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Loco slowing on curves

sir john

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Hi All

I have a class D16/3 loco purchased new about a month ago ran it in on rolling Road added a decoder runs OK on straight track going round curves almost slows to a stop on 2nd 3rd and 4th radius curves .Have checked the back to back measurements all ok pickups making good contact does this light engine or pulling stock all my other locos perform fine have cleaned the track makes no difference any suggestions gratefully received

Regards john

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Although you have checked the back to back, have you checked that when the two driver axles are fully to left or right that then flanges are in-line front to back.

It may be advisable to make the front driver back to back slightly tighter to accommodate the curve. I say this as my 2-6-4 MT suffered this and tightening the b to b on the centre axle fixed it. Yes I know yours is a 4-4-0.

It is possible that the b to b on the tender is too big.

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I only have one Bachmann branded decoder, in a Bachmann LMS G2. I’m pretty sure it is a re-branded ESU decoder. It’s a beautiful runner but it was an absolute dog until I removed all the capacitors from the motor.

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Yes, virtually all my locos are Zimo, they are the only ones that have never failed on me without a valid reason. AT Hornbys recommended retail price they are virtually the same price. Similarly most of my sound ones are either Zimo or Hornby (mainly because of the cost). That is interesting that Bachmann have switched to Zimo, I assumed that they were LoKSound, especially in the locos I bought with sound prefitted. Now I have finally got my new type Zimo sound decoder working in my O1 (bought a new DCC controller), that sound is even better.

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Here is something I noticed yesterday with my City of Manchester. Now I know the wheel arrangement is somewhat different to a D16 but it is worth mentioning. My loco kept derailing and stopping on a particular piece of track, all my other locos had no issue with this piece of track. Then I noticed there was excessive movement in the side to side movement of the centre wheel. What it appears is happening because of the excessive movement the valve gear locks up causing the derailment and stopping. The piece of track it happens on, is a tighter curve than the rest of my layout which has sweeping bends. This bend is definitely larger than second radius but obviously not as large as my other bends. I bought the chassis second hand and I tested it on my straight piece of test track, but looking at it there is far too much movement of the axles within the bearings. I have ordered some new wheels so hopefully that will fix it. So it is a fault worth considering.

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