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New version of Railmaster 1.73.0 ---- [31st July 2020]

Guest Chrissaf

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As of this morning 31st July 2020 the RailMaster download link will download an updated version of the 1.73 RailMaster that was initially released on the 3rd July.


The installer still reports itself to be version 1.73.0 and does not have an updated version number. If you have already installed the original 3rd July release, then this later version will unlikely to 'auto-update detect' and need to be manually downloaded and installed.


I have no idea what is different in this updated version compared to the previous, as HRMS (as usual) rarely publish any version difference information.

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Thanks, Chris. Absolutely correct in that there was no auto-detect for this download when switching on RM.


Not sure if the download sequence got corrupted on the way in or there is something new in W10 but the download got a "Blocked as potentially harmful to your device" notice in the system tray - not something I have previously seen. I selected "Keep anyway" and eventually ended up at the familiar "Windows has protected your computer - More Information - Run Anyway" blue screen sequence.


Download completely successful. The version number is not updated on the RM screen and the Release Note [dated 2 July 2020] bill it as a Maintenance Release.


Nothing new noted as yet.



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No, we leave that to these clever mods, to enlighten us.


Hi John,


I think you have a closer relationship with HRMS than the Mods. In my opinion, the Release Notes should reflect EVERY change, no matter how trivial. This second setup download file for 1.73 seems to be marginally shorter than the first one - sounds like they took something out !!



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According to these search results, your message appears to be a Google Chrome Browser download file naming function. Perhaps you need to clear out your Chrome Download Cache or use a different browser.




Can you not download the file on a normal desktop PC, then transfer it to your Tablets via a USB stick.


I've just downloaded it OK on my desktop PC using W10 & Firefox. I then went on to download the same file using Google Chrome on my desktop PC.


Whilst Chrome was in the process of downloading the file, File Explorer displayed "Unconfirmed XXXXXX.crdownload" where XXXXXX was a different number to your quoted number. However, once the download completed, this file name disappeared to be replaced by "rm_setup (1).exe". The (1) because the Firefox download version was already present in my download folder, so the (1) was added as the Chrome version of the downloaded file was a potential duplicate.


From this experiment, I deduce that your copy of Chrome is not completing the download of the RailMaster file correctly. But why you get the same results on three different Tablets is a bit of a mystery, unless the Tablet version of Chrome is a slightly different version to a desktop PC version.


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Just to confirm that I too receive "rm_setup.exe can't be downloaded securely" on my Windows 10 laptop. I've never seen this alert in Windows before.


Talking about dripping taps.... we have a leak in our mains water supply, I dropped and cracked the screen of my new phone, there's a rat in an outbuilding, I got stung twice by wasps, I don't think I'll install this just in case things start going wrong!

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If you have recently run Windows 10 Update, then Microsoft have beefed up some of the security aspects. These false triggers relating to RailMaster are now likely to be seen reported by Windows more often. It's because RailMaster is written in a now obsolete Windows application code ... you have to remember that RM was originally written for XP and hasn't had a complete ground up re-write to current latest modern Windows specifications.

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You have to bypass the Windows whinge by clicking on ‘other options‘ or similar which will allow you to tell MS it is safe then again to install anyway.

MS and Windows can be a real pest at times - all in the interests of your security of course.

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BEJ, I think you'll find water, phone, rats etc are going wrong because you haven't installed the latest version of RM!  Install it and all the other problems will go away. Trust me, I've installed the latest and haven't had any other problems like yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I promised to report back after updating RM.


Well.... the leak has been fixed, my phone screen is being replaced, the wasp stings have gone (apart from the odd scar), we did catch a rat in the outbuilding BUT since this update to RM, I can report that there have been a lot more derailments and crashes than there were before. I KNEW I should have left well alone!!

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