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Why so few New Digital Train Sets


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Hello Community,

I have been wondering this for a while now. Does anybody know why Hornby are now offering various traditional analogue trainsets for sale new but only 1 digital set. I ask as they have produced many digital trainsets with controller over the past 15 years.

Is Digital controllers and DCC something that Hornby is slowly winding down due to costs or supply or sale issues etc, or is it just a coincidence that few digital train sets are offered right now. The used digital train sets from recent times are going for very high prices on ebay.

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I'd be very surprised if Hornby were winding down the DCC side of operations. I'd say it's more likely the case that selling DCC fitted sets only targets part of the market, whereas selling analogue sets, most of which will have DCC ready locos targets pretty well the whole of their customer base.

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This exact same question was asked a few weeks back. The search function on the forum is so dire that this previous question and thread can not be found. The last time this question was asked which also qouted the "only one current Digital Set being offered" statement, it was discovered to be an error and that currently there are no current Digital Sets being offered. The "one" you are referring to is a Hornby website error. It is not a proper Digital train set. It is an Analogue train set that uses an APP based software controller that communicates digitally between the APP and the Analogue track interface hardware and marketed as product HM6000 series. This new HM6000 series product (Analogue) is currently where Hornby are focusing their marketing effort.

Lack of Digital Sets is probably linked directly to lack of demand. Sets tend to be purchased as sets for children. This area of the market is very cost conscious. Analogue is cheaper.

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This was the thread I was thinking of: Lack of Hornby DCC trainsets

In the past value DCC sets like the Roco one I started with (Lokmaus2 - 2003ish) enticed modellers to make the jump to DCC. I think I paid £83. The equivalent set now from Roco is approx £260. I would guess a similar Hornby set would be priced close to this. Perhaps this is considered too expensive.

Another thing to consider would be the relative size of the product. Comparing my Roco models, the DCC starter set has the volume of around ten locomotives. In current money, Roco could ship locomotives with a retail value of £2500 compared to one DCC set with a retail value of about £260. That gets a lot more value from the inflated container costs...I would also guess the margin is considerably higher on a locomotive than a starter set. With the delays to production in China due to C19 amongst other things, I would not be surprised if Hornby pushed back production of DCC sets to concentrate on higher value locomotives and other high demand items.

The DC App set is unique to Hornby and DC base sets are always a route into the Hobby. DCC sets may be considered optional to the product line up.

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I don't know how Hornby works but watching the program on the "Yesterday" channel I just wonder if they are putting their efforts into their core business of making decent locos and rolling stock. I imagine from the posts I see on this forum with issues on DCC, that perhaps they think it is better to get people started on analogue and then they can decide themselves whether to go DCC. I imagine trying to support DCC is a lot more customer intensive.

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Thank you for the informative replies everybody, indeed we have to factor in that also with the global driver, worker shortages and Covid restrictions continuing across the world, this is having ongoing effects on supply chains, all businesses will be looking for higher margins right now. Also credit to Hornby for allowing us to discuss this on their forum.


I still feel that Hornby are missing out not having at least one digital set. But if the margins on the more resource intensive sets are risky in these times and fairly low it is less of a surprise. Have to think of it from a commercial not only hobbyist perspective. From what I have seen, the app control thing to me seems gimmicky more than for serious modellers - unless like DCC you can run more than 5 locomotives at the same time on the app.

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