These spaces shouldn't be there. Maybe if you copy and paste the file so we can see exactly what is in there.



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OK.. I had used a screen dump before but herewith the cut and paste version:-

Warn static IP=1Load Hornby Locos=1Load Jouef Locos=0Load Rivarossi Locos=0Load Electrotren Locos=0Load Arnold Locos=0Load Bassett-Lowke Locos=0Point button arrows=1Spoken confirmation=0Controllers on top=1Double pulse=0Alternative Comms=1Check controller=1Alternative Comms2=1Check controller2=1Elite feedback=0Full controllers=0Show animations=1Arnold RailMaster=0

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Your .INI file entries ... reformatted for easier reading.


Warn static IP=1

Load Hornby Locos=1

Load Jouef Locos=0

Load Rivarossi Locos=0

Load Electrotren Locos=0

Load Arnold Locos=0

Load Bassett-Lowke Locos=0

Point button arrows=1

Spoken confirmation=0

Controllers on top=1

Double pulse=0

Alternative Comms=1

Check controller=1

Alternative Comms2=1

Check controller2=1

Elite feedback=0

Full controllers=0

Show animations=1

Arnold RailMaster=0


OK ... as I suspected ... more than half of your railmaster.ini file is missing. And what remains is not in the optimum order, nor in my view with optimum values.


In this .INI missing entry scenario (which has come up before on the forum) regenerating a new full .INI file has cured a lot of RailMaster issues.


The best way to re-generate a full railmaster.ini file is to perform the following.


  1. Make sure that RailMaster is not running.
  2. Rename your current 'railmaster.ini' file to 'railmaster.old'.
  3. Connect your eLink and Elite hardware via USB and check 'Device Manager' to ensure that the drivers are loaded and not reporting any errors and have the correct baud rate settings etc. Try if possible to get them assigned to Com3 & Com4 using the config options in Windows 'Device Manager'.
  4. Download the 'rm_setup.exe' file from the link at the top of the RailMaster forum.
  5. Right click the downloaded file and choose 'Run as administrator' [this will generate a new .INI file].
  6. Find the 'notepad.exe' file in Windows and 'right click it' to choose 'Run as administrator'.
  7. Use Notepad to open the newly created 'railmaster.ini' file. You should now find that it has at least 40 lines, maybe more.
  8. If not already located as the last lines in the file. Delete the original lines (see further below) and retype them at the end of the file as reproduced further below. This is important.
  9. Save the edited .INI file and exit Notepad
  10. Re-start RailMaster
  11. You may need to re-check and assign the Com port settings in Railmaster 'System Settings' if you get any 'communication errors'.
  12. If everything is OK and functional, then you can delete the original 'railmaster.old' file.


The lines to move (delete and re-type rather than cut n paste) to the very last lines in the file as documented in 'Step 8' are:


Alternative Comms=0

Check controller=0

Alternative Comms2=1

Check controller2=1


Note that I have changed the lines for the Elite controller from 1 to 0.


If you get Elite communication issues then change Alternative comms from 0 back to 1 but leave Check controller=0


If still no noticeable improvement change both lines back to the 1 value you had before. But I find with the Elite that Check controller=0 works far more reliably than =1. With Elite 'Check controller=1', I find that is the reason for the 'Elite check USB error messages' appearing every few minutes. Check controller=0 suppresses them.


I would also change the value of 'Elite feedback=' from 0 to 1.


The new .INI file should also now have a line:


Reset eLink on start=1 [important - change this to 0]


The above is based upon the Elite as Controller A and the eLink as Controller B.


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Thanks Chrissaf. I have followed your instructions to the letter and lo and behold I have been running the layout for about half an hour without a singel USB error message! Result!

I have left the "Elite feedback" value at 0 as all seems well and I don't want to rock the boat.

One thing I have noticed is when opening the settings box in Railmaster, the small box at the bottom says that the Elite is active but the eLink as "Inactive". It clearly is though as all the points change as they should and those commands are going through the eLink.

I managed to short out the system by running over a set of points that were not set correctly but this did not upset anything and re-assuringly the reset button on the "dead" Elite still worked as does the Emergency Stop button.

Again, many thanks for your help and patience!


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Thanks Chrissaf. I have followed your instructions to the letter and lo and behold I have been running the layout for about half an hour without a singel USB error message! Result!


