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Welcome To :- Midland Monsal Model Railway (M. M. M. R.)


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Hello Every Body

I have just named my Model Railway :- "Midland Monsal Model Railway" (M. M. M. R.) & why??? B/c as some of you might know, I live nr the Monsal Trail which used to be a Railway Line (until 1968 when it closed 🙁) & was owned by the Midland Railway, hence why I decided to call it "Midland Monsal Model Railway" (M. M. M. R.) - Yes I know, a bit of a mouthful!!! & yes a video is to come aswell, also I have named all of my structures & buildings!!!...

Millers Dale Engine Shed


Buxton Shed


Headstone Tunnel


Millers Suspension Bridge


Half view of my Layout...


The other Half view of my Layout!!!


Thank you 🙂🚂

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@ Threelink :- Thank you & yes, I think your former Railway line beats mine hands down, & I thought that mine was "A bit of a mouthful"!!! 😉

@ Raf :- Thank you, "Good Thinking Batman"!!! as Robin used to say on that show!!! I'll think about it 🤔

I don't think that I need an excuse to eat Chocolate as I am a bit of a Choc-o-holic 🍫 myself, but I might now just get a bag of M & M;'s now that you have said that!!! 😄

@ B. B :- Yes That is a nice space I have - Thank you - I use it to make my videos, for example "

" Check it out & you will see what I mean!!!🙂

@ Brew Man :- Well I could drop the word "model" but some one might actually think that I'm actually talking about either The Real Monsal Trail or the old Railway line that used to run along it!!! 🤔


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Reckon it should be Monsal Midland rather than Midland Monsal.

The location tends to come before the direction, if that makes sense, on many historical railways, such as Copper River and North Western, Colorado and Southern, Glasgow and South Western, London and North Western.

I would also suggest drop the model. Just the Monsal & Midland Railway. Happy modelling!

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@ Threelink :- I could do 🤔

@ Ello :- I did think about " Monsal Midland rather than Midland Monsal", but that is what I went with!!! That is what Brew Man Said aswell about "drop the model" but as I said above "Some one might actually think that I'm actually talking about either The Real Monsal Trail or the old Railway line that used to run along it!!!" 🤔

@ everybody :- My Vid is now ready to view...

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I like the way you have used shelf brackets to support the main piers of your grand suspension bridges. Have you thought of modelling a deep gorge/valley below the gaps? You would certainly have quite a dramatic view when sitting on the floor looking up.

Not quite the same but have you ever seen the viaduct at Pendon Museum. I hope the link below will show you what I mean https://www.ratedtrips.com/establishments/pendon-museum#&gid=1&pid=5.

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A Clickable Link :- Pendon Museum | AA RatedTrips.com

@81F :- Thank you, Apart from the 2 old Ikea Tables you see on the far side of the room - all the wooden tops are on shelf brackets!!! I'm not really into Modelling like your Lovely folk are (I wouldn't even know where to start!!! 🤔) That is why I went to Boots & got that very large Panoramic View done so it would look like there is a view from the Bridge instead of it just sitting next to a blank empty wall!!! But thanks any way & yes I do see what you mean!!! 🚂

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  • 6 months later...

A Little up-date...I now can 'Officially' call my Layout the 'Midland Monsal Model Railway'...Look what I bought today...🙂


Apparently, it used to be inside the Station @ Bare Lane Station, Heysham (well that is what is says on the back!!!) - it's an old Advertising Sign for the Midland Railway!!! 🚂

Note to the Mods... Apparently, the seller told me, that the copy right on this, has expired yrs ago, as b/c this is so old!!! That is why you can buy many copies of it on the internet!!!

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Great sign JJ - cracking find.

We used to caravan near Buxton. I well remember walking the ridge to Mam-Tor, which was a breeze compared to the 1/2 mile walk from the pub back to the caravan site up a 1 in 6 hill after a good scoff and a few pints.

Mind you we are talking several decades ago.

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I think you are fairly safe on the copyright JJ.

British law provides copyright protection for artistic works, 70 years after the death of the artist.

I found your image as part of the Mary Evans Picture Library, Wentworth Collection, the image dated 1908. That seems about right for a Midland Compound, wikipedia says 45 of them built between 1902 and 1909.

So the artist could survive for another 44 years after the painting and for you to have no copyright issues.


Current year less 70 year copyright.


Its possible the artist was still alive, yet not probable.


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@ TopCat : I Live quite near Castleton - I've been through that area quite a few times!!!

@ Raf :- Thank you - ('Great sign JJ - cracking find.' - Have you been watching 'Wallis & Gromit' lately by any chance???😀) Yeah - I also Live quite near Buxton - I think that I might have cycled along the ridge to Mam-Tor, I cycle here, there & every where when I get on my bike!!!

@ Ace :- Thank you - Yeah that is true - well that is what I've read on Wikki!!!

@ Bee :- Yep, that is right - I also found copies of it on the Mary Evans Picture Library. I actually have a working Model of the Midland Compound, thank you for the info .🙂🚂

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The artistic rendering of arches with proper perspective puts paid to any thought that the artist was a child. So if the artist wasn't a child, then the artist was born possibly as late as 1894, making the artist 14 in 1908. That's still fairly young for a technical illustration, but feasible.

Median age of death, per the UK government, for a person born before 1900 is 52 years for males and 57 years for females. Since we cannot assume the artist male, I will use 57 years.

1894 + 57 = 1951

In, just under the wire!!

Of course, oil based artists typically do NOT meet life expectancy norms, falling far short as a function of the toxic materials they immerse themselves in.


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The locomotive depicted is not a Compound but a 4-2-2 two cylinder simple expansion loco, the Johnson 'Spinner' being one of the most well known because one has been preserved and is now at the NRM, York. The Midland had 95 locomotives of this general type constructed between 1887 and 1900, the last, the preserved example, being withdrawn in 1928.

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