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TTS R8118 Class 20 Defective?


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Hello, I've just acquired two new TTS units and they're behaving most strangely. After being introduced to power both will stop responding to commands after less than a minute. They don't stop functioning they just won't respond to any new commands. Feels as though it's heat related, though the PCB doesn't feel excessively hot. Leave them five minutes or so un-powered and they'll be fine again. They're as supplied, no added insulation.

Each unit has been tested in a pair of Hornby Class 20s and a Bachmann Class 47. A Hornby R8103 Class 47 TTS works perfectly. DCC controller is Hornby Select v1.6

Ideas anyone?


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Are these the very first TTS purchase. That is to say you never had any TTS locos previously to these two new purchases. I have a reason for asking this question as one of them showing this behaviour might indicate a fault with the decoder, but both showing the same issue could be indicative of an issue with your layout.

My second question that is related to the above. Was your layout built day 1 as a DCC layout or has it previously been a DC Analogue layout in its history.

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Since you have two existing TTS locos that you say work perfectly, then it would appear that my initial suspicion as to the cause is probably unfounded. Barring the possibility that both new TTS decoders have a batch fault and they're from the same batch, I have no other suggestions to make.

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Barring the possibility that both new TTS decoders have a batch fault and they're from the same batch.........



Assuming they are, what might be the options?

I've read that Hornby have been pretty decent in the past addressing issues with TTS decoders, though I understand these haven't been in production for a good while now.

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@RDS........."Could you please select the 'My profile' tab in your Dashboard on the Forum"

On my PC that procedure doesn't work; I have to select the 'Community' box after picking the 'My Dashboard' tab which then opens to the 'My Profile' section........HB

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I could write a book about the issues I have had with TTS decoders. I must admit that of late they have been a bit more reliable although recently I did have to return one where it just "popped" once and then no sound. It is only because they are so cheap that I buy them. It sounds like a return to Hornby, you say they are new, but from what people are saying, Hornby haven't made them lately. From what you are saying you have tried them in different locos other than the class 20, as I had one issue where the sound disappeared and found it was some weird interaction with the motor on that loco ( I eventually fixed it by buying a Zimo sound decoder).

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