I was hopeful that this would be the case. Those that follow my recommendations 'to the letter', usually get their RM issues fixed more often than not.


Just for completeness of information, can you just confirm the final values for:


Alternative Comms=?

Check controller=?

Alternative Comms2=?

Check controller2=?


Can you also confirm (for the record).


The Com numbers finally assigned by 'Device Manager' and whether the USB ports are USB2.0 or USB3.0 - if you know.


I know there is no rhyme or reason to this, but making these four lines the very last lines in the file really does seem to fix things that are broken when these lines are located further up the file.


I'm sure that one of the previous posted links I gave in a previous reply probably led to a a recommendation to re-type these lines at the end of the file. But I find that many readers (not inferring you) just ignore the suggestion, because they just do not appreciate the significance of the advice I give. Whatever suggestions I make, I make for a reason based upon previous fixes that have been proven successful - as in this case.


Hence why I would like to confirm the final .INI file entry values and Com / Port information requested above for the historical record to help my aiding of others with similar reported issues.


PS - Elite feedback is a non critical entry in the file. I would be extremely surprised if changing the value to 1 would upset the 'apple cart'. A value set to 1, would allow changes performed on the Elite hardware speed knob to synchronise with the soft throttle in RailMaster for the same selected Loco DCC Address.


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The values you asked for are:-

Alternative Comms=0

Check controller=0

Alternative Comms2=1

Check controller2=1

The Comms port numbers are Com port 6 for the Elite and Com port 5 for the eLink. I did go into device manager to look at changing these but failed. Maybe because I have a number othe other things in USB ports. As your instructions siad "if possible"I left them as they were and all seems well. Now that all seems to be well I may have another go at re-arranging the com ports.

Sadly I don't know if the USB ports are 2 or 3 but the computer is a fairly new Dell .Optiplex 7010.



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Thank you ... that .INI file info is most helpful as it confirms that my original value suggestions still appear to be the optimum values.


The DEL Optiplex on the DELL website are desktop towers, so subject to their original build date are likely to have a mixture of USB2.0 and USB3.0 ports. As I said, you cannot guarantee it, but USB3.0 typically have visible 'Blue' plastic inserts when looking into the USB socket.


Example of USB sockets with the 'Blue' insert.



If its working on Com5 & Com6 then leave well enough alone.


However Just For info.


To re-assign Com5 & Com6 to Com3 & Com4 you first have to find what peripheral device is using the 3 & 4 ports. Then assign them to something higher (say above 6, but whatever it is, it has to be an unused port number) to free up 3 & 4, then reassign the Elite /eLink to 3 and 4 and then reassign the things you moved above 6 back to to 5 & 6. Device Manager only allows re-assignment to unused spare Com ports. So the process is doable but convoluted.


To find out what is using Com3 & Com4 - first of all the devices using 3 & 4 have to be connected and powered up so that their drivers are loaded. If you attach and power up every possible device you use on this PC then the utility below should give you a wealth of information about 'what is using what' and more importantly 'what Com ports are free' to be re-assigned.


Then type 'System' in the bottom left corner Windows search box. The search should find an application called 'System Information' - see image below:




Start 'System Information' then navigate to 'Ports' 'Serial' and all the Com port numbers in use by the attached and powered peripheral devices should be listed in the right hand window - see image below for an example. Also look in the USB branch of the left hand tree, as some Com ports might be shown there as well.




The above just provides the information. Windows 'Device Manager' is used to actually change the assigned serial Com ports.



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If you can try to reset the Elite.

If the display is still scrambled, just blindly follow the key presses on the flow chart in the manual.

You could try the LOCO pressed at power up dodge to see if it passes or fails the self test and then check if the buttons are working or not.

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Thanks guys. I will try the re-assigning of the com ports at some point... but not to-day as the sun has arrived big time here in SW France and I need to get the swimming pool up and running!  😆 😆

As for the Elite... I have tried the re-set to no effect but the odd thing is that actually all the buttons/knobs still seem to work. I can press "Loco", enter a number, press control 1, turn the knob and lo and behold the chosen loco moves off.  However, the LCD display is still scrambled and erratic.

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An Addendum update to my previous reply.


Rather than using 'System Information' to find out what is using what COM ports. An easier way is to use 'Device Manager', but check the 'Show Hidden Devices' option in the 'View' tab. This in theory should show everything allocated even if the device in question is not plugged in and powered up....see screen shot. But more accurate results will be obtained if all peripheral kit is connected and powered and drivers loaded.




