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DCC/Analogue compatibility ?


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I'm returning to the world of Railway Modelling after a break of 50 years or so (?) and am thinking of converting my modest layout to DCC. Can anyone tell me if I obtain a 'DCC ready' loco will it run on an analogue track until the decoder is fitted? Also , will a 'DCC fitted' loco run on an analogue track if the decoder is unplugged ? Sorry if this seems a bit naive but if I don't ask I'll never learn ! Thank you.

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A DCC Ready loco [a loco without a decoder] is still technically a DC Analogue loco.

A DCC Fitted loco [a loco with a decoder] will run on a DC Analogue powered layout, provided DC Operation is not disabled in CV29. Nearly all decoders have DC Analogue Operation enabled in CV29 as standard. One exception to this is some Hornby TTS sound fitted locos which have DC Operation disabled.

What you should not do [regardless of what you might read in DCC controller manuals] is run a DC Analogue loco NOR a DCC Ready locomotive on a DCC powered layout until a DCC Decoder is fitted in the loco. If you do, you risk burning out the motor.

Note just for info, if you unplug the decoder in a loco it will not run on any layout as the connectivity between the wheel pickups and the motor will be broken. If you unplug the decoder, you have to replace the decoder plug with a DC pass-through plug called a "blanking plate".

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The answer is yes. If the loco is DCC ready, there will be a socket somewhere in the loco or tender. In this will be a DC header, which is a PCB or plug which connects the pins on the socket so it runs on DC. To add a decoder you simply remove this header and replace it with the decoder, generally it tells you in the instructions with the loco. To return it to DC just do the reverse. If the loco is DCC fitted, to convert it to DC again you simply remove the decoder and replace it with a DC header. If the loco is a a Hornby DCC fitted it probably won't come with a DC header so you will need to buy one. Don't do what I saw some person do on YouTube, rewire the loco so that the socket is removed, it means you have just devalued your loco by a considerable amount.

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  • 5 months later...

Following this discussion, does anyone have the information as to how the DC plug is wired when one wants to remove the DCC module until ready to run DCC?

I guess it is just a matter of tracing the pick-up wires from the wheels, and the motor wires, and linking the pairs together with a couple of single strand wires the same diameter as the plug pins, but if anyone has further information, it would be handy.


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The normal way is to replace the DCC decoder with a blanking plug. That reverts it to DC operation. All it is doing is bridging pins 1 to 8 and pins 4 to 5. That is assuming an 8 pin socket. In any event it is orange wire to red wire and grey wire to black wire. Red and black might be reversed but if the loco moves the wrong way they just need swapping over.

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Pins 2 and 6 come into the mix if you have directional lights fitted. Some blanking plates have diodes fitted to enable directional lights, so it can be more than just linking wheels to motor.



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You don’t actually need to remove the decoder, a DCC loco will run on DC, with the proviso DC Running is enabled in CV 29.

DC Running is the default for many decoders but not including later TTS decoders which come with it turned off.

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