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Track geometry error


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I have not been too interested in Hornby track as I laid Peco for my layout. Obviously my Easterner set had track, it’s not very good. I’m trying to get a Tillig shunter to some form of less than scrap (it was brand new… long story to come later) I laid a circle, it’s not a circle. Basically the Chinese factory or the designer has made each curve section one sleeper too many… oops. If you look the track, the rails rise and dip, the curves have a negative camber. Oh dear Hornby do need to get a grip of the Quality their Chinese partner is sending.

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RM, might I suggest this is not a geometry error, it is a design or production error and the thread would be better with this more correct title.

The question is what is to be done about it? Particularly for those in the far flung corners of the globe.

My suggestion - Hornby to be notified. On notification, they agree the track is faulty and replace it for every customer reporting it and without return of the faulty track.

Mods, can you help with this?

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I watched Chadwick Model Railway (Charlie) doing a review on YouTube of The Easterner set last night, and one of his gripes was that by just using the twelve curved sections contained in the set, by the time you got to fitting the last section of track there was a 3.5" overlap at the final joint. By joining this section of track as should be, distorted all of the other joints around the circle. He may have been a bit "picky", but the track should have made a perfect circle.

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Fishy, it’s difficult to decide where the exact fault lies but it’s suspicious that if you create a perfect circle the overlap relates to 1 sleeper per track piece. I have seen toy train track and this fails to even meet that standard, the distortion in all the pieces is quite severe. The points seem ok but on reflection I am glad I went with Peco for my layout track.

A designer within Hornby signed off the track…there is clearly something wrong with it. The distortion is clearly a manufacturing fault. It seems different factories in China are making different elements, some are excellent some are not.

Perhaps the poor quality track is why continental TT also runs so badly on some layouts? Same factory?

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On this site a few weeks ago I reported that the Hornby 4th radius track was a bit large.

I did find that the fleischmann N 3rd radius which is very similar is more accurate.

(3rd radius Hornby i assume in this set)

I wasn't sure where Mr Chadwick thought the error was coming from? Quite a bit of the error may be that when the rails are cut it is cut at the wrong angle, which could mean for example one rail is 0.2mm shorter than the other. Then if you push the track together with no gaps on either rail this may sort of exaggerate the track curve error?

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Good point SM, I haven’t bothered checking the actual radius, as it’s not an issue for me, but it’s not great.

Other than Peco I don’t know which mainstream manufacturers don’t make it in China.

As rail length is in proportion to number of sleepers the fault could have crept in with either component. Rail specified too long so extra sleeper added to keep it balanced or too many sleepers and rails cut too long to compensate. The fact the track doesn’t sit flat and the rails rise and fall across their length points more towards a manufacturing fault. If the geometry was designed incorrectly you would at least expect the track pieces to sit flat and level.

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My R3 curves responded quite well to being "de-stressed" (grasp either end, thumbs in the middle, firm pressure, noise as track moves relative to sleepers. If it breaks that was too much force...) and now form something resembling a circle.

I think that they rushed production and quality control was, shall we say, a bit lacking.

I have some track from the German manufacturer (R2 equivalent not R3) and, despite having similar geometry (in 2D not 3D) it is not identical

I'm not part of H's target market of newcomers - if I was I would not be happy!

The video by Charlie Chadwick seemed to me to be a bit of a rant and anti TT120 but his point (I paraphrase) about being entitled to expect something decent which works well straight out of the box was spot on.

I'm fairly pleased with the good bits in the set and not too bothered about chucking the bad bits in the bin.

Now Hornby needs to sort the quality problems out so this doesn't go the way of Triang TT. We've all invested our time and money in this and it's the least we deserve!

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In all my decades of railway modelling I have never made a setrack circle. Never had any need to. So I was curious if this problem might occur with other brands. I have quite a lot of Tillig TT setrack so I did some experiments. The circles it makes are perfect. With all the segments pushed firmly together the circle is evenly round and the track lies flat. I repeated the experiment with some OO Peco setrack and the results were the same.

I have been very impressed with the Tillig setrack. Although more expensive than the Hornby setrack the difference in quality is very evident.

Having aquired quite a bit of Arnold, Tillig and Roco TT locos, rolling stock and track I have to say the quality is excellent and item for item puts the initial Hornby releases to shame (granted there is price difference).

Hopefully, the Hornby quality will improve. Given their ownership of Arnold I am surprised that Hornby didn't take advantage of the expertise that clearly exists at Arnold when designing their UK TT range.

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Spot on SM & TT-Man

Charlie Bishop did ‘spoil’ his broadcast with the anti TT rant and childish comment that the scale isn’t new, Triang did it …

If I was at Peco I would seriously review having him as a front man for the brand …. Who also make TT120 track and accessories

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Must be the perverted idea of having the correct gauge for the scale. All rather foreign not like your proper, traditional British 00...

Next thing we know the Germans will be making a BR 05 and taking the record back from Mallard.

The only thing that will prevent this is good old British (Chinese actually) roller coaster track...

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I don't know for sure but I suspect that it is mainly a problem with the sets.

In a way its easier if you buy the track only - if it's no good it's a very simple decision to send it back (sort of the same with the train set but you could be waiting for ages for a replacement...).

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I've just put my R3 circle from the Easterner set together on a round table. Yes there was a little bit of adverse camber and a slight overlap when completing the circle (less than 10mm), so I took each piece and gently flexed it against the curve as I think someone's previously mentioned elsewhere. Just enough to feel the rails move slightly in the sleepers. Each piece now sits flat on the tabletop. I put it back together again and the camber is cured, plus no obvious dog-legs at the joints so I don't think there's an actual geometry error just a production/assembly issue, maybe just the temperature at time of assembly?

To be honest it's no worse than any other sectional track I've played with over the decades in Z, N, 00 or G :) There's always a little bit of misalignment that's easily dealt with.

Laying it to a marked centreline and gluing/pinning it down and it will be fine.

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