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If the Elite is working as advertised then consult my linked article to find out how to get the screen out.



The scrambled problem is almost certainly the zebra strips that connect the screen to the motherboard - Google ‘Zebra Strips’ to see the principle of how they work. Alignment is not critical to their function.


Peel these off - they can be well stuck with years of gunge, clean them up with IPA, allow to dry thoroughly before reassembly and all should be well.

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Thanks for that but I had better not meddle (me and electric string!) and the Elite is brand new! Now I know I did not blow it up it is going back.


Wise move. I had forgotten it was the new one and under warranty.

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Hi Chrissaf,

Having a few issues here changing the com ports.

I followedyour guide, went into Device Manager, re-assigned the occupants of com port 3 to a higher value so I could use com ports 3 and 4 for the Elite and eLink. I duly assigned them to 3 & 4 and made the cahnges in Railmaster settings. The Elite seems to have moved but there are problems with the eLink. When I open Railmaster it tries to update the eLink to version 1.07 but then says it can't find the eLink on Com port 5. I am now left with the situation that the top line of commands on the Railmaster screen are greyed out which means I can't make any changes in Railmaster and there is no trackplan showing. Oddly though I can still control locos when it is in the state. I tried re-assigning the eLink back to Com port 5 but still no go. In fact I tried resetting everything, powered everything down and restarted but still the same result.

Any ideas what I should try next?





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If you haven't tried it already, usually a complete power down, reboot and start again will allow 'Device Manager' to sort itself out. Remember to connect the controllers one at a time (not both together) before running RM. Since Elite seems to be OK, start first with eLink. Also, in this situation, it helps to use a different USB port for the controller. This will assist 'Device Manager' to reconfigure itself.


I did include the line

"If its working on Com5 & Com6 then leave well enough alone."

in my earlier reply.


I only really added the extra detail (in hindsight perhaps I shouldn't have done), about 'How to reassign Com ports' for information.


As an absolute last resort, use Windows 'System Restore' to restore the PC to a time prior to trying to force Com port allocation changes.



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God knows what I have done but I am now in the depths of dispair as nothing now works.

I have tried the power down and reboot - no luck.

I have done the "system restore" to a time before changing the comm ports and still no joy. I have even tried to take the eLink out of the equation by changing the ini files back to the settings when I was just running the Elite on it's own without success.

The symptoms are now that the Elite seems to be connecting on Com port 6 (it's correct port) and then Railmaster tries to connect to the eLink on com port 5 (again it's correct port). Initilay the dialogue box at bottom of the Railmaster logo says "wait - updating eLink to version 1.07" but then  I get a pop up dialogue box which says "While updating eLink Firmware - couldn't reboot the DCC controller into firmware update mode. Please ensure your USB port setting are correct and re-start Railmaster. You may need to perform the Firmware update manually. See the PDF guide."

Also, Com Port 5 keeps dropping in and out in Windows 10. I have tried removing USB devices, swapping ports and driver updates all to no avail.

Is there any way I can get Railmaster to start so I can get to the "settings" as currently the whole top line stays greyed out. If I could maybe I could then set Controller 2 to "none" and start all over.

This is all probably all of my own making but any suggestions of what I can do next (aaprt from binning the whole shooting match) would be much appreciated.




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Cracked it.. whopee!

I went into the Railmaster files to try and update the eLink firmware.. which I did but for some reason the update wanted to use Com Port 3 for the eLink. So I chnaged the eLink com port to 3 and all works agaon... for the time being....

I shall leave thnings alone now!

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I think you have a PC problem and until the basic usb comms are stable RM is just playing chase its tail and wasting your time.


The eLink update dialogue can be knocked on the head by simply  installing the update exe manually from the RM folder in Admin mode, just make sure it is looking at the correct port and the baud rate is correct. Although it is likely it is already at that revision and is just missing the port its on. If you can get to ot look at the log file which will tell you what is going on.


One thing I learned quickly with computers is a long list of errors soon goes away if you knock them down one by one in order of priority. First one fixed leaves 99, but fixing second one leaves 50, then fixing the next one leaves only a few and suddenly bingo its fixed.

