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Select OL indication with flashing red light


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I am connecting a digital power track to R8072 point in the trailing direction with digital electric point clips in place. When I switch on the select control I get an OL indication with red flashing light. If I remove the clip from the route set and leave the other in place then the select powers up normally but if I then change the point the OL appears with red flashing light. I think I must be creating a short but can't work out where.

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Select was bought as part of the digital train set and behaved as it should. I am now using it on a layout of my own design in which the power track is part of a siding and separated from the layout by a double isolating track for programming purposes. I have replaced this with an R600 but the problem still exists. I have tried turning the point so that it becomes trailing but still the same result.

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Ok, let’s check a couple of things.

  1. If you isolate your siding and whether or not you use the R600 or the power track connected to your siding do you still have the issue? If you do at least one short is in your siding.
  2. If the Select powers up correctly having done 1. Have you ever run the [own design] layout using another controller?


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I have isolated the siding and run locomotives successfully. It is only when I connect to the point (which is isolated from the rest of the layout) that I get the OL message. I have not tried any other controller, the only alternative I have is DC.

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Yes it does. I have several other points that I can try I have tried one with similar results but, given time, I will try others. It does seem to indicate a fault with the point ( the fault shows as soon as I connect the point which is isolated from the rest of the layout) but, on close inspection, I can't see anything that might short out. I will also try other configurations to see if I can bypass this particular setting. Thanks, Roger, for your help. I shall report back.

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As Howbi has posted, the description you have written indicates that your point is one with a factory 'short circuit' fault. Just recently this has become a very commonly reported issue. There are two electrical paths that cross-over each other as indicated by 'Howbi's' red and blue lines. You can't see these electrical paths because they are embedded in the plastic webbing. These electrical paths are [because of the manufacturing fault] in contact where they should be insulated from each other. Because they are embedded in the plastic, then a DIY repair is not at all practicable and the point needs to be replaced. Some members have reported receiving a replacement point from their supplier with the same fault, which indicates that it is a 'batch' fault issue.

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Faulty point insulation seems to be favourite. I replaced it with another - same problem but then another and the problem went away. I tried the first point further along the layout and the problem came back. I'm pretty confident, DS, that the clips are correctly fitted as other points are functioning correctly. Thanks to all for your help. I think we've got to the bottom of it.

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