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Hornby pre-order expected times.

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I suppose the good news is at least they are telling us, mind you who knows if they will meet the new timescale. A lot of the issue is they have no control of production so they are reliant on slots in the Chinese company's schedule, Covid has made that difficult. I do wonder, as they haven't released much this year. There was a big thing made of the retooled Evening Star has it appeared, no. I waited 3 years for the Merchant Navy Eastern Asiatic Company. There was a joke around that Hornby need not produce a 2022 catalogue, all they had to do was photocopy the 2021 one.

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I suppose you might get it eventually but the three year wait is a bit much. The only good bit is they fix the price at the moment. From a commercial point of view not a particularly good model to use for sales. To survive as any organisation you need new products as soon as possible, not offering them and not releasing for 3 years. They would be better off announcing that there are going to make it, 3 months before they release it to the public, not produce a catalogue where virtually everything is not available.

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I must admit I forget what I preordered off Hornby in 2021s catalogue, it was such a long time ago. Trouble was I spread them around between retailers after the issue with Hattons. I didn't pre order much out of the 2022 catalogue as there wasn't much that appealed. I did order a couple of locos with steam generators as they were good value, but I doubt if I will see them for a long time, I think Hornby will struggle with the technology. I did order some LNER coronation carriages, that should be easy to make but who knows. Imagine if you are a Model Shop, you need new items to sell, you can't keep trying to sell a Flying Scotsman when most people already have one.

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We have a saying on the Hornby Forum for Newbies asking about the Pre-orders - "It arrives when it arrives" - not even Hornby know when it arrives - so Who knows - me I waited over a year for items!!! 🚂

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A year that is nothing, most of what got ordered in the 2021 catalogue has not arrived that is 19 months ago. I can't remember if Hornby has had pre production samples of Evening Star their 2021 catalogue front cover item. The class 87 has not arrived either. The Hornby Dublo items did arrive at the time they specified though.

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Firstly, ignore all predicted dates from Hornby, they will move backwards. The day before this years big January announcement, there were still almost 300 items from previous catalogues still unavailable. The all new 2MT was announced in Jan 2020 with a predicted date of Winter 2020. It has recently been moved back to Autum 2023.

Now, waiting for your next new model is something we all have to put up with, and to be honest, its seems quality issues are more likely on items that are rushed through (W1 for example).

But it is the constant last minute deferments that really gets my goat.

Again, with the 2MT, in the March or April issue of Hornby Magazine, they had a list of all upcoming models with delivery dates. The 2MT was listed as April 2022. So, did the magazine just make this up for the fun of it, or were they told this by Hornby? Given that short window, Hornby must have known there was no way the product could be delivered in time, in fact, must have known that production had not even started, yet still disseminated misleading information to their end customers. To be perfectly honest, I wish they would tell us nothing and let us be joyful when whatever our desire is turns up eventually, rather than the current unsatisfactory arrangement which clearly frustrates a great many people, and is yet another reason why their reputation is falling within this community.

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Well I'm glad I buy second-hand as I would be foaming at the mouth if I had to wait two or three years for something. If I remember correctly the last Hornby loco I bought new was in 2018 when Jadlam were selling off new but unboxed LNER P2s quite cheaply.

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I'm wondering if we are still suffering the after- / knock-on effects of the dreadful global virus, or whether there's been another plan deeper down - perhaps removing more retailers from the top priority list ... and simultaneously increasing the list price yet again.

I know, very cynical, but I would have hoped more consideration could have been given to the end-consumer.


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Topcat I am a bit like that with the ones I pre ordered. After the Hattons debacle I did limit the amount of models I preordered. I do preorder the "Rails" specials, but even those are cheaper than a current Hornby loco. I expect the wait for those to be a long time as it isn't "Rails" main business and if you want one you have to preorder. Generally though now I buy second hand or secondhand broken, and fix them.

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Apart from the seemingly endless delays to expected delivery times, I fail to understand Hornby's quaint use of seasons for delivery guesstimates, when the rest of the world use the unambiguous quarterly system. Is winter 2023, the early JAN FEB part of winter 2023, or the later Nov Dec part of winter 2023. I expect Hornby know what they mean....

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I think this year seems to have been extremely difficult for Hornby unless there is a sudden flood of new models in August, it has been extremely barren for new releases. I bought a new Mausell Dining Car, it came with their design of magnetic couplings (there is a post about it). They look to be very good, but when I enquired if they would be selling them as spares, they said yes but no estimated time of arrival. So what is the use, I can't couple them up to my other coaches as they won't have them. It is the sort of thing they could be making at a profit, ok not as big as a loco, but sell enough and you get there. Having watched the series, you do wonder if there are too many "just jobs" from Simon that interrupt the normal production.

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I was just reading the RMWEB forum which commented on the recent disagreement with Rapido models over the Titfield Thunderbolt. It appears Hornby lost, so I assume that they had to pay the other clients legal costs which must have put a large dent in their development fund, so perhaps that is another reason for all the build dates moving back.

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