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EDIT: When I originally started writing this reply, the follow up reply saying all was sorted was not visible to me. Therefore the info below is not actually required anymore. I could have deleted this reply as no longer being relevant, but have decided to leave it 'in-situ' just in case, for others reading this thread in the future looking for a solution.


Although I wouldn't normally suggest this, but in your scenario it does seem like the only thing left to do.


This is a 'high risk' strategy and has the potential to go extremely 'pear shaped'. If you had any issues initially 'Activating your RM license key' then this is not a process I would suggest you follow. In which case I would suggest Plan B instead -- see Plan B further below.


First of all, save copies of these files somewhere safe... I suggest a memory stick.


Resource.mdb (this file contains all your locos and settings etc).


your track plan name.pln (where your track plan name is the name of the plan you have saved your track plan as)


In addition to above, if you have created any RailMaster programs then save your program files these will be listed as:


your program name.prg


If you have created any loco groups then there will be a file to save called Groups.dat this file will not be present if you have not created any groups.


Ensure that before following the next step that you have a written down copy of the RM key codes and the email address and personal details that you used when you originally activated RailMaster.


Now following the process documented on Page 131 / 132 of the RM manual, deactivate your RM License key. If you have PRO, deactivating the RM key will also deactivate your PRO key as well. If you do use Android / IOS handhelds, those license keys will need deactivating separately.


Perform a full Windows uninstall of RailMaster and manually delete the left over files and RailMaster program folder that will be left behind.


Just to be 'belt n braces' reboot the PC with the eLink & Elite disconnected.


Connect both the eLink and Elite, power them up and make sure that 'Device Manager' recognises them correctly and does not report any errors. Make a note of the Com port numbers allocated


Using the downloaded RailMaster installer from the top of the RailMaster forum, right click the rm_setup.exe file and choose 'Run as administrator'.


Go through the installation process. You will almost certainly get a pop-up message saying that your 'Evaluation Period' has expired and give you the option to activate with a valid key.


Use your RM key you have written down to re-activate RM. This is where inputting the 'same details' you used before is so important as the activation will compare the details you enter such as your name, address, email etc against the server database entry on record. If they don't match, then the activation will fail.


Assuming activation is successful.


Copy back the saved files (from the memory stick?) back into the railmaster program folder.


You will then have to go through the RailMaster 'System Settings' screen to ensure the port parameters match and probably have to redo your railmaster.ini file changes as before.


But hopefully, you should be able to recover a working system.




Raise a 'support request' through the 'Help Screen' requesting a 'Remote Log On'. Explain that you have tried changing Com ports and got a totally corrupted system. Mention that you have been using guidance from the forum and that the forum recommended that you make the 'Remote Log On' access request.


If HRMS log on to your installation, then they should be able to recover your installation for you.


'Remote Log On' requires you to download a small utility and install it. HRMS will give full details in an email. I have had HRMS log on to my system twice now over a 7 year period, I have found their log on service very efficient. The only downside is that there is no voice communication. Dialogue during the 'logged on' period is via a two way 'text box'. The last time HRMS logged onto my system, it was to debug the RM 1.70 release, which resulted in the 1.70.2 version being released.



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Thnaks guys. I will bear all your advice in mind (printed off) for when armageddon strikes but for now all is running sweetly. and the Com port popping in and out syndrome has gone away. I still get the message about the eLink update but I am not going there as it goes away on it's own and loads OK. In any case my new Elite should arrive any day so I will replce the eLink with an Elite....... what could possibly go wrong???... knitting here we come!

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Once RM has loaded amd stabilised if you hover over the controller icon it will tell you the actual controller update status. Stabilised means after the track plan has appeared and any points have set. The control.er status also appears somewhere else on screen but I forget where.

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Message for Exetersteam.


Just to let you know that your image with the .INI file contents got approved and published this morning at the same location in this thread as this note.


Since the information in the image was no longer needed and leaving it visible might have confused readers because it was out of time sequence. I removed it. But just letting you know, so that you are aware that the image did finally come through, if a little on the late side.


PS - Your image post was duplicated multiple times, you must have used the 'Save Post' button a similar number of times sequentially. Each time you click the 'Save' button, the 'saves' go into a queue in the forum software and are individually actioned. It is best to only click the 'Save button once even if you don't see anything seeming to happen.


EDIT: It did indeed confuse Rob, who responded to it with advise. When the issue the image related to was already solved. I removed Rob's reply too.

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