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ghost train


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Actually Lionel in the USA make a Halloween Train set (6-30056) it features Dracula and a Mummy chasing each other round a gondola car. As extra accessories there are Bloodbank car, Witches Brew car, and a bobbing ghost car. Woooooooooooooo!
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Never quite understood the idea of a ghost train. I mean belief in ghosts is silly enough, but how does an inanimate object have a spirit? Does the train come alive at some point in order to die and become a ghost? None of it makes a lick of sense.
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There are three 'manifestations' possible for a ghost train.

1) A fairground ride where the punters sit in single cars which travel round a track inside a building decorated in plastic skeletons, blokes dressed

in sheets and / or haloween masks and strange lighting effects.

2) A train in literary fiction that travels the line out of control scaring the people that see it and carrying some off to a horrible fate,

3) A real train not conveying passengers

or freight run over a line outside of normal operating hours to keep tracks clear of ice, snow or other operating inconveniences.

I have seen 1 & 3, but I would need some convincing about the existence of 2!
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Sorry to pour water on your bonfire old bean, I have to visit St Augustines in Leeds, and I have frequently seen the ghost there, it is a very humbling experience. And something I always look forward too.
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I totaly agree with you LC&DR! We all know what a ghost train is, dont we? Y9 PUG is obviously very strange! Wouldnt want to bump into him in the middle of the night, on a cold, foggy, eary, platform!!!!!!!
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Have you ever played tennis, WTD? It would only be a second service if poliss, already 15 love up, then had a second go at serving on the second point, assuming he was serving first anyway, otherwise the score would be love 15.
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