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Railmaster Pro Double Heading Problem

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New to the forum and i hope you can all help.

I have a new pair of Bachmann class 20 locos that individually run perfectly ok.

The problem I am experiencing is that when I set them up as a double header one of the locos does not respond correctly to the speed command.

I am running RailMaster v1.74.5 with the pro pack activated.

Both locos run separately in both directions correctly and have full speed control.

The locos have a separate id address.

Here is an explanation on what is happening.

Both locos are on separate tracks for this senario so that the speed difference can be seen, but it still happens if they are on the same track.

Loco A & Loco B are setup as a double header using the feature.

Loco A & Loco B have the speed controllers displayed on screen.

the slow speed arrow on Loco A speed controller is pressed and both locos start to move, but Loco A runs up to the correct speed and Loco B just barely crawls along.

the locos are stopped and reset to the starting position.

the same thing is done again except the slow speed arrow on Loco B is pressed and it happens again but in reverse, Loco B runs up to the correct speed and Loco A barely crawls along.

The problem does not come from the setting up of the decoders as the problem changes between locos depending on which speed controller the command is initiated form.

Has anybody else had or got this problem, or even know if it has been reported to Railmaster support?



PS this problem is replicated no matter what locos are used.

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Hi Finn, consist/double heading problems have been reported previously with RM but I don’t remember this one.

Can I suggest that you duplicate your reported experiment then immediately email HRMS from the facility for that in the Help screen. The reason for doing it this way is that a log of what you have done will be sent to them with your email so they will be able to examine it in detail.

Also note some people have had difficulty getting to HRMS from within RM. You’ll know if yours got through as you will get an immediate autoacknowledgement.

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May I congratulate you on a first class post. Plenty of detail, accurate title and a very complete explanation of your testing process. I can’t think of anything you have missed out. For a first time post that is unusual.

I am sure if you follow Fishy’s advice HRMS will assist. Please let us know the outcome.


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I seem to remember when I tried double heading in early days of RM that there were differences in control from the A and B locos, such as the sound functions were kept separate, but the disparate speed thing also niggles for some reason. I seem to remember it was recommended to run them on shunt or cruise buttons rather than the throttle slider as each loco could have these values adjusted independently to tune the pair.

Like you I ran both locos together but separate to see how the speeds matched up before attempting double heading them.

Fishy’s suggestion is solid as RM automatically includes various files with your report to aid HRMS.

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Hi thanks for the positive response.

The detail comes from many years as a controls software engineer.

The testing was done with the cruise and shunt buttons, interesting point I missed was if you set A & B going from the A shunt button, A is ok and B runs slow.

If you then press the B shunt button, B runs ok and A slows down and runs slow.

This happens in forward and reverse and the same if any of the locos are running in reverse.

Could I ask if someone else could do this test and post their findings?

If the same happens for others then the fault is 8n the railmaster software.

If the fault cannot be replicated by others I may be my railmaster install.

Thanks for all the help

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Finn, as you’ve already noticed, the blue button is useless, not a reply to post button and to be avoided, and this forum software only needs one carriage return for correct para spacing, not 2.

And from Rob’s reply, this would appear to be a previously recognised old problem never fixed. Even more reason to contact HRMS.

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Hi the locos being used are Bachmann Branchline 25-351SF-PO Class 20's, cannot remember offhand what decoders come with these, but they are the standard factory fitted sound decoders.

I am running Railmaster software on a touchscreen PC.

Sorry about the spacing on the last post, done from a mobile.

I will be submitting this to HRMS, but was wondering if i could pull on the forums members support in this to try and narrow things down a bit first for HRMS.

If another member could try and double head two locos that are the same and see if you get the same results it will tell me and HRMS if this is a problem I am experiencing or if it is a Railmaster problem.

The test to perform:

1.Put two locos that are the same or very similar on a layout, but do not couple them together, with about 3 feet of gap between them.

2.Assign both locos to double head.

3.In the forward direction, press the shunt button on one of the locos controller and note how fast the loco you have given the shunt command to compared to the other one.

4.Press the shunt command on the other locos controller and see if the first loco slows down and the second loco speeds up.

5.drop me a reply with the results of the test.

Hopefully with feedback from these tests I can put together a better report for the software engineers that will be looking at the fault.

Thanks :-)

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You can change the line spacing yourself on your own posts. Just click on the 3 vertical dots in the top right hand corner of your post and select the Edit option.

You can also correct the typing error in your post!

Could I suggest you have a look at the post entitled 'Important information for new members .......', at the top of the General Discussion section of the Forum.

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I have a running session on the layout today so although I do not have two like locos I will double head a pair of reliable locos that have the same decoder model installed for you in RM.

If there is a discernible fault in RM maybe I can confirm it. If so I will send off a report from within RM to start the ball rolling. If not then I will report back here about what I saw.

Grammar lessons aside a post does look much better and is easy to read when correctly spaced. Auto-spacing is in work with Hornby IT to correct the problem of overly white space in text.

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I can confirm your reported fault In RM Pro. This is my scenario:

Loco A has its shunt speed set to 16 MPH and Loco B running behind it has its shunt speed set to 15 MPH. These values match their running speeds and the pair trundle round my layout maintaining a steady safety gap with their own Shunt button selected.

Next, I set them up in a double header with Loco A still leading and I see this happen:

Using Loco A as control both locos show 16 MPH and using Loco B as control both locos show 15 MPH,

but . . .

When Loco A is in control Loco B noticeably slows down (more than that 1 MPH delta) and quickly loses way.

When Loco B is in control Loco A noticeably slows down and the gap soon decreases.

When I toggle control from loco to loco the slow loco speeds up to its proper speed and the faster loco slows down, again by more than the 1 MPH delta.

I have sent off those findings to HRMS and received the auto-ack email from them. I will report back their response when I get it.

Edit - initial response from HRMS is “...Thanks for reporting this, We will test this and provide a solution....”

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing back from HRMS apart from they are working it - chased.

Edit 18 July - HRMS state that this is being worked but it is complex and they hope to include a fix in their next update. I have requested an estimate of when this update may be and what other fettles it might include. They said the update will be ‘substantial and hence will take a bit longer’. Hurry up and wait and see unfortunately, but hopefully not that far away.

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  • 2 months later...
Just wondering if there has been any news on this one or when the updated version of Railmaster will be released?



Email HRMS on support@rail-master.com with a link to this thread and ask them.

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Just wondering if there has been any news on this one or when the updated version of Railmaster will be released?

Email HRMS on support@rail-master.com with a link to this thread and ask them.



Again I asked HRMS when the next update will be released and they would not tell me, but assured me that all registered users will be informed when it happens. Whether that is by way of an email or simply a flag in RM I have no idea.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Any updates on this one?

sorry to keep bring it up, but i am wondering about putting a complaint into Hornby customer services about the lack of response from Railmaster support as i have other tickets in with the same response of "it will be fixed in the next update" that date back to June 2021.

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HRMS wouldn’t report back to me about it unless I specifically asked them again, but if I did I expect the answer will be the same.

Maybe they are waiting for tomorrow’s launch before releasing an update and hopefully news of loco detection, etc as that has been imminent for some time now.

As suggested earlier you can contact HRMS yourself and likewise you are free to make complaint through Hornby Customer Services.

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Hi 96RAF

I gather that you are referring the the release of the Hornby 2023 range with the comment of "Tomorrows launch"

Mod note - that is correct

i will hold fire for now and contact Hornby customer services if there are no announcements for Railmaster.

thanks for the prompt reply

Finn :-)

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