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Track question

Guest Chrissaf

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Just trying to setup a layout on a 8 x 4 base. have two circuits an outer and inner. the innner one is a mix of bought curves and some flexi track and think it would be equal to 2nd radius.

most of my locos handle it ok but have problems with two or three which can't handle the curves .Have checked their wheels with a gauge and they are in spec, the locos are a mix of hornby,american and aussie

if the problem is due 2nd radius being too tight would the 4' be wide enough to say go 4th radius on the outer and 3rd on the inner.

appreciate some advice as don't want to order the track and find the base is not wide enough





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It can be done, but the track will be very close to the edge of the 4 foot board. I suggest some clear Perspex walling along any edge that might allow a sheer drop to the floor. Note that the clearance left for rolling stock overhangs as a train transitions from a curve to the straight is 21.5mm on each side [based upon maths below]. Therefore you may need to run a timber batten along each long side of your board just to give an additional few cm of overhang clearance.


The Hornby track geometry is detailed on this interactive web page. Note that the specified curve radius dimensions are stated to the centre of the track, so you need to add an additional 16mm approx to the radius to get an outside track edge figure [32mm added for the diameter].




Radius 4 radius is 572mm track centre

Radius 4 radius is 572 + 16 = 588mm outside edge

Radius 4 outside edge diameter = 2 x 588 = 1,176mm

Four feet = 1,219mm [most advertised 8 x 4 boards are stated as 2,440mm x 1,220mm].


Note FYI that Hornby track geometry is all designed around a spacing of 67mm from track centre to track centre.


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You will need to check the precise dimensions of the board as so much is measured in metric these days.......so what looks like an 8' x 4' board is actually 2400mm x 1200mm......this width is insufficient for fitting 4th radius track without being periously close to the edge.........HB

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Sorry Howard, I beg to differ. But I do agree that even at 1,220mm, the track will be close to the edge. Hence my modification suggestions in my original reply.


Below are four plywood suppliers picked at random from the Internet, they all state 1,220mm not 1,200mm









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It can be done.  This is my layout on an 8 x 4 board.   As Chris says it is a little close to the edge but I have never had any problems.

There is 25mm from the edge of the outer sleeper along each side.  The top surface of my board is a sheet of Sundeala measuring 1219mm.






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Hiya Geoffb41


This is my Lay-out with 4 loops - a little less complicated than RDS above (with not so many sidings!!!) - I have 2 Controllers - both H & M - the Duette & 2000 to control each loop!!!




Only the 3 outter loops are connected using 6 Points & 1 Cross over & the smaller inner is seperate & is NOT connected - just to show what you can achieve with little space!!